The Geoengineered Transhuman - Freeland, Elana; - Prospero Internet Bookshop

The Geoengineered Transhuman: The Hidden Technologies of HAARP, Chemtrails, 5G/6G, Nanotechnology, Synthetic Biology, and the Scientific Effort to Transform Humanity
Product details:

No. of pages:480 pages
Size:228x152x33 mm
Weight:649 g
Illustrations: 54 b&w illustrations

The Geoengineered Transhuman

The Hidden Technologies of HAARP, Chemtrails, 5G/6G, Nanotechnology, Synthetic Biology, and the Scientific Effort to Transform Humanity
Edition number: 2nd Edition, Revised Edition of Geoengineered Transhumanism
Publisher: Bear & Company
Date of Publication:
Number of Volumes: Trade Paperback
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Short description:

An exposure of the ongoing global shift to digital biology and transhumanism.

Long description:
An exposure of the ongoing global shift to digital biology and transhumanism

What if the degradation of the planet is not just a byproduct of human greed but the explicit intention of government agencies bought off by corporations? What if their intent is to create a “post-human” global government run by AI, populated by a genetically and electromagnetically altered Homo sapiens loaded with nanotechnology and run by 5G/6G/7G transceivers from space?

Building on decades of research, Elana Freeland offers a comprehensive exposé of the transhumanist agenda—the transformation of humanity into a slave class by means of biotechnology, genetic engineering, molecular nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence. She reveals that weather control is already a global reality, thanks to the aerosol chemtrails that maintain the ionized atmosphere needed for a myriad of military and civilian wireless operations like weather modification, delivery of nanotechnology and synthetic biology (synbio) by jets, drones, and rockets, and pulses that alter human behavior, bodies, and brains. The air we breathe, the soil we grow our food in, and the water we drink have all been altered away from Nature and toward a synthetic “metaverse.” Meanwhile, Big Pharma injects nano-sized hardware and software in vivo that activate a transhumanist brain-computer interface with AI. The author also examines the public-private partnerships behind transhumanism, including Big Pharma, GMO agribusiness, DARPA/IARPA, corporations, and foundations, and reveals the reality of the secret space program (SSP) and the planetary “smart grid” of 5G/6G.

The eons-old global dream of power seems to be coming of age in this overwhelmingly technological era of domination by the wealthy. And yet by exposing the transhumanist agenda and studying the technology being employed to subjugate the human race, we have the opportunity to begin to find ways not just to resist becoming machines ourselves but also to become self-responsible creators who utilize our technologies not for power but for restoring a high civilization in service to the Good, the Beautiful, and the True.

“The greatest fear of the Deep State operatives pursuing this madness is an awakened public. Elana Freeland brings it all together&&&8212;she exposes crimes against humanity and planet Earth and includes exploration of the all-important solutions in her must-read book.”
Table of Contents:


Nanotechnology in the Sky with Diamonds

1 Atmospheric Nanoscience

2 Those White Lines in the Sky

3 They Do It with Smoke and Mirrors

4 Geoengineered “Wildfires,” DEWs, and
the Climate Crisis Deception


Tethering the Transhumanist Future

5 Gravity, &&&198;ther, and Tesla’s Atmospheric Engine

6 The Weaponization of Magnetism

7 The Nuclear Behemoth

8 Bios

9 Synbio

10 5G/6G, the Internet of Things, and
the Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN)

EPILOGUE The Great Chain of Being

APPENDIX 1 Invisible Mindsets

APPENDIX 2 Quantum, Scalar, and Hyperspace

APPENDIX 3 Trinity

APPENDIX 4 The HAARP Patents of Bernard Eastlund, PhD

APPENDIX 5 Substances Used in Chemical
Spraying Operations

APPENDIX 6 A Meeting

APPENDIX 7 Visitors to, Aug. 26, 1999

APPENDIX 8 Movers and Shakers




About the Author