Transmedia Selves - Dalby, James; Freeman, Matthew; (ed.) - Prospero Internet Bookshop

Transmedia Selves

Identity and Persona Creation in the Age of Mobile and Multiplatform Media
Edition number: 1
Publisher: Routledge
Date of Publication:
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Short description:

This book examines the mediated shift in the contemporary human condition, focusing on the ways in which we synthesise with media content in daily life, essentially transmediating ourselves into new forms and (re)creating ourselves across media.

Across an international roster of essays, this book establishes a transdisciplinary theory for the ?transmedia self?, exploring how technological ubiquity and digital self-determination combine with themes and disciplines such as celebrity culture, fandom, play, politics, and ultimately broader self-conception and projection to inform the creation of transmedia identities in the twenty-first century. Specifically, the book repositions transmediality as key to understanding the formation of identity in a post-digital media culture and transmedia age, where our lives are interlaced, intermingled, and narrativised across a range of media platforms and interfaces.

This book is ideal for scholars and students interested in transmedia storytelling, cultural studies, media studies, sociology, philosophy, and politics.

Long description:
PrayforAmazonia: Transmedia Mobilisation within National, Transnational and International Identities; 12. The Kabir Project: Using Transmedia Work to Disrupt Right-Wing Narratives of Othering

Table of Contents:

Introduction: Conceptualising the Transmedia Self; PART I: Communication of the Self; 1. Story of the (Virtual) Self: Transmedial Narrative Construction through Social Media Usage; 2. Personal Storytelling: A Semiotics Approach to Constructing Identities across Media; 3. Professional Transmedia Selves: Finding a Place for Enterprise Social Media; 4. The Post-Digital Self: How Transmedia Dissolves the Boundaries of Work and Tourism; PART II: Technologies of the Self; 5. The Transtemporal Self: Transmedia, Self, and Time; 6. Crossing Space-Time Action; 7. Geotagging the Self: Analysing the Locative Dimension of Constructed Transmedia Identities 8. Made in My Image: Co-Produced Fantasy and the Politics of Play; PART III: Politics of the Self; 9. Trans, Media and [In]Visibility: Trans Representation in the Transmedia Era; 10.The Manosphere: Incel as Transmedial Construction; 11.