Product details:

No. of pages:394 pages
Size:254x178 mm
Weight:890 g
Illustrations: 126 Illustrations, black & white; 41 Illustrations, color; 66 Halftones, black & white; 14 Halftones, color; 60 Line drawings, black & white; 27 Line drawings, color; 47 Tables, black & white

Derelict Mines

Environmental Risk Assessment and Management
Edition number: 1
Publisher: CRC Press
Date of Publication:
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Short description:

This new book provides unique information on the extent and severity of derelict mines' impact on environmental degradation and human and environmental health. It examines the nature of derelict mines, short and long-term risks to sensitive receptors, tools for monitoring and prioritizing risks, and technological advances for rehabilitation.

Long description:

Mine areas left behind by companies that no longer exist are defined as derelict mines ? those that were operated and closed at a time when most countries did not have adequate regulations requiring rehabilitation of the impacted mine areas. This book provides unique information on the extent and severity of derelict mines? impact on environmental degradation and human and environmental health. It examines the nature of derelict mines, short-term and long-term risks to sensitive receptors, tools for monitoring and prioritizing risks, and technological advances for rehabilitation. This book considers a risk-based approach to managing derelict mines, which is reliable and cost-effective.


  • Provides fundamental information on derelict mines and their inventory in different countries

  • Explains risk-based management of derelict mines and the importance of community perspectives as a reliable and cost-effective method

  • Identifies ownership and liability issues through many case studies in Australia and other countries that must deal with the remediation of derelict mines

  • Presents remediation, assessment, and predictive tools for managing pit lakes

  • Helps readers set standards, regulatory measures, and policies related to mine closures

This book is for engineers and professionals who work in mining, geology, chemistry, mineralogy, geotechnics, and hydrogeology and deal with industrial site management, waste management, mine closures, mine site reclamation, derelict mine remediation, and mine revegetation. It is also an insightful resource for graduate students, academics, and researchers focused on these courses.

Table of Contents:

1. Minerals Industry: Risks, Impacts and Managing Derelict Mines ? International Perspective. 2. Balancing Sustainable Development: Assessing Global Environmental Risks in the Mineral Industry Operations. 3. Derelict Mine Sites ? Australian Perspective. 4. Managing Orphaned and Abandoned Mines ? A Canadian Perspective. 5. Mining Restoration and the Contribution of the Mining Industry to China?s Economic Development over the Past 70 Years. 6. Mining in Colombia: An Opportunity for Better Management of Environmental Impacts. 7. Mine Land Reclamation in India: Policies on Mine Closure and Rehabilitation. 8. Paringin Pit Lake at Coal Mine Site, Indonesia: A Sustainable Post-Mining Pit Lake Model. 9. Abandoned Mines in New Zealand. 10. Mining and Mine Rehabilitation in Peru. 11. Abandoned and Inactive Mines in the Philippines: Current Environmental Conditions, Ongoing Rehabilitation Efforts and Future Opportunities. 12. Abandoned Open Cast Coal Mine Waste in Russia ? Emphasizing the Approaches for Ural Region Mine Waste Rehabilitation via Biological Recultivation. 13. Abandoned and Derelict Mines of the Witwatersrand: Reclamation, Restoration and Reparation. 14. Cleaning Up Centuries of Pollution: The UK Approach to Managing Abandoned Mines. 15. Mining in the United States. 16. Mine Wastelands and Abandoned Mines in Zambia. 17. Novel Swampy Forest System as a Strategy to Meet Coal Mine Wastewater Discharge Compliance Requirements in Indonesia. 18. Application of Risk-Based Management Strategies to Legacy Mines. 19. Mount Morgan Mine Site, Queensland ? Long-Term Site Management. 20. mineCARE: Managing Contaminated Mine Sites with Advanced Software Tools. 21. Derelict Mine Ownership ? Past, Present and Future.