Otitis Externa - Harvey BVSc DVD Dip ECVD FSB, Richard G.; Paterson, Sue; - Prospero Internet Bookshop

Otitis Externa: An Essential Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment
Product details:

No. of pages:168 pages
Size:234x156 mm
Weight:258 g

Otitis Externa

An Essential Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment
Edition number: 1
Publisher: CRC Press
Date of Publication:
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Short description:

The investigation and management of ear disease occupies a significant portion of a veterinary clinician?s time. Otitis externa, in particular, is likely to be seen by a busy small animal clinician at least once a day. Chronic, and chronic recurrent, it is frustrating and costly to the owner and often painful for the animal. This book provides a

Long description:
The investigation and management of ear disease occupies a significant portion of a veterinary clinician's time. Otitis externa, in particular, is likely to be seen by a busy small animal clinician at least once a day. Chronic, and chronic recurrent, it is frustrating and costly to the owner and often painful for the animal. This book provides a comprehensive source of information on the relevant structure, function, medicine, and surgery of the ear, from Otodectes cynotis infection to Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. The book details the salient points of diagnosis and treatment and includes more than 200 colour illustrations.

"As ear disease is so frequently a cause of suffering in our pets and also a cause of great frustration for both clients and vets, this book should be in every practice library. Its compact size means it will hopefully be regularly used in the consulting room and the lab."
?D. G. Bentley in Veterinary Record

"All topics are dealt with comprehensively and should help the clinician a great deal in dealing appropriately with all aspects of otitis externa? All in all, a nice addition to a practitioner?s library!"
?Inge Geens, DVM, CertSAD, MRCVS, Veterinary Surgeon, Laurels Veterinary Centre, UK

"Overall, this is a good reference to have on your shelf."
?Sandra R. Merchant, DVM, DACVD, Louisiana State University, in Vet Med Today

Table of Contents:

The Normal Ear. Introduction. Pinna. External auditory meatus. Middle ear. Microscopic structure of the external ear canal. Microclimate of the external ear canal. Cerumen in normal and otitic ears. Approach to the Diagnosis of Otitis Externa. Introduction. Signalment. History. Physical examination. Otic examination. Otoscopic appearance of the external ear canal and tympanum. Cytological characteristics of normal and abnormal ears. Biopsy. Imaging. Aetiology and Pathogenesis of Otitis Externa. Concept of primary and secondary factors, predisposing factors, and perpetuating change. Primary causes of otitis externa. Secondary causes of otitis externa. Perpetuating factors. Ear Cleaning. Introduction. Assessing the integrity of the tympanum. Assessing the discharge. Assessing the canal. Cleaning process. Home cleaning. Medical Management of Ear Disease. Dealing with primary triggers. Dealing with secondary causes. Chronic or recurrent otitis externa in dogs. Otitis Media. Aetiology. Clinical signs. Major differential diagnoses. Diagnosis. Management. Treatment of nasopharyngeal polyps in cats. Prognosis. Ototoxicity and Other Side-Effects of Otic Medication. Introduction. Meatal and tympanic inflammation. Effects within the middle ear. Ototoxicity. Systemic effects of otic medication. Ototoxicity of systemic drugs. Summary. Aural Ablation and Bulla Osteotomy. Introduction. Presurgical investigations. Vertical canal ablation. Bulla osteotomy. Special problems relating to surgery of the middle ear in cats. References. Index.