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Kereső kifejezés: Témák: Filozófia >> Filozófia,

Találatok száma: 80


Philosophy of Science: The Key Thinkers Brown, James Robert; (ed.)

Philosophy of Science: The Key Thinkers

Bloomsbury Academic, 2021
Puhakötés 12 069 Ft

Aesthetics: The Key Thinkers Giovannelli, Alessandro; (ed.)

Aesthetics: The Key Thinkers

Bloomsbury Academic, 2021
Puhakötés 12 069 Ft

Logic of Sense Deleuze, Gilles;

Logic of Sense

Bloomsbury Academic, 2015
Puhakötés 12 069 Ft

Art and Fear' and 'Art as Far as the Eye Can See' Virilio, Paul;

Art and Fear' and 'Art as Far as the Eye Can See'

Bloomsbury Academic, 2020
Puhakötés 10 494 Ft

Philosophy of Language: The Key Thinkers Lee, Barry; (ed.)

Philosophy of Language: The Key Thinkers

Bloomsbury Academic, 2019
Puhakötés 13 119 Ft

Philosophy and Simulation: The Emergence of Synthetic Reason DeLanda, Manuel;

Philosophy and Simulation: The Emergence of Synthetic Reason

Bloomsbury Academic, 2019
Puhakötés 13 119 Ft

A New Philosophy of Society: Assemblage Theory and Social Complexity DeLanda, Manuel;

A New Philosophy of Society: Assemblage Theory and Social Complexity

Bloomsbury Academic, 2019
Puhakötés 13 119 Ft

Aesthetic Theory Adorno, Theodor W.;

Aesthetic Theory

Bloomsbury Academic, 2013
Puhakötés 12 069 Ft

After Virtue MacIntyre, Alasdair;

After Virtue

Bloomsbury Academic, 2013
Puhakötés 12 069 Ft

Time for Revolution Negri, Antonio;

Time for Revolution

Bloomsbury Academic, 2013
Puhakötés 10 494 Ft

Taking Rights Seriously Dworkin, Ronald;

Taking Rights Seriously

Bloomsbury Academic, 2013
Puhakötés 13 119 Ft

Anti-Oedipus Deleuze, Gilles; Guattari, Felix;


Bloomsbury Academic, 2013
Puhakötés 13 119 Ft

A Thousand Plateaus Deleuze, Gilles; Guattari, Felix;

A Thousand Plateaus

Bloomsbury Academic, 2013
Puhakötés 13 644 Ft

Intensive Science and Virtual Philosophy DeLanda, Manuel;

Intensive Science and Virtual Philosophy

Bloomsbury Academic, 2013
Puhakötés 9 444 Ft

The Intelligence of Evil: or, The Lucidity Pact Baudrillard, Jean;

The Intelligence of Evil: or, The Lucidity Pact

Bloomsbury Academic, 2013
Puhakötés 10 494 Ft

To Have or To Be? Fromm, Erich;

To Have or To Be?

Bloomsbury Academic, 2013
Puhakötés 11 544 Ft

Eclipse of Reason Horkheimer, Max;

Eclipse of Reason

Bloomsbury Academic, 2013
Puhakötés 10 494 Ft

Discourse on Free Will Erasmus, Desiderius; Luther, Martin;

Discourse on Free Will

Bloomsbury Academic, 2013
Puhakötés 10 494 Ft

Ethics: The Key Thinkers Angier, Tom; , Angier, Tom; (ed.)

Ethics: The Key Thinkers

Bloomsbury Academic, 2012
Puhakötés 16 794 Ft

Ethics: The Key Thinkers Angier, Tom; , Angier, Tom; (ed.)

Ethics: The Key Thinkers

Bloomsbury Academic, 2012
Keménykötés 63 000 Ft

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