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Kereső kifejezés: Témák: Fizika (karitatív célú kampány) >> A fizika általános kérdései (karitatív célú kampány),

Találatok száma: 11

Fizika (karitatív célú kampány)

Leroy, Jean-Louis;

Polarization of Light and Astronomical Observation

CRC Press, 2001
Keménykötés 9 969 Ft

The Mathematics of Thermal Modeling: An Introduction to the Theory of Laser Material Processing Dowden, John Michael;

The Mathematics of Thermal Modeling: An Introduction to the Theory of Laser Material Processing

Chapman and Hall, 2001
Keménykötés 91 875 Ft

Rosser, W G V;

Introductory Special Relativity

CRC Press, 1992
Puhakötés 16 794 Ft

Mott, Nevill;

A Life In Science

CRC Press, 1986
Keménykötés 17 319 Ft

Brumberg, Victor; Brumberg, Eugene V.;

Celestial Dynamics at High Eccentricities

CRC Press, 1999
Keménykötés 14 169 Ft

Essentials of Functional MRI Stroman, Patrick W.;

Essentials of Functional MRI

CRC Press, 2011
Puhakötés 45 669 Ft

Capozziello, Salvatore; De Laurentis, Mariafelicia;

General Relativity and Cosmology: A Primer

Springer, 2030
Keménykötés 34 880 Ft

Holography: Principles and Applications Kostuk, Raymond K.;

Holography: Principles and Applications

CRC Press, 2019
Keménykötés 76 125 Ft

Essentials of Functional MRI Stroman, Patrick W.;

Essentials of Functional MRI

CRC Press, 2017
Keménykötés 94 500 Ft

The Mathematics of Thermal Modeling: An Introduction to the Theory of Laser Material Processing Dowden, John Michael;

The Mathematics of Thermal Modeling: An Introduction to the Theory of Laser Material Processing

Chapman and Hall, 2019
Puhakötés 32 544 Ft

Holography: Principles and Applications Kostuk, Raymond K.;

Holography: Principles and Applications

CRC Press, 2021
Puhakötés 28 344 Ft

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