Security in the Cyber Age: An Introduction to Policy and Technology
Product details:

No. of pages:250 pages
Size:228x151x21 mm
Weight:600 g

Security in the Cyber Age

An Introduction to Policy and Technology
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Date of Publication:
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Short description:

Explore how cyberspace works, analyze how state and non-state actors exploit vulnerabilities, and discover ways to improve cybersecurity.

Long description:
Cyberspace is essential for socializing, learning, shopping, and just about everything in modern life. Yet, there is also a dark side to cyberspace: sub-national, transnational, and international actors are challenging the ability of sovereign governments to provide a secure environment for their citizens. Criminal groups hold businesses and local governments hostage through ransomware, foreign intelligence services steal intellectual property and conduct influence operations, governments attempt to rewrite Internet protocols to facilitate censorship, and militaries prepare to use cyberspace operations in wars. Security in the Cyber Age breaks-down how cyberspace works, analyzes how state and non-state actors exploit vulnerabilities in cyberspace, and provides ways to improve cybersecurity. Written by a computer scientist and national security scholar-practitioner, the book offers technological, policy, and ethical ways to protect cyberspace. Its interdisciplinary approach and engaging style make the book accessible to the lay audience as well as computer science and political science students.

'In Security in the Cyber Age, Reveron and Savage eloquently merge tech and policy, crafting an essential guide that educates&&&160;readers about our digital past, present, and future. A must-read for those seeking to navigate the complexities of our interconnected world.' Max Smeets, Author of&&&160;No Shortcuts: Why States Struggle to Develop a Military Cyber-Force
Table of Contents:
1. The emergence of cyberspace and its implications; 2. From the abacus to the computer; 3. Communicating through cyberspace; 4. The human dimensions of cyberspace; 5. Strategy and cyberspace; 6. Domestic regulation of cyberspace; 7. Internet governance and international institutions; 8. International law and norms in cyberspace; 9. Artificial intelligence and ethics; 10. Conclusions and future directions of cybersecurity policy; 11. Leading in the cyber age.