Principles of Modified-Atmosphere and Sous Vide Product Packaging
Product details:

No. of pages:464 pages
Size:234x156 mm
Weight:925 g

Principles of Modified-Atmosphere and Sous Vide Product Packaging

Edition number: 1
Publisher: Routledge
Date of Publication:
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Short description:

This book focuses on two technologies being widely used to respond to the consumer demand for a wide variety of fresh, minimally processed, convenience foods: modified atmosphere packaging and sous vide technology. Both these technologies extend product shelf life.

Long description:
This is the first in-depth presentation in book form of both modified atmosphere and sous vide food preservation and packaging technologies and applications. The use of these technologies with all applicable food product categories is examined. The authors are specialists in these preservation/packaging methods from North America and Europe.
All significant aspects are examined including processes and materials, applications, microbiological control, and regulations and guidelines. Topics of special interest include use of hurdles, HACCP, gas absorbents and generators, and time-temperature indicators. Extensive practical reference data is economically presented in tables.
Table of Contents:
1. Introduction 2. A Perspective on MAP Products in North America and Western Europe 3. Current Status of Sous Vide in Europe 4. Microbiological Concerns Associated with MAP and Sous Vide Products 5. MAP and CAP of Fresh, Red Meats, Poultry and Offals 6. MAP of Cooked Meat and Poultry Products 7. Fish and Shellfish Products in Sous Vide and Modified Atmosphere Packs 8. Principles and Practice of Modified Atmosphere Packaging of Horticultural Commodities 9. Modified Atmosphere Packaging of Bakery and Pasta Products 10. Sons Vide: Past, Present, and Future 11. The Potential Use of Additional Hurdles to Increase the Microbiological Safety of MAP and Sons Vide Products 12. Modified Atmosphere Packaging?Present and Future Uses of Gas Absorbents and Generators 13. The Applications of HACCP for MAP and Sous Vide Products 14. Potential Use of Time-Temperature Indicators as an Indicator of Temperature Abuse of MAP Products 15. Regulations and Guidelines regarding the Manufacture and Sale of MAP and Sous Vide Products