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Search Term: Author: Simon, Ellen

Number of matches: 14

Design Thinking in the Automotive Industry. Creativity and Innovation Simon, Ellen;

Design Thinking in the Automotive Industry. Creativity and Innovation

Anchor Academic Publishing, 2016
Paperback 21 730 HUF

Warring over Valor ? How Race and Gender Shaped American Military Heroism in the Twentieth and Twenty?First Centuries: How Race and Gender Shaped American Military Heroism in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries Wendt, Simon; Lewis, George; Wu, Ellen D.;

Warring over Valor ? How Race and Gender Shaped American Military Heroism in the Twentieth and Twenty?First Centuries: How Race and Gender Shaped American Military Heroism in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries

MW ? Rutgers University Press, 2018
Paperback 15 744 HUF

Internationale Arbeitsstandards in einer globalisierten Welt Ehmke, Ellen; Fichter, Michael; Simon, Nils;(ed.)

Internationale Arbeitsstandards in einer globalisierten Welt

VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2009
Paperback 30 424 HUF

Prestazioni delle variet? di manioca e pratiche agronomiche Chibi, Simon; Chibi, Ellen; Beecham, Premdat;

Prestazioni delle variet? di manioca e pratiche agronomiche

Edizioni Sapienza, 2022
Paperback 17 344 HUF

Desempenho das variedades de mandioca e práticas agronómicas: DE Chibi, Simon; Chibi, Ellen; Beecham, Premdat;

Desempenho das variedades de mandioca e práticas agronómicas: DE

Ediç?es Nosso Conhecimento, 2022
Paperback 17 344 HUF

Leistung der Manioksorten und agronomische Praktiken Chibi, Simon; Chibi, Ellen; Beecham, Premdat;

Leistung der Manioksorten und agronomische Praktiken

Verlag Unser Wissen, 2022
Paperback 17 344 HUF

Performances des variétés de manioc et pratiques agronomiques Chibi, Simon; Chibi, Ellen; Beecham, Premdat;

Performances des variétés de manioc et pratiques agronomiques

Editions Notre Savoir, 2022
Paperback 17 344 HUF

Cassava varieties performance and agronomic practices Chibi, Simon; Chibi, Ellen; Beecham, Premdat;

Cassava varieties performance and agronomic practices

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019
Paperback 17 344 HUF

Simon, Ellen;

Second Language Phonology: Phonetic Variation and Phonological Representations

Cambridge University Press, 2025
Paperback 8 925 HUF

Simon, Ellen;

Second Language Phonology: Phonetic Variation and Phonological Representations

Cambridge University Press, 2025
Hardback 26 244 HUF

Warring over Valor ? How Race and Gender Shaped American Military Heroism in the Twentieth and Twenty?First Centuries: How Race and Gender Shaped American Military Heroism in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries Wendt, Simon; Lewis, George; Wu, Ellen D.;

Warring over Valor ? How Race and Gender Shaped American Military Heroism in the Twentieth and Twenty?First Centuries: How Race and Gender Shaped American Military Heroism in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries

MW ? Rutgers University Press, 2018
Hardback 67 725 HUF

Geografische Informationssysteme in Unternehmen: Simon, Ellen;

Geografische Informationssysteme in Unternehmen: "Best-Practices" , Einsatzpotentiale und Wettbewerbsvorteile. Bachelor-Arb.

Bachelor + Master Publishing, 2013
Paperback 10 863 HUF

Simon, Ellen;

Voicing in Contrast: Acquiring a Second Language Laryngeal System

Academia Press Scientific Publishers, 2010
Paperback 20 475 HUF

Simon, Sara;Fishman, Ellen(ed.)

V'Khol Banayikh: Jewish Education for All

Torah Aura Productions, 2010
Paperback 24 675 HUF

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