Used books - Prospero Internet Bookshop

Used books

Prospero is not a used books seller. Our company’s main activity is to obtain new books from publishers. In the past few years we have had a lot of negative experiences with second hand sellers who described books inaccurately and finally failed to provide that exact copy or a copy in the same condition they offered in their webshops. As a result, we can fulfil orders for used books only to a limited extent. This page is for ordering used books. Please note we do not prepare price quotations for used books. For library customers this service is available with the following restrictions:
  • Prospero reserves the right to refuse acquiring books from sellers assumed to be unreliable or unverifiable. In the first place, we mean sellers who have quite a few bad customer satisfaction ratings or sellers without any evaluation.
  • Prospero reserves the right to refuse acquiring used books that are more expensive than 200 USD.
  • We do not accept used book orders for titles that are available in print.

Other customers (eg. private customers) can order used books under the following conditions:
  • Prospero reserves the right to refuse acquiring books from sellers assumed to be unreliable or unverifiable. In the first place, we mean sellers who have quite a few bad customer satisfaction ratings or sellers without any evaluation.
  • We only accept used book orders from customers who ordered and took at least 10 non-used books from us in the past 24 months.
  • We only accept used book orders from customers whose fulfilled orders consist of new books at least in 50%.
  • This service is limited for 5 books per month.
  • The service is exclusively offered to customers who have signed up for our e-mail newsletter (library customers excepted).
  • We do not accept used book orders for titles that are available in print.

We only accept used book orders online, so you can place an order for used books only if you are a registered customer with log-in name and password. If you have not registered yet, go to registration:
Important details on ordering used books: On the order form for used books you will find a list of suppliers whose online catalogues you can choose from. Books that are unavailable at the listed suppliers cannot be ordered from Prospero. Please note that pricing of used books is different from our pricing of books in print. For used books we charge not only the price given by the used book supplier but also 25% for handling and the shipping cost to our office. These additional costs are charged per item. For example, if a used book is priced at 20 USD you will be charged 5 USD for the handling and, say, 8 USD for the shipping. In this example you will be charged the HUF equivalent of 33 USD (+5% VAT). Besides choosing a used book supplier you are expected to state the maximum purchase price (without handling and shipping), as well as the minimum condition of the book you accept. You can also submit the exact URL of the used book you have chosen, although there is no guarantee that we can purchase that particular copy for you. Please note that fulfilling used book orders can be considerably slower than usual orders and it is also possible that we do not find a copy that matches the criteria given in your order. In this case we make all efforts to notify you as soon as possible.
For used books we have a minimum net price of 2000 HUF/item. If you order a used book that is cheaper than that, you will be charged this minimum price of 2000 HUF (+ handling, shipping and VAT).