Video over IP Protocol and Networks - Ghosal, Dipak; Mallya, Arvind; - Prospero Internet Bookshop

Product details:

No. of pages:295 pages
Size:235x155 mm
Illustrations: V, 295 p.

Video over IP Protocol and Networks

Edition number: 1st ed. 2024
Publisher: Springer
Date of Publication:
Number of Volumes: 1 pieces, Book
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EUR 80.20
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33 094 HUF (31 518 HUF + 5% VAT)
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Short description:

This book covers current and emerging network architecture standards. It introduces key security issues, including those related to content security, video quality issues, transport and network layer protocols.

Long description:
Video over IP Protocol and Networks offers an in-depth and comprehensive coverage analysis from content acquisition to delivery. It also presents the architecture of the backbone network, the access network, the home network, and discusses the various protocols associated with the distribution and delivery of video using the IP protocol and IP networks. Video over IP Protocol and Networks covers current and emerging network architecture standards. Key security issues, including those related to content security, video quality issues, transport and network layer protocols are introduced as well. The authors have wealth of industrial experience related to all aspects of IPTV networks, applications and services, and academic research experience. This book focuses specifically on IP networks and protocols throughout the chapters. Video over IP Protocol and Networks targets industry professionals. This book is also suitable for researchers and advanced-level students concentrating on computer science and engineering as a secondary text or reference book.