Textbook of Forest Science - Mandal, Asim Kumar; Nicodemus, Abel; (ed.) - Prospero Internet Bookshop

Textbook of Forest Science
Product details:

No. of pages:893 pages
Size:279x210 mm
Illustrations: 69 Illustrations, black & white; 255 Illustrations, color

Textbook of Forest Science

Edition number: 2024
Publisher: Springer
Date of Publication:
Number of Volumes: 1 pieces, Book
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EUR 171.19
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Short description:

This textbook presents the latest knowledge on various disciplines of forestry science presented in 39 chapters. Each chapter presents a reappraisal of theory and practice, applications and future scope of subject area. It is a single point reference for updated information on both traditional and contemporary areas of forestry. Some of the disciplines covered in the book are biotechnology, remote sensing, forest certification, forest management, forest hydrology, climate change, plantation and urban forestry, biodiversity and genetic resources conservation, wildfire science, seed science and quality seed production and ecosystem services. The book primarily serves as an advanced textbook of forest science for students of forestry at all levels.

The science of forestry is receiving much more attention of the researchers, policy makers, and general public than ever before because of growing awareness of vital importance of forests in amelioration of world environment. This book is a comprehensive collection of existing and new methods including outcome and future possibilities of forest science.

This book benefits undergraduate and postgraduate students, professional researchers, teachers, practicing foresters, and policy planners. The book also encourages the general public to understand the relevance of forest science to overcome the contemporary economic and environmental challenges.

Long description:

This textbook presents the latest knowledge on various disciplines of forestry science presented in 39 chapters. Each chapter presents a reappraisal of theory and practice, applications and future scope of subject area. It is a single point reference for updated information on both traditional and contemporary areas of forestry. Some of the disciplines covered in the book are biotechnology, remote sensing, forest certification, forest management, forest hydrology, climate change, plantation and urban forestry, biodiversity and genetic resources conservation, wildfire science, seed science and quality seed production and ecosystem services. The book primarily serves as an advanced textbook of forest science for students of forestry at all levels.

The science of forestry is receiving much more attention of the researchers, policy makers, andl public than ever before because of growing awareness of vital importance of forests in amelioration of world environment. This book is a comprehensive collection of existing and new methods including outcome and future possibilities of forest science.

This book benefits undergraduate and postgraduate students, professional researchers, teachers, practicing foresters, and policy planners. The book also encourages the public to understand the relevance of forest science to overcome the contemporary economic and environmental challenges.

Table of Contents:

SECTION I: FORESTS, POLICY AND RESEARCH.- Chapter 1. Forest, Forestry and State of Forests.- Chapter 2. Forest Policy and Forest Acts.- Chapter 3. Forests, Tribals and Forest Rights Act.- Chapter 4. Forestry Research, Education and Extension in India.- Chapter 5. Taxonomy ? Importance, Relevance and Application.- Chapter 6. Elementary Statistical Methods in Forestry Research.- SECTION II:  FOREST MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION.- Chapter 7. Forest Biodiversity Conservation.- Chapter 8. Forest Management.- Chapter 9. Forest Soils.- Chapter 10. Forest Hydrology and Watershed Management : Current Perspectives.- Chapter 11. Desert Ecology and Functional Aspects of Desert Ecosystems.- Chapter 12. Forest and Climate Change : Addressing Mitigation and Adaptation Aspects Through  Forest Management in India.- Chapter 13. Community Participation with Special Reference to Joint Forest Management.- Chapter 14. Forest Invasive Species and Their Management.- Chapter 15. Wildlife Management.- SECTION III: SILVICULTURE, RESOURCE ASSESMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY.- Chapter 16. Forest Mensuration.- Chapter 17. Contemporary Silviculture.-  Chapter 18. Economic Value of Ecosystem Goods and Services.- Chapter 19. Principles and Applications of Geospatial Technology in Forestry.- Chapter 20. Forest Certification for Promoting Responsible Forest Management.- Chapter 21. Forest Genetic Resources - Conservation, Management and Utilization.- SECTION IV: PRODUCTION FORESTRY.- Chapter 22. Plantation Forestry.- Chapter 23. Urban Forestry ? Scope and Prospects.- Chapter 24. Agroforestry : A Climate Resilient and Sustainable Land Use.- Chapter 25. Good Agricultural and  Collection Practices of Important Medicinal Plants.- Chapter 26. Clonal Forestry.- SECTION V: TREE IMPROVEMENT AND BIOTECHNOLOGY.- Chapter 27. Tree Improvement for Enhancing Productivity of Plantation Forests.- Chapter 28. Genetic Improvement and Conservation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. Chapter 29. Seed Production Systems for Forest Tree Species.- Chapter 30. Forest Seed Technology : Seed Biology, Collection, Quality Evaluation, Storage and Certification.- Chapter 31. Vegetative Propagation of Forest Tree Species. Chapter 32. Micropropagation of Forest Tree Species.- Chapter 33. Genetic Markers, Genomics and Genetic Modification in Forest Trees : Current Status and Prospects.- Chapter 34. Fire Science for Indian Forests : from Theory to Practice.- Chapter 35. Disease of Tree Species.- Chapter 36. Forest Insect Pests in Nurseries, Plantations and Natural Forests and Their Control Measures.- SECTION VII: FOREST PRODUCTS AND UTILIZATION.- Chapter 37.  Wood Properties and Utilization.- Chapter 38. Wood Processing.- Chapter 39. Sustainable Management of Nontimber Forest Products.