Book Nerd Mini Wall Calendar 2025 - Maguire, Holly; Calendars, Workman; - Prospero Internet Bookshop

Book Nerd Mini Wall Calendar 2025
Product details:

No. of pages: pages
Size:177x177 mm
Illustrations: full-colour illustrations

Book Nerd Mini Wall Calendar 2025

Publisher: Workman Calendars
Date of Publication:
Normal price:

Publisher's listprice:
GBP 6.66
Estimated price in HUF:
3 216 HUF (3 063 HUF + 5% VAT)
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2 734 (2 604 HUF + 5% VAT )
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Long description:

Just for you, bibliophile.

You know you're a book nerd because you never once thought the movie was better. Your favourite mug says, "I'd rather be reading." You have a minimum of five books on your nightstand, and your favourite activity is browsing the shelves of your local bookstore-a joy you can now relish, month by month, in this little love letter of a calendar to your personal passion.

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