Product details:

No. of pages:700 pages
Size:235x191 mm

Anandamide in Health and Disease

Publisher: Academic Press
Date of Publication:
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Long description:
Anandamide in Health and Disease, a volume in the Molecular Mediators in Health and Disease: How Cells Communicate series, is a complete reference on the roles of anandamide in health and disease states. Following the characteristic of the series, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the effects of the mediator on human health.

The first part of the book provides background information on biology, regulation, synthesis and degradation and modulation of anandamide. The second part is dedicated to covering the role of anandamide in various diseases. A comprehensive panel of authors covers various somatic and psychiatric disorders (such as anxiety disorders, mood disorders, psychosis and substance use disorders).

Anandamide in Health and Disease is the perfect reference for bioscience researchers wanting to understand the anandamide pharmacology, biochemistry, cellular, and molecular biology. Clinicians may also be interested in better understanding the wide-ranging health effects of the mediator.

  • Covers anandamide from a wide variety of specialties and systems.
  • Focuses on the cellular communication aspects of the mediator, and the wide range of effects on human health.
  • Emphasizes the integration of the various roles of anandamide mediated both centrally and peripherally.
Table of Contents:

Part I: Introduction to Anandamide 1. History of Anandamide 2. Anandamide in Normal Biology 3. Regulation of anandamide at the synapse level 4. Regulation of anandamide levels by synthesis and degradation 5. Pharmacology of FAAH, a key modulator of anandamide levels 6. Molecular biology of FAAH 7. Measurement of FAAH in vivo in humans 8. Anandamide and 2-AG interplay Part II - Anandamide in Addiction, Disorders, and Diseases 9. Nicotine addiction 10. Alcohol addiction 11. Cannabis addiction 12. Anxiety disorder 13. Mood disorder 14. Psychotic disorders 15. Post-traumatic stress disorder 16. Impulsivity control 17. Conduct disorder and personality disorders 18. Body weight regulation and metabolic syndromes 19. Gut and digestive system 20. Parkinson disease and dyskinesia 21. Pain and inflammation, and modulation of opioid system 22. Reproductive system function 23. Epilepsy control 24. Hypertension and cardiovascular system 25. Nausea treatment 26. Sleep modulation Part III - Social Aspects 27. Social aspects of Anandamide