Product details:

No. of pages:300 pages
Size:234x190 mm

Environmental Sustainability and Global Change

Forests, Agriculture, and Soils vis ? vis Human Disturbance
Publisher: Elsevier
Date of Publication:
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Long description:
Environmental Sustainability and Global Change: Forests, Agriculture, and Soils vis ? vis Human Disturbance offers an integrated approach to the socio-environmental dynamics of the ecological-economic nexus characteristic of Mediterranean landscapes. Evidencing the role of policies targeting sustainable development goals in Southern Europe, case studies from Italy, Spain, and Greece confirm the need of place-specific approaches to socio-ecological complexity and the partial effectiveness of generalized, top-down measures. Authored by leading scholars in Southern Europe - with eminent contributions from Eastern Europe - the book identifies the intrinsic peculiarity of the environmental-economic nexus characteristic of the Northern Mediterranean basin, along with important regional differences.

Stimulating a spatial planning for rural areas, the book proposes a dynamic image of Mediterranean rural landscapes, providing novel interpretations, conceptual definitions, and operational tools designed to reduce ecological fragility and economic vulnerability.
Table of Contents:
1. Toward a balanced development of forest and agricultural land? A Mediterranean perspective
2. A renewed ‘Sustainability Thinking’ is possible: Land Resources, Economic Development and Global Change in Southern Europe
3. Sustainability Strategies for Bridging the Rural-Urban Divide: Implications across Economic, Social, and Environmental Front
4. Economic and Environmental convergence and the quest for sustainable development
5. Sustainability, Resilience, Land Degradation and Regional Disparities: (Re)framing four hegemonic concepts from a ‘rural’ perspective
6. A brief Outlook at the long-term Evolution of Agriculture and the Environmental Consequences in Italy
7. Rural development and Environmental Sustainability in advanced economies: The socio-ecological role of traditional crops
8. Toward an unsustainable pasture? The Influence of topographical position on soil compaction at the farm scale
9. Sustainable development and integrated soil management in Mediterranean vineyards
10. Land Degradation and Sustainable Development: a Multi-step Statistical Framework to Complexity Analysis of Soil Quality
11. Toward a Mediterranean model of rural settlement? Land degradation and the evolving demographic pressure in Italy, 1972-2021
12. Spending for the environment: a quantitative analysis of local treasure expenditure in Italy
13. The economic costs of forest fires: a simplified accounting system for Mediterranean Europe
14. Rural depopulation and land abandonment: the quest for a comprehensive framework and the experience of Itay
15. Socio-economically and environmentally disadvantaged (rural) Regions in European Union: The case of Western Macedonia
16. Mediterranean Environments and Local Communities: Monitoring Demands and Implications for Mitigation Policies