Great Christian Jurists in the Low Countries
Product details:

No. of pages:350 pages
Size:233x155x26 mm
Weight:690 g

Great Christian Jurists in the Low Countries

Publisher: Cambridge University Press
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Short description:

This books highlights the impact of Christianity on the history of law and societal policies in the Low Countries.

Long description:
What impact has Christianity had on law and policies in the Lowlands from the eleventh century through the end of the twentieth century? Taking the gradual 'secularization' of European legal culture as a framework, this volume explores the lives and times of twenty legal scholars and professionals to study the historical impact of the Christian faith on legal and political life in the Low Countries. The process whereby Christian belief systems gradually lost their impact on the regulation of secular affairs passed through several stages, not in the least the Protestant Reformation, which led to the separation of the Low Countries in a Protestant North and a Catholic South in the first place. The contributions take up general issues such as the relationship between justice and mercy, Christianity and politics as well as more technical topics of state-church law, criminal law and social policy.
Table of Contents:
Great Christian jurists in the low countries Wim Decock and Janwillem Oosterhuis; 1. Alger of Li&&&232;ge Emmanu&&&235;l Falzone; 2. Arnoldus Gheyloven Bram Van Hofstraeten; 3. Bo&&&235;tius Epo Hylkje de Jong; 4. Leonardus Lessius Toon Van Houdt; 5. Franciscus Zypaeus Wouter Druw&&&233;; 6. Hugo Grotius Janwillem Oosterhuis; 7. Paulus Voet (1619-1667) - A Christian jurist during the Dutch golden age Johannes van Kralingen; 8. Ulrik Huber Atsuko Fukuoka; 9. Zeger-Bernard van Espen Jan Hallebeek; 10. Dionysius van der Keessel (1738-1816). The defiance of a Christian conservative E. Koops; 11. Pieter Paulus (1753-1796) Matthijs de Blois; 12. Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer Jan Willem Sap; 13. Edouard Ducp&&&233;tiaux - A Christian, but also a jurist? Frank Judo; 14. Charles P&&&233;rin Fred Stevens; 15. L&&&233;on de Lantsheere (1862-1912) Peter Heyrman; 16. Paul Scholten Timo Slootweg; 17. Willem Duynstee Corjo Jansen; 18. Jules Storme (1887-1955), the Catholic jurist and the growing pains of Christian democracy in Belgium Dirk Heirbaut; 19. Herman Dooyeweerd Bas Hengstmengel; 20. Josse Mertens de Wilmars (1912-2002) Laurent Waelkens.