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Találatok száma: 3 603
Stump, Eleonore; White, Thomas Joseph; (ed.) The New Cambridge Companion to AquinasCambridge University Press, 2022Puhakötés 13 801 Ft |
Hollingsworth, Mary; Princes of the RenaissanceApollo, 2023Puhakötés 7 665 Ft |
Copenhaver, Brian P.; Magic in Western Culture: From Antiquity to the EnlightenmentCambridge University Press, 2018Puhakötés 17 892 Ft |
Hetherington, Stephen; Smith, Nicholas D.; Lagerlund, Henrik; Gaukroger, Stephen; Valaris, Markos; (ed.) The Philosophy of Knowledge: A HistoryBloomsbury Academic, 2024Kötés ismeretlen 40 908 Ft |
Mori, Giuliano; Historical Truth in Fifteenth-Century Italy: Verisimilitude and Factuality in the Humanist DebateOUP Oxford, 2024Keménykötés 38 862 Ft |
Holznagel, Franz-Josef; Möller, Hartmut; Kühne, Udo; (ed.) Das Rostocker Liederbuch: Historisch-kritische Neuedition der Texte und Melodien, Übersetzung und Kommentar. Mit Beiträgen von Andreas Bieberstedt und Doreen Brandt. Unter Mitarbeit von Annika Bostelmann, Hellmut Braun und Anne Gessing.Schwabe Verlag Basel, 2024Keménykötés 93 786 Ft |
Grünbart, Michael; Die Komnenen: Eine byzantinische HerrscherfamilieKohlhammer, 2024Puhakötés 12 362 Ft |
Shrank, Cathy; Withington, Phil; (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Thomas More's UtopiaOUP Oxford, 2023Keménykötés 69 032 Ft |
Ebert, Stephan F.; Schenk, Gerrit Jasper; Grünbart, Michael; Hack, Achim Thomas; Schmitz-Esser, Romedio; (ed.) Vom Buch aufs Feld - vom Feld ins Buch: Verflechtungen von Theorie und Praxis in Ernährung und LandwirtschaftKohlhammer, 2024Puhakötés 27 709 Ft |
Gregoric, Pavel; Monti, Martino Rossi; (ed.) Renaissance Aristotelianism in Southeast Europe: Scholarship, Metaphysics, and Interactions with PlatonismBloomsbury Academic, 2025Keménykötés 43 464 Ft |
Vimercati, Emmanuele; (ed.) The Reception of John Philoponus? Natural Philosophy: Aristotelian Science From Late Antiquity to the RenaissanceBloomsbury Academic, 2024Keménykötés 43 464 Ft |
Verardi, Donato; (ed.) Aristotelianism and Magic in Early Modern Europe: Philosophers, Experimenters and WonderworkersBloomsbury Academic, 2025Puhakötés 14 824 Ft |
Ashe, Laura; Chaucer?s Ethical PhilosophyOUP Oxford, 2025Keménykötés 12 783 Ft |
Logan, Ian; Forbes, Alastair; (ed.) Anselm of Canterbury: Nature, Order and the DivineBRILL, 2024Keménykötés 70 339 Ft |
LaZella, Andrew; Jr., Richard A. Lee,; (ed.) The Edinburgh Critical History of Middle Ages and Renaissance PhilosophyEdinburgh University Press, 2025Puhakötés 15 335 Ft |
Sabaté, Flocel; (ed.) Defining and Perceiving Feelings in the Late Middle AgesBRILL, 2025Keménykötés 55 419 Ft |
Aquinas, Aquinas Thomas; Bourke, Vernon J.; Summa Contra Gentiles ? Book 3: Providence, Part I: Book 3: Providence, Part IMR ? University of Notre Dame Press, 2024Keménykötés 42 442 Ft |
Aquinas, Aquinas Thomas; O`neil, Charles J.; Summa Contra Gentiles, 4 ? Book Four: Salvation: Book Four: SalvationMR ? University of Notre Dame Press, 2024Keménykötés 52 669 Ft |
Aquinas, Aquinas Thomas; Bourke, Vernon J.; Summa Contra Gentiles ? Book 3: Providence, Part II: Book 3: Providence, Part IIMR ? University of Notre Dame Press, 2024Keménykötés 42 442 Ft |
Fairfield, Paul; Historical Imagination: Hermeneutics and Cultural NarrativeRowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2024Puhakötés 15 340 Ft |
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