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Találatok száma: 7 891
Színpadi művek (karitatív célú kampány)
Carey, Dean; Art Of Teaching Acting, The: Every Teacher's What, Why And HowWorld Scientific, 2025Puhakötés 10 500 Ft |
Carey, Dean; Art Of Teaching Acting, The: Every Teacher's What, Why And HowWorld Scientific, 2025Keménykötés 18 375 Ft |
Khan, Amir; The Death of Hamlet: A Counterfactual Reading of ShakespeareRoutledge, 2025Keménykötés 70 875 Ft |
Aboluwade, Ifeoluwa; Talento, Serena; Chiangong, Pepetual Mforbe;(ed.) African Shakespeare: Subversions, Appropriations, NegotiationsRoutledge, 2025Keménykötés 70 875 Ft |
van Oort, Richard; Shakespeare?s ExilesRoutledge, 2025Keménykötés 70 875 Ft |
Ada, U?ur; (ed.) British Theatre and Young People: Theory and Performance in the 21st CenturyRoutledge, 2025Keménykötés 76 125 Ft |
Ada, U?ur; (ed.) British Theatre and Young People: Theory and Performance in the 21st CenturyRoutledge, 2025Puhakötés 20 994 Ft |
Preeshl, Artemis; Consent in Shakespeare?s Classical Mediterranean: Women Speak Truth to PowerRoutledge, 2025Keménykötés 70 875 Ft |
Torevell, David; Schneeberger, Brandon; Taylor, Luke; Exploring Catholic Faith in Shakespearean Drama: Towards a Philosophy of EducationRoutledge, 2025Keménykötés 70 875 Ft |
Bührle, Iris Julia; Dancing Shakespeare: Ballet Adaptations of William Shakespeare?s Works from the Eighteenth Century to the PresentRoutledge, 2024Keménykötés 70 875 Ft |
Newlin, James; Stone, James W.; (ed.) New Psychoanalytic Readings of Shakespeare: Cool Reason and Seething BrainsRoutledge, 2024Puhakötés 20 994 Ft |
Homan, Sidney; Pivotal Lines in Shakespeare and Others: Finding the Heart of the PlayRoutledge, 2024Puhakötés 20 994 Ft |
Djordjevic, Igor; Remembering, Replaying, and Rereading Henry VIII: The Courtier?s HenryRoutledge, 2024Keménykötés 70 875 Ft |
Rodman Jones, Mike; Literature and Medievalism in Early Modern England: Strange HistoriesD.S.Brewer, 2024Keménykötés 34 125 Ft |
McEvoy, Sean; Shakespeare: The BasicsRoutledge, 2024Keménykötés 68 250 Ft |
McEvoy, Sean; Shakespeare: The BasicsRoutledge, 2024Puhakötés 10 494 Ft |
Gallagher, Kathleen; Balt, Christine; (ed.) Global Climate Education and Its Discontents: Using Drama to Forge a New WayRoutledge, 2024Puhakötés 20 469 Ft |
Gallagher, Kathleen; Balt, Christine; (ed.) Global Climate Education and Its Discontents: Using Drama to Forge a New WayRoutledge, 2024Keménykötés 70 875 Ft |
Brisini, Travis; Simmons, Jake; Spry, Tami; Posthumanist Collaborations in Performance: A Praxis-based Approach to Qualitative InquiryRoutledge, 2024Keménykötés 70 875 Ft |
Brisini, Travis; Simmons, Jake; Spry, Tami; Posthumanist Collaborations in Performance: A Praxis-based Approach to Qualitative InquiryRoutledge, 2024Puhakötés 18 894 Ft |
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