Evidence-based Nutritional Guidance for Health Management - Fried, Robert; - Prospero Internet Bookshop

Product details:

No. of pages:304 pages
Size:234x156 mm
Weight:453 g
Illustrations: 4 Illustrations, black & white; 118 Illustrations, color; 4 Halftones, black & white; 118 Halftones, color; 10 Tables, black & white

Evidence-based Nutritional Guidance for Health Management

Edition number: 1
Publisher: CRC Press
Date of Publication:
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Short description:

This book presents an anthology of nutrition articles containing advice, information, and tips for achieving optimal health.

Long description:

This book presents an anthology of nutrition articles containing advice, information, and tips for achieving optimal health. Examples of topics covered include the role of type 2 diabetes in heart disease; omega threes and fish oil supplements; nutrition for the skin; how antioxidants in common foods protect against free radicals; testing for low thyroid; how atherosclerosis damages coronary arteries; and the benefits of various foods in diet.

Table of Contents:

  i    Prologue

  1.  What are Omega-3 fatty acids (FA) and what do they do for you?

  2.  I don?t use OTC antibacterial mouthwash so I won?t run out of gas.

  3.  Fish to eat, fish best to avoid. Part I.  Seafood

  4.  The Three Fates?How to avoid shortening your lifespan

  5.  COVID-19.  Selenium to the rescue

  6.  Fish to eat? fish to avoid.  Part II.  Freshwater fish

  7.  Omega-nothing, the diet of our hunter/scroungers paleolithic ancestors

  8.  Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

  9.  Which is best, fresh fish or oil capsules?

10.  Polyphenols. Tuttifruiti. Part I?Anti-inflammatory antioxidants to prevent heart

       disease and to slow aging

11.  ORAC?Just how antioxidant are your antioxidants?

12.  Type 2 diabetes and continuous blood sugar monitoring (CGM)?with a caution on

       low blood sugar

13.  The ?Inuit Paradox??It?s all about antioxidants

14.  Why I don?t barbeque.  I hear that it AGEs you rapidly

15.  Polyphenols III.  Tea(s)

16.  The heart-owner?s manual.  I. Preventing heart failure with Omega 3s

17.  KIMSHI?fermented vegetables for gut health

18.  Flax, the other omega-3 (ALA), enhances omega-3s in certain brands of eggs. 

19.  Macular degeneration, cataracts and glaucoma, common in the US population, can be

       treated or even prevented with Omega-3 fatty acids.

20.  What?s your chance of a heart attack?  Ask your red blood cells

21.  Inflammation. Part I.  In case of fire, dial O M E G A 3 F A

22.  Q. Why don?t we live as long as people in, lets? say, Spain or Japan?

       A.  They eat more fish. 

23.  Mitochondria, your engine.  I. Care and maintenance with Omega-3s

24.  Lycopene from tomatoes? good for the heart? good for the prostate

25.  How to keep your skin (and you) young with nutrition

26.  Will a drink a day keep the doctor at bay?

27.  ??!?Antioxidant beverages ?to your health.? I. Tea

28.  Why I consume only whole milk yogurt, and only from sheep

29.  Veggie-based Omega-3s from lentils.  You can have them and your birthright too

30. When too much of a good thing?.

31. Atherosclerosis (blood vessel rigidity).  1. Omega-3, the quicker picker-upper

32. Staminators:  What?s good for the goose is not necessarily good for the


33. Omega-3 and the homocysteine (non)controversy.  Beware of vitamin B6, B12 and

      folate deficiency

34. Type 2 Diabetes III.  It is actually an inflammatory disease.  Omega-3s

      are anti-inflammatory

35. How I resolved my sleep apnea for $9.46

36. The heart owner?s manual.  II. Lubricating your heart valves with omega-fatty acids

37.  Salmon is a good and safe source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

38. Could be your thyroid.  Part 1. Iodine deficiency and the Barnes Self-Test

39.  Nitrates enhance cardiovascular health and men?s sexual function

40. Polyphenols. Tuttifruiti. Part II

41. The canary in the coalmine?Foodforlife = foodforfun

42. ?You talkin? to me??

43. CAVEAT:  Health authorities caution people with AFib to sStick to lower Omega-3s


44.  ?Waiter, could you please bring me some butter??

45.  Q. Why do I drink limeade almost every day?

       A. To Protect my kidneys

46.  How come we multiply by dividing?

47.  Tofu? if fish is not your thing

48.  The secret to very, very long life, beni imo, purple sweet potato (or Hawaiian sweet


49.  Feeling blue?  RX:  fish oil.

50.  Sushi

51.  The jaw bone?s connected to the heart bone?.

52.  Zucchini is chock full of all kinds of health goodies?not the least, Omega-3s

53.  If you want smart and happy kids, feed them fish

54.  Chili for osteoarthritis. 

55.  Want to avoid Type 2 diabetes?  An Omega-3s and a high fiber diet is your best bet

56.  Are you old enough to remember what was the most popular jingle on TV in the

      ?Old days??

57.  Cranberries, a powerful antioxidant

58.  Part 2.  Chili for osteoarthritis.  But why do they call it chili when it is so hot

59.  Omega-3s enhance GLP-1

60.  You can stop ?aggloberating? your arteries with omega-3s

61.  Olives and those Omega-6s

62.  A handful of pumpkin seeds can ease constipation?providing other health benefits

       as well

63. Tuna?get smart and put out the fire

64.  Sardines.  One of the best sources of all sorts of the most valuable health goodies

65. Green tea