Scottish Education and Society since 1945 - Paterson, Lindsay; - Prospero Internet Bookshop

Scottish Education and Society since 1945: Democracy and Intellect
Product details:

No. of pages: pages
Size:234x156 mm
Illustrations: 35 black and white illustrations, 41 black and white tables

Scottish Education and Society since 1945

Democracy and Intellect
Publisher: Edinburgh University Press
Date of Publication:
Number of Volumes: Print PDF
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Short description:

Examines education and social change in Scotland through analysis of a unique series of historical social surveys.

Long description:

Scotland developed a series of educational surveys between the late-1940s and the early-21st century that allow the country?s experience of education to be studied in systematic detail. No other country has an archive of this length and depth. The surveys include evidence on pupils? curriculum, attainment, subjective experience of school, and destinations after leaving school, as well as details of their social characteristics and of the secondary schools which they attended. By linking also to archival evidence on the histories of schools, the book?s analysis investigates the interplay between deliberate policy and wider social change. The transformation of education in this period is accompanied by equally important economic restructuring which has led to unprecedented changes in the way that education relates to lifelong opportunity in the twenty-first century. The book investigates how these changes have underpinned Scotland?s civic values, and have contributed fundamentally to shaping the debate about the country?s constitutional future.

Table of Contents:
List of Figures List of Tables PrefaceAcknowledgements1. Scottish Education since the Middle of the Twentieth Century 2. Sources of Evidence: Scotland?s Unique Social Surveys 3. The Impact of Policy and Social Change on Schools 4. School Curriculum: Liberal Education for Everyone?5. Student Choice and Respect 6. Young People and the Labour Market 7. Schools and Higher Education8. Higher Education and Breadth of Study at School 9. Social Mobility and Lifelong Learning10. Education, Social Attitudes and Scottish Governance 11. Conclusions Further Information References Index