The Open Sicilian - Saric, Ivan; - Prospero Internet Bookshop

The Open Sicilian: An Ambitious White Repertoire for Club Players
Product details:

No. of pages:440 pages
Size:245x175 mm
Weight:945 g

The Open Sicilian

An Ambitious White Repertoire for Club Players
Publisher: New In Chess
Date of Publication:
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Publisher's listprice:
GBP 30.95
Estimated price in HUF:
16 248 HUF (15 475 HUF + 5% VAT)
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14 624 (13 928 HUF + 5% VAT )
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Estimated delivery time: In stock at the publisher, but not at Prospero's office. Delivery time approx. 3-5 weeks.
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Long description:
New Chessable imprint! The Open Sicilian is not a phonebook crammed with computer lines but a textbook full of 21st-century chess wisdom. Saric covers the entire range of Sicilians, from obscure sidelines to the main lines: the Najdorf, the Taimanov, the Rauzer, the Kan, the Sveshnikov, and the various Dragons. His approach, firmly based on the ideas of the English Attack, is very ambitious, and he supports his claims with deep analysis and illuminating and elaborate verbal explanation.