Divined Explanations. The Theological and Philosophical Context for the Development of the Sciences (1600-2000) - Allen, Paul; Marcacci, Flavia; (ed.) - Prospero Internet Bookshop

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No. of pages:322 pages
Size:235x155 mm
Weight:1 g

Divined Explanations. The Theological and Philosophical Context for the Development of the Sciences (1600-2000)

Publisher: BRILL
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Short description:

This book offers twelve examples, from 1600-2000, of the development of scientific ideas that were shaped by religious factors. Understood in this way, the development of science is deeply influenced by theological ways of thought.

Long description:
Critical junctures in the historical development of science owe their origins to ideas, concepts, and theories that became definitive in the minds of leading scientists who lived in a more or less religious culture. Scientists are never solitary, but always internal to a network of scientific relationships and friendships. They have a well-attested genius, nurtured not only by their scientific training but also by ideas and stimuli received from the cultural and social contexts in which they lived. In particular, metaphysical and theological aspirations guided the genesis of many scientific ideas. This book offers twelve examples of the development of scientific ideas that were shaped by religious factors and which changed the course of science itself. The interwoven nature of science, philosophy, theology, and culture is pervasive in these cases, thus demonstrating that throughout the modern era, natural philosophy enjoyed a deep coherence with theology. That entanglement lingers in the minds of scientists into the contemporary period, and it continues to nourish scientific creativity in subtle and profound ways. New explanations of the world have emerged through illuminative, revolutionary and, one might say, divined ways.
Table of Contents:
List of Figures

Notes on Contributors

1 Introduction: How Scientific Theories Emerge in a Matrix of Philosophy and Theology

  Flavia? ?Marcacci?? and ??Paul? ?Allen?????

Part 1?

Early Modernity ? 19th Century?

2 The Paradox of Foundation: Descartes? Eternal Truths and the Evil Genius

  Simone? ?Guidi?????

3 Franciscan Syncretistic Theology and Physics: The Science of Fortunato of Brescia (1701?1754)

  Paolo? ?Capitanucci?????

4 In lumbis Adami et Evae?: Questioning the Generation of Humankind in the Early 18th Century

  Luca? ?Tonetti?????

5 Bolzano on God as the Ground of the Existence of the Actual Infinite

  F?á?bio? ?Bertato?????

6 From Thermodynamics to Theology through Philosophy: The Debate on the Second Principle in the Late Nineteenth Century

  Stefano? ?Bordoni?????

7 Social Darwinism and Race: Christian Thought, Evolution and Historiography

  Paul? ?Allen??????

Part 2?

Twentieth Century?

8 Einstein, ?Cosmic Religion,? and Theology

  Don? ?Howard?????

9 The ?Primeval Atom Hypothesis?: Where Did It Come From? What Is Its Status?

  Dominique? ?Lambert?????

10 Max Planck, Causality, and the Necessity of God

  Flavia? ?Marcacci?? and ??Gino? ?Tarozzi?????

11 The Mystery of Cosmos?: Negative Issues of Scientific Holism in Quantum Mechanics and Wittgenstein

  Fausto? ?Fraisopi?????

12 Kurt Gödel and the Logical Existence of God

  Andrea? ?Vestrucci?? and ??Christoph? ?Benzm?ü?ller?????

13 John Wheeler, a Seeker in the Atomic Age

  Stefano? ?Furlan?? and ??Rocco? ?Gaudenzi??????
