Proceedings of the 30th International Laser Radar Conference - Sullivan, John T.; Leblanc, Thierry; Tucker, Sara;(ed.) - Prospero Internet Bookshop

Proceedings of the 30th International Laser Radar Conference
Product details:

No. of pages:891 pages
Size:235x155 mm
Weight:1532 g
Illustrations: 22 Illustrations, black & white; 352 Illustrations, color

Proceedings of the 30th International Laser Radar Conference

Edition number: 1st ed. 2023
Publisher: Springer
Date of Publication:
Number of Volumes: 1 pieces, Book
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Short description:

This volume presents papers from the biennial International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), the world?s leading event in the field of atmospheric research using lidar. With growing environmental concerns to address such as air quality deterioration, stratospheric ozone depletion, extreme weather events, and changing climate, the lidar technique has never been as critical as it is today to monitor, alert, and help solve current and emerging problems of this century. The 30th occurrence of the ILRC unveils many of the newest results and discoveries in atmospheric science and laser remote sensing technology. The 30th ILRC conference program included all contemporary ILRC themes, leveraging on both the past events? legacy and the latest advances in lidar technologies and scientific discoveries, with participation by young scientists particularly encouraged.

This proceedings volume includes a compilation of cutting-edge research on the following themes: new lidar techniques and methodologies; measurement of clouds and aerosol properties; atmospheric temperature, wind, turbulence, and waves; atmospheric boundary layer processes and their role in air quality and climate; greenhouse gases, tracers, and transport in the free troposphere and above; the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere; synergistic use of multiple instruments and techniques, networks and campaigns; model validation and data assimilation using lidar measurements; space-borne lidar missions, instruments and science; ocean lidar instrumentation, techniques, and retrievals; and past, present and future synergy of heterodyne and direct detection lidar applications. In addition, special sessions celebrated 50 years of lidar atmospheric observations since the first ILRC, comprising review talks followed by a plenary discussion on anticipated future directions.

Long description:

This volume presents papers from the biennial International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), the world?s leading event in the field of atmospheric research using lidar. With growing environmental concerns to address such as air quality deterioration, stratospheric ozone depletion, extreme weather events, and changing climate, the lidar technique has never been as critical as it is today to monitor, alert, and help solve current and emerging problems of this century. The 30th occurrence of the ILRC unveils many of the newest results and discoveries in atmospheric science and laser remote sensing technology. The 30th ILRC conference program included all contemporary ILRC themes, leveraging on both the past events? legacy and the latest advances in lidar technologies and scientific discoveries, with participation by young scientists particularly encouraged.

This proceedings volume includes a compilation of cutting-edge research on the following themes: new lidar techniques and methodologies; measurement of clouds and aerosol properties; atmospheric temperature, wind, turbulence, and waves; atmospheric boundary layer processes and their role in air quality and climate; greenhouse gases, tracers, and transport in the free troposphere and above; the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere; synergistic use of multiple instruments and techniques, networks and campaigns; model validation and data assimilation using lidar measurements; space-borne lidar missions, instruments and science; ocean lidar instrumentation, techniques, and retrievals; and past, present and future synergy of heterodyne and direct detection lidar applications. In addition, special sessions celebrated 50 years of lidar atmospheric observations since the first ILRC, comprising review talks followed by a plenary discussion on anticipated future directions.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Rotational Raman scattering through narrow-band interference filters: investigating uncertainties using a new Rayleigh scattering code developed within ACTRIS.- Chapter 2. Performance of Low-Cost, Diode-Based HSRL System with Simplified Optical Setup.- Chapter 3. Sensitivity Study on the Performance of the Single Calculus Chain Aerosol Layering Module.- Chapter 4. Particle Complex Refractive Index From 3?+2?  HSRL/Raman Lidar Measurements: Conditions of Accurate Retrieval, Uncertainties and Constraints Provided by Information About RH.- Chapter 5. Field Testing of a Diode-Laser-Based Micro Pulse Differential Absorption Lidar System to Measure Atmospheric Thermodynamic Variables.- Chapter 6. SEMICONDUCTOR LIDAR FOR QUANTITATIVE ATMOSPHERIC PROFILING.- Chapter 7. Atomic Barium Vapor Filter for Ultraviolet High Spectral Resolution Lidar.- Chapter 8. Future Lidars for Cutting-Edge Sciences in Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Mesosphere-Stratosphere Physics and Space-Atmosphere Coupling.- Chapter 9. Polarization Lidar for Monitoring Dust Particle Orientation: First Measurements.- Chapter 10. Dust flow distribution measurement by low coherence Doppler lidar.- Chapter 11. A Multi-wavelength LED lidar for near ground atmospheric monitoring.- Chapter 12. Development of low-cost high-spectral-resolution lidar using compact multimode laser for air quality measurement.- Chapter 13. Deep Learning Based Convective Boundary Layer Determination for Aerosol and Wind Profiles observed by Wind Lidar.- Chapter 14. LITES: Laboratory Investigations of Atmospheric Aerosol Composition by Raman-Scattering and Fluorescence Spectra.- Chapter 15. Performance Simulation of a Raman Lidar for the Retrieval of CO2 Atmospheric Profiles.- Chapter 16. ALL FIBER FREE-RUNNING DUAL-COMB RANGING SYSTEM.- Chapter 17. gPCE Uncertainty Quantication Modeling of LiDAR for Bathymetric and Earth Science Applications.- Chapter 18. When can Poisson random variables be approximated as Gaussian?.- Chapter 19. Enhancing the Performance of the MicroPulse DIAL through Poisson Total Variation Signal Processing.- Chapter 20. Development of Micro Pulse Lidar Network (MPLNET) Level 3 Satellite Validation Products in Advance of the EarthCARE Mission.- Chapter 21. 3D Point Cloud Classification using Drone-based Scanning LIDAR and Signal Diversity.- Chapter 22. Design and Validation of an Elastic Lidar Simulator for Testing Potential New Systems for Aerosol Typing.- Chapter 23. Performance of Pulsed Wind Lidar Based on Optical Hybrid.- Chapter 24. Demonstrating Capabilities of Multiple-Beam Airborne Doppler Lidar Using a LES-based Simulator.- Chapter 25. All-Solid State Iron Resonance Lidar for Measurement of Temperature and Winds in the Upper Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere.- Chapter 26. Improved Remote Operation Capabilities for the NASA GSFC Tropospheric Ozone Lidar for Routine Ozone Profiling for Satellite Evaluation.- Chapter 27. A wind, temperature, H2O and CO2 scanning lidar mobile observatory for a 3D thermodynamic view of the atmosphere.- Chapter 28. Low-Cost and Lightweight Hyperspectral Lidar for Mapping Vegetation Fluorescence.- Chapter 29. SO2 Plumes Observation with LMOL: Theory, Modeling, and Validation.- Chapter 30. Possible Use of Iodine Absorption/Fluorescence Cell in High-Spectral-Resolution Lidar.- Chapter 31. Ten Years of Interdisciplinary Lidar Applications at SCNU, Guangzhou.- Chapter 32. Feasibility studies of the dual-polarization imaging lidar based on the division-of-focal-plane scheme for atmospheric remote sensing.- Chapter 33. An Algorithm to Retrieve Aerosol Optical Properties from ATLID and MSI Measurements.- Chapter 34. Observation of Polar Stratospheric Clouds at Dome C, Antarctica.- Chapter 35. Laboratory Evaluation of the Lidar Particle Depolarization Ratio (PDR) of Sulfates, Soot, and Mineral Dust at 180.0° Lidar Backscattering Angle.- Chapter 36. Fresh biomass burning aerosol observed in Potenza with multiwavelength Raman Lidar and sun-photometer.- Chapter 37. Aerosol Studies with Spectrometric Fluorescence and Raman Lidar.- Chapter 38. Continuous Observations of Aerosol-Weather Relationship from a Horizontal Lidar to Simulate Monitoring of Radioactive Dust in Fukashima, Japan.- Chapter 39. Statistical Simulation of Laser Pulse Propagation through Cirrus-cloudy Atmosphere.- Chapter 40. Aerosol Spatial Distribution Observed by a Mobile Vehicle Lidar with Optics for Near Range Detection.- Chapter 41. Cloud Base Height Correlation between a Co-located Micro-Pulse Lidar and a Lufft CHM15k Ceilometer.- Chapter 42. Comparison of Local and Transregional Atmospheric Particles Over the Urmia Lake in Northwest Iran, Using a Polarization Lidar Recordings.- Chapter 43. Properties of Polar Stratospheric Clouds over the European Arctic from Ground-Based Lidar.- Chapter 44. Two decades analysis of cirrus cloud radiative effects by lidar observations in the frame of NASA MPLNET lidar network.- Chapter 45. Temporal Variability of the Aerosol Properties Using a Cimel Sun/Lunar Photometer over Thessaloniki, Greece: Synergy With the Upgraded THELISYS Lidar System.- Chapter 46. Long-Term Changes of Optical Properties of Mineral Dust and Its Mixtures Derived from Raman Polariza-tion Water Vapor Lidar in Central Europe.- Chapter 47. Planetary Boundary Layer Height Measurements Using MicroPulse DIAL.- Chapter 48. Performance Modeling of a Diode-Laser-Based Direct Detection Doppler Lidar.- Chapter 49. Observation of Water Vapor Profiles by Raman Lidar with 266 nm laser in Tokyo.- Chapter 50. A 355-NM DIRECT-DETECTION DOPPLER WIND LIDAR FOR VERTICAL ATMOSPHERIC MOTION.- Chapter 51. Aircraft Wake Vortex Recognition and Classification Based on Coherent Doppler Lidar and Convolutional Neural Networks.- Chapter 52. MicroPulse Differential Absorption Lidar for Temperature Retrieval in the Lower Troposphere.- Chapter 53. Long Term Calibration of a Pure Rotational Raman Lidar for Temperature Measurements Using Radiosondes and SolarBackground.- Chapter 54. Powerful Raman-Lidar for water vapor in the free troposphere and lower stratosphere as well as temperature in the stratosphere and mesosphere.- Chapter 55. Observation of Rainfall Velocity and Raindrop Size Using Power Spectrum of Coherent Doppler Lidar.- Chapter 56. Comparison of Lower Tropospheric Water Vapor Vertical Distribution Measured with Raman lidar and DIAL and Their Impact of Data Assimilation in Numerical Weather Prediction Model.- Chapter 57. Temperature Variations in the Middle Atmosphere Studied with Rayleigh Lidar at Haikou (19.9°N, 110.3°E).- Chapter 58. Convective boundary layer sensible and latent heat flux lidar observations and towards new model parametrizations.- Chapter 59. Observation of Structure of Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer by Ceilometer over the Kuroshio Current.-Chapter 60. ABL Height Different Estimation by Lidar in the Frame of HyMeX SOP1 Campaign.- Chapter 61. Temporal Evolution of Wavelength and Orientation of AtmosphericCanopy Waves.- Chapter 62. Assessment of Planetary Boundary Layer Height Variations over a Mountain Region in Western Himalayas.- Chapter 63. Analysis of Updraft Characteristics from an Airborne Micro-Pulsed Doppler Lidar During FIREX-AQ.- Chapter 64. Diurnal Variability of MLH and Ozone in NYC Urban and Coastal Area from an Integrated Observation during LISTOS 2018.- Chapter 65. Boundary Layer Dynamics, Aerosol Composition, and Air Quality in the Urban Background of Stuttgart in Winter.- Chapter 66. DIAL Ozone Measurement Capability Added to NASA?s HSRL-2 Instrument Demonstrates Troposheric Ozone Variability Over Houston Area.- Chapter 67. Trajectory Analysis of CO2 Concentration Increase Events in the Nocturnal Atmospheric Boundary Layer Observed by the Differential Absorption Lidar.- Chapter 68. Efficiency Assessment of Single Cell Raman Gas Mixture for DIAL Ozone Lidar.- Chapter 69. COmpact RamaN lidar for Atmospheric CO2 and ThERmodyNamic ProfilING - CONCERNING.- Chapter 70. Characterization of Recent Aerosol Events Occurring in the Subtropical North Atlantic Region Using a CIMEL CE376 GPN Micro-LiDAR.- Chapter 71. Tropospheric Ozone Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) Development at New York City.- Chapter 72. Accounting for the polarizing effects introduced from non ideal quarter-wave plates in lidar measurements of the circular depolarization ratio.- Chapter 73. Investigating the geometrical and optical properties of the persistent stratospheric aerosol layer observed over Thessaloniki, Greece during 2019.- Chapter 74. New Lidar Data Processing Techniques for Improving the Detection Range and Accuracy of Atmospheric Gravity Wave Measurements.- Chapter 75. Extending the Useful Range of Fluorescence LIDAR Data by Applying the Layered Binning Technique.- Chapter 76. Interaction between sea wave and surface atmosphere by shallow angle LED lidar.- Chapter 77. First results of the COLOR (CDOM-proxy retrieval from aeOLus ObseRvations) project.- Chapter 78. Dual wavelength heterodyne LDA for velocity and size distribution measurements in ocean water flows.- Chapter 79. Mitigation Strategy for the Impact of Low Energy Laser Pulses in CALIOP Calibration and Level 2 Retrievals.- Chapter 80. Introducing the Cloud Aerosol Lidar for Global Scale Observations of the Ocean-Land-Atmosphere System ? CALIGOLA.- Chapter 81. An Overview of the NASA Atmosphere Observing System Inclined Mission (AOS-I) and the Role of Backscatter Lidar.- Chapter 82. Proposal for the Space-borne Integrated Path Differential Absorption (IPDA) Lidar for Lower Tropospheric Water Vapor Observations.- Chapter 83. Assimilation of Aerosol Observations from the Future Spaceborne Lidar Onboard the AOS Mission into the MOCAGE Chemistry-Transport Model.- Chapter 84. Aerosol Optical Properties over Western Himalayas Region by Raman Lidar during the December 2019 Annular Solar Eclipse.- Chapter 85. The Clio HSRL Instrument Concept for the NASA AOS Mission.- Chapter 86. OVERVIEW and STATUSof the METHANE REMOTE SENSING LIDAR MISSION: MERLIN.- Chapter 87. A Simulation Capability Developed for NASA GSFC?s Spaceborne Backscatter Lidars: Overview and Projected Performance for the Upcoming AOS Mission.- Chapter 88. Aerosol Typing and Space-borne Lidars ? Potentials and Limitations.- Chapter 89. Correcting CALIOP Polarization Gain Ratios for Diurnal Variations.- Chapter 90. Performance Simulation of a Space-borne Raman Li-dar for ATLAS.- Chapter 91. Column Optical Depth (COD) Derived from CALIOP Ocean Surface Returns.- Chapter 92. Assessing Aeolus Aerosol Observational Capabilities for Data Assimilation in Air Quality and NWP Models.- Chapter 93. High Spectral Resolution Lidars at the University of Wisconsin.- Chapter 94. ATLID Algorithms applied to ALADIN.- Chapter 95. Integrated Mobile System of Two-wavelength Polariza-tion Micro-pulse Lidar and Photometer for Aerosol Properties Retrievals: Comparisons with Reference Li-dar.- Chapter 96. REGIONAL CHANGES IN THE DOMINANT AEROSOL TYPE OVER EUROPE DURING THE ACTRIS COVID-19 CAMPAIGN.- Chapter 97. The Role of Dry Layers and Cold Pools in the Activation of Mesoscale Convective Systems: A Characterization Study based on the Combined Use of Raman Lidar and DIAL Measurements and MESO-NH Model Simulations.- Chapter 98. Advances in Characterizing Pollution Transport with Ground-Based and Airborne Profilers: Case Studies within Houston, TX.- Chapter 99. First Results of Inverted Aerosol Properties through GRASP Algorithm, Using Polarized Data from the Multi-Wavelength Sun-sky-lunar Photometer in Barcelona, Spain.- Chapter 100. Radiative Budget in the Lower Tropical Stratosphere from the Combination of Balloonborne Lidar and Radiometric Measurements.- Chapter 101. Spatial Distribution Analysis of the TROPOMI Aerosol Layer Height: A pixel-by-pixel Comparison to EARLINET and CALIOP Observations.- Chapter 102. First Results from the Aeolus reference lidar eVe during the tropical campaign JATAC at Cabo Verde.- Chapter 103. Analysis of a Mid-Atlantic Ozone Episode using TOLNet and Pandora.- Chapter 104. A Difference of the Depolarization Ratio Detected at Locally Generated Dust and Transported Asian Dust over Japan with AD-Net.- Chapter 105. Identification of Mixed Phase Clouds Using Combined CALIPSO Lidar and Imaging Infrared Radiometer Observations.- Chapter 106. Huntsville Mobile RO3QET Launch.- Chapter 107. Retrieval of Aerosol Properties from Multiwavelength Raman Lidar Data Based on Maximum Likelihood Estimation.- Chapter 108. Polarimetric Multiple Scattering LiDAR Model Based on Poisson Distribution.- Chapter 109. Assimilating Radar and Lidar Observations to Improve the Prediction of Bore Waves during the 2015 PECAN Field Campaign.- Chapter 110. First Discovery of Regular Occurrence of Mid-Latitude Thermosphere-Ionosphere Na (TINa) Layers Observed with High-Sensitivity Na Doppler Lidar and New Data Processing Techniques over Boulder.- Chapter 111. Field-Widened Michelson Interferometer as the Spectral Discriminator in a 1064 nm HSRL.- Chapter 112. Long-Term Monitoring of the Stratosphere by Lidars in the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change.- Chapter 113. Stratospheric Aerosol ? 45 Years of Lidar Measurements at Garmisch-Partenkirchen.