Quipu: Decorated Permutation Representations Of Finite Groups - Bae, Yongju; Carter, J Scott; Kim, Byeorhi; - Prospero Internet Bookshop

Product details:

No. of pages:456 pages

Quipu: Decorated Permutation Representations Of Finite Groups

Publisher: World Scientific
Date of Publication:
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GBP 145.00
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70 035 HUF (66 700 HUF + 5% VAT)
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Estimated delivery time: In stock at the publisher, but not at Prospero's office. Delivery time approx. 3-5 weeks.
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Long description:
This book studies dihedral groups, dicyclic groups, other finite subgroups of the 3-dimensional sphere, and the 2-fold extensions of the symmetric group on 4 letters from the point of view of decorated string diagrams of permutations. These are our metaphorical quipu. As you might expect, the book is replete with illustrations. In (almost) all cases, explicit diagrams for the elements of the group are given. The exception is the binary icosahedral group in which only the generators and relations are exhibited.