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Search Term: Author: Berlin, Adele

Number of matches: 31

The Jewish Study Bible Berlin, Adele; Brettler, Marc Zvi; (ed.)

The Jewish Study Bible

OUP USA, 2014
Hardback 20 994 HUF

The JPS Bible Commentary ? Psalms 120?150 Berlin, Adele; Sommer, Benjamin;

The JPS Bible Commentary ? Psalms 120?150

MQ ? University of Nebraska Press, 2023
Hardback 17 850 HUF

The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion: Over 2.500 entries Berlin, Adele; (ed.)

The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion: Over 2.500 entries

OUP USA, 2011
Hardback 77 437 HUF

Interpreting Scriptures in Judaism, Christianity and Islam: Overlapping Inquiries Cohen, Mordechai Z.; Berlin, Adele; (ed.)

Interpreting Scriptures in Judaism, Christianity and Islam: Overlapping Inquiries

Cambridge University Press, 2016
Hardback 58 800 HUF

The JPS Bible Commentary: Esther Berlin, Adele;

The JPS Bible Commentary: Esther

MQ ? University of Nebraska Press, 2001
Hardback 20 475 HUF

Lamentations: A Commentary Berlin, Adele

Lamentations: A Commentary

Westminster John Knox Press, 2002
Paperback 18 522 HUF

Lamentations (OTL) Berlin, Adele

Lamentations (OTL)

Westminster John Knox Press, 2002
Hardback 20 580 HUF

Dynamics of Biblical Parallelism (Revised) Berlin, Adele

Dynamics of Biblical Parallelism (Revised)

William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2007
Paperback 10 697 HUF

Hiob Köhlmoos, Melanie; , Dietrich, Walter; Carr, David M.; Berlin, Adele; (ed.)


Kohlhammer, 2026
Hardback 39 123 HUF

Amos Kessler, Rainer; , Dietrich, Walter; Carr, David M.; Berlin, Adele;(ed.)


Kohlhammer, 2025
Paperback 43 035 HUF

The Jewish Study Bible: Second Edition Berlin, Adele; Brettler, Marc Zvi; (ed.)

The Jewish Study Bible: Second Edition

OUP USA, 2015
Hardback 42 000 HUF

The New Interpreter's(r) Bible Commentary Volume IV: Ezra, Nehemiah, Introduction to Prophetic Literature, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Baruch, Letter of Jeremia Berlin, Adele, Keck, Leander E.(ed.)

The New Interpreter's(r) Bible Commentary Volume IV: Ezra, Nehemiah, Introduction to Prophetic Literature, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Baruch, Letter of Jeremia

Abingdon Press, 2015
Hardback 32 923 HUF

Berlin, Adele

Mikra Leyisrael - A Biblical Commentary for Israel, Ester

Hebrew University Magnes Press, 2001
Hardback 15 282 HUF

Maleachi: Deutschsprachige Erstausgabe Schart, Aaron; , Dietrich, Walter; Carr, David M.; Berlin, Adele;(ed.)

Maleachi: Deutschsprachige Erstausgabe

Kohlhammer, 2019
Hardback 29 994 HUF

Esther: Englischsprachige Übersetzungsausgabe Macchi, Jean-Daniel; , Dietrich, Walter; Carr, David M.; Berlin, Adele; (ed.)

Esther: Englischsprachige Übersetzungsausgabe

Kohlhammer, 2021
Paperback 47 382 HUF

Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah: Englischsprachige Übersetzungsausgabe Dietrich, Walter; , Dietrich, Walter; Carr, David M.; Berlin, Adele;(ed.)

Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah: Englischsprachige Übersetzungsausgabe

Kohlhammer, 2016
Hardback 32 167 HUF

Ester Macchi, Jean-Daniel; , Dietrich, Walter; Carr, David M.; Berlin, Adele;(ed.)


Kohlhammer, 2021
Hardback 56 076 HUF

1 Kings 16 - 2 Kings 16 McKenzie, Steve; , Dietrich, Walter; Carr, David M.; Berlin, Adele;(ed.)

1 Kings 16 - 2 Kings 16

Kohlhammer, 2018
Hardback 47 382 HUF

Malachi Schart, Aaron; , Dietrich, Walter; Carr, David M.; Berlin, Adele;(ed.)


Kohlhammer, 2021
Hardback 34 341 HUF

Amos Kessler, Rainer; , Dietrich, Walter; Carr, David M.; Berlin, Adele;(ed.)


Kohlhammer, 2021
Hardback 43 035 HUF

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