The Routledge Companion to Gender and Animals - Taylor, Chloë; (ed.) - Prospero Internet Bookshop

The Routledge Companion to Gender and Animals
Product details:

No. of pages:762 pages
Size:246x174 mm
Weight:453 g
Illustrations: 21 Illustrations, black & white; 21 Halftones, black & white; 1 Tables, black & white

The Routledge Companion to Gender and Animals

Edition number: 1
Publisher: Routledge
Date of Publication:
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Short description:

The Routledge Companion to Gender and Animals is the first fully comprehensive reference volume to examine the intersections of gender studies and critical animal studies, and is an essential reference for students in Gender Studies, Sexuality Studies, Cultural Studies, Sociology, Geography and Environmental Studies.

Long description:

The Routledge Companion to Gender and Animals is a diverse and intersectional collection which examines human and more-than-human animal relations, as well as the interconnectedness of human and animal oppressions through various lenses.

Comprising fifty chapters, the book explores a range of debates and scholarship within important contemporary topics such as companion animals, hunting, agriculture, and animal activist strategies. It also offers timely analyses of zoonotic disease pandemics, mass extinction, and the climate catastrophe, using perspectives including feminist, critical race, anti-colonial, critical disability, and masculinities studies.

The Routledge Companion to Gender and Animals is an essential reference for students in gender studies, sexuality studies, human-animal studies, cultural studies, sociology, and environmental studies.

Table of Contents:

Introduction: Why Gender and Animals?  Part I: Theoretical Foundations 1. Ecofeminism; 2. Feminized Protein; 3. Animals, Feminist Care Theory, and Critical Standpoint Theory: An Interview with Josephine Donovan; 4. Queering Animal Liberation: 20 Thoughts Toward Interspecies Solidarity; 5. Analogy and Alterity; Part II: Intersectional Veganisms; 6. Feminist Veganism; 7. Black Veganism(s): A Personally Guided Exploration; 8. The Skins I?m In; 9. Vegan Camp: An Interview with Emelia Quinn; 10. Veganism and Disability in Catastrophic Times; Part III: Feminist Ethics and Care; 11. Animal Sanctuaries as Feminist Care Activism; 12. Feminist Legal Systems that Benefit Animals: Placing Parameters Around Care and Relationality; 13. Entangled Subjectivity: On Care Ethics and Service Dogs; 14. Shelters; 15. Wild Animal Ethics: A Gender-Sensitive Perspective; Part IV: Feminist Multispecies Methods;16. Care as Method for Multispecies Ethnographies; 17. Feminist Methodology and Multispecies Ethnography; 18. Feminism and Multispecies Methods: An Interview with Kathryn Gillespie; 19. Possibilities and Productive Failures: Feminist Methodologies and Animal Subjects; 20. Unruly Faces in Suburban Places: A Practice in Multispecies Autoethnography; Part V: Transfeminisms, Women, and Animals;21. Antispeciesist Transfeminisms in Latin America; 22. Furious and Ferocious Forms: A Cartography of Antispeciesist and Posthumanist Transfeminisms from the Global South;  23. Re-Aestheticizing the Mind: Art, Feminisms, and Animals in Los Angeles (1970s-1980s); 24. Requiem for Tia Maria; 25. Crazy Cat Lady; Part VI: Masculinities and Animals; 26. The Homoxenoerotics of Elephant Crime and Captivity in India;  27. The Homoerotics of Trophy Hunting; 28. A Feminist Rubik?s Cube: Slaughterhouse Labour, Violence, and Multispecies Trauma; 29. Ecomasculinities, Boyhoods and Critical Animal Pedagogy; 30. Gender and Animals Under Brahminical Patriarchy; Part VII: Gender and Animals in Folklore and Fiction; 31. From Folklore to Factory Farms: Gender, Sex and Chickenkind; 32. Gothic Snakes: Snake Handling, Snake Women and a Post-Secular Serpentine Practice; 33. Masculinity and Multispecies Labour: A Feminist Animal Studies Reading of In the Skin of the Lion; 34. Margaret Atwood?s Dairyscape; 35. A Hut of Her Own; Part VIII: Activism and Advocacy; 36. Animal Resistance; 37. Women?s Contributions to the Movements for Animal Protection and Rights; 38. The Repression of Animal Activism: An Interview with Tayler Zavitz; 39. Sexism in Animal Activism: the Foie Gras Campaigns; 40. Racism and Anti-Racism in Animal Advocacy; Part IX: Multispecies Justice; 41. A Grateful Acknowledgement: Gender Theory and Multispecies Justice; 42. Two-Spirit Feminism and Indigenous Ecological Governance; 43. Pronouns in More-Than-Human Worlds and Indigenous and Colonial Law; 44. Racial Justice, Animal Justice: An Interview with Claire Jean Kim; 45. Transformative Justice for Animals: Lessons from Anti-Carceral Feminism; Part X: Multispecies Futures;46. Queer Futures and Mutual Aid; 47. Zoonosis; 48. Elachistocene vs. Anthropo-Scenes: Inheriting an Epoch Defined by Mass Extinction; 49. De-Extinction; 50. Composting Life-Death Time