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Search Term: Title: Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences

Number of matches: 523

Advanced Topics in Control Systems Theory: Lecture Notes from FAP 2005 Loría Perez, Julio Antonio; Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, Françoise; Viatcheslavovna Panteley, Elena; (ed.)

Advanced Topics in Control Systems Theory: Lecture Notes from FAP 2005

Springer, 2006
Paperback 46 508 HUF

Advanced Topics in Control Systems Theory: Lecture Notes from FAP 2004 Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, Françoise; Loría Perez, Julio Antonio; Viatcheslavovna Panteley, Elena; (ed.)

Advanced Topics in Control Systems Theory: Lecture Notes from FAP 2004

Springer, 2005
Paperback 46 508 HUF

Towards Integrating Control and Information Theories: From Information-Theoretic Measures to Control Performance Limitations Fang, Song; Chen, Jie; Ishii, Hideaki;

Towards Integrating Control and Information Theories: From Information-Theoretic Measures to Control Performance Limitations

Springer, 2016
Hardback 55 811 HUF

Towards Integrating Control and Information Theories: From Information-Theoretic Measures to Control Performance Limitations Fang, Song; Chen, Jie; Ishii, Hideaki;

Towards Integrating Control and Information Theories: From Information-Theoretic Measures to Control Performance Limitations

Springer, 2018
Paperback 55 811 HUF

Advances in Cooperative Control and Optimization: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cooperative Control and Optimization Hirsch, Michael; Pardalos, Panos M.; Murphey, Robert;(ed.)

Advances in Cooperative Control and Optimization: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cooperative Control and Optimization

Springer, 2007
Paperback 69 765 HUF

Optimization and Cooperative Control Strategies: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Cooperative Control and Optimization Hirsch, Michael; Commander, Clayton W.; Pardalos, Panos M.;(ed.)

Optimization and Cooperative Control Strategies: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Cooperative Control and Optimization

Springer, 2009
Paperback 69 765 HUF

15th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis (ACD 2019): Proceedings of the Workshop Held in Bologna, Italy, on November 21?22, 2019 Zattoni, Elena; Simani, Silvio; Conte, Giuseppe; (ed.)

15th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis (ACD 2019): Proceedings of the Workshop Held in Bologna, Italy, on November 21?22, 2019

Springer, 2022
Hardback 130 231 HUF

Zattoni, Elena; Simani, Silvio; Conte, Giuseppe; (ed.)

15th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis (ACD 2019): Proceedings of the Workshop Held in Bologna, Italy, on November 21?22, 2019

Springer, 2023
Paperback 130 231 HUF

Stability, Control and Differential Games: Proceedings of the International Conference ?Stability, Control, Differential Games? (SCDG2019) Tarasyev, Alexander; Maksimov, Vyacheslav; Filippova, Tatiana; (ed.)

Stability, Control and Differential Games: Proceedings of the International Conference ?Stability, Control, Differential Games? (SCDG2019)

Springer, 2020
Hardback 116 277 HUF

Stability, Control and Differential Games: Proceedings of the International Conference ?Stability, Control, Differential Games? (SCDG2019) Tarasyev, Alexander; Maksimov, Vyacheslav; Filippova, Tatiana; (ed.)

Stability, Control and Differential Games: Proceedings of the International Conference ?Stability, Control, Differential Games? (SCDG2019)

Springer, 2021
Paperback 116 277 HUF

Recent Advances in Control and Optimization of Manufacturing Systems Yin, George; Zhang, Qing; (ed.)

Recent Advances in Control and Optimization of Manufacturing Systems

Springer, 1996
Paperback 23 252 HUF

Learning, Control and Hybrid Systems: Festschrift in honor of Bruce Allen Francis and Mathukumalli Vidyasagar on the occasion of their 50th birthdays Yamamoto, Yutaka; Hara, Shinji; (ed.)

Learning, Control and Hybrid Systems: Festschrift in honor of Bruce Allen Francis and Mathukumalli Vidyasagar on the occasion of their 50th birthdays

Springer, 1998
Paperback 23 252 HUF

Fast Motions in Biomechanics and Robotics: Optimization and Feedback Control Diehl, Moritz; Mombaur, Katja; (ed.)

Fast Motions in Biomechanics and Robotics: Optimization and Feedback Control

Springer, 2006
Paperback 69 765 HUF

Advanced Topics in Control and Estimation of State-Multiplicative Noisy Systems Gershon, Eli; Shaked, Uri;

Advanced Topics in Control and Estimation of State-Multiplicative Noisy Systems

Springer, 2013
Paperback 46 508 HUF

Optimal Control: Proceedings of the Conference on Optimal Control and Variational Calculus Oberwolfach, West-Germany, June 15?21, 1986 Bulirsch, Roland; Miele, Angelo; Stoer, Josef;(ed.)

Optimal Control: Proceedings of the Conference on Optimal Control and Variational Calculus Oberwolfach, West-Germany, June 15?21, 1986

Springer, 1987
Paperback 23 252 HUF

Neural Networks in Multidimensional Domains: Fundamentals and New Trends in Modelling and Control Arena, Paolo; Fortuna, Luigi; Muscato, Giovanni;

Neural Networks in Multidimensional Domains: Fundamentals and New Trends in Modelling and Control

Springer, 1998
Paperback 23 252 HUF

Robust Motion Control of Oscillatory-Base Manipulators: H?-Control and Sliding-Mode-Control-Based Approaches Toda, Masayoshi;

Robust Motion Control of Oscillatory-Base Manipulators: H?-Control and Sliding-Mode-Control-Based Approaches

Springer, 2015
Paperback 23 252 HUF

Developments in Model-Based Optimization and Control: Distributed Control and Industrial Applications Olaru, Sorin; Grancharova, Alexandra; Lobo Pereira, Fernando; (ed.)

Developments in Model-Based Optimization and Control: Distributed Control and Industrial Applications

Springer, 2015
Paperback 46 508 HUF

Harmonic Analysis and Rational Approximation: Their Rôles in Signals, Control and Dynamical Systems Fournier, Jean-Daniel; Grimm, Jose; Leblond, Juliette;(ed.)

Harmonic Analysis and Rational Approximation: Their Rôles in Signals, Control and Dynamical Systems

Springer, 2006
Paperback 46 508 HUF

Emerging Applications of Control and Systems Theory: A Festschrift in Honor of Mathukumalli Vidyasagar Tempo, Roberto; Yurkovich, Stephen; Misra, Pradeep; (ed.)

Emerging Applications of Control and Systems Theory: A Festschrift in Honor of Mathukumalli Vidyasagar

Springer, 2018
Hardback 69 765 HUF

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