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Kereső kifejezés: Témák: Földrajz, földtudományok (karitatív célú kampány) >> Geológia (karitatív célú kampány),

Találatok száma: 16

Földrajz, földtudományok (karitatív célú kampány)

Statistical Methods in Environmental Health Pearson, J.C.G.; Turton, A.;

Statistical Methods in Environmental Health

Chapman and Hall, 1993
Keménykötés 5 244 Ft

Scarth, Alwyn;

Volcanoes: An Introduction

CRC Press, 1994
Keménykötés 10 494 Ft

Kemp, Zarine; (ed.)

Innovations In GIS

CRC Press, 1997
Puhakötés 30 444 Ft

Bugayevskiy, L M; Snyder, John;

Map Projections: A Reference Manual

CRC Press, 1995
Keménykötés 39 375 Ft

Cooke, Ronald U.; Warren, Andrew; Goudie, Andrew S.;

Desert Geomorphology

CRC Press, 1993
Keménykötés 17 319 Ft

Gattrell, Anthony; (ed.)

Gis And Health Pb

CRC Press, 1998
Puhakötés 13 644 Ft

Introductory Readings In Geographic Information Systems Peuquet, D J; Marble, D F; (ed.)

Introductory Readings In Geographic Information Systems

CRC Press, 1990
Keménykötés 39 375 Ft

Gattrell, Anthony; Loytonen, M; (ed.)

GIS And Health: GISDATA 6

CRC Press, 1998
Keménykötés 10 494 Ft

Fisher, M; Scholten, H J; Unwin, David; (ed.)

Spatial Analytical Perspectives On GIS: GISDATA 4

CRC Press, 1996
Keménykötés 10 494 Ft

Remotely Sensed Data Characterization, Classification, and Accuracies Thenkabail, Ph.D.; (ed.)

Remotely Sensed Data Characterization, Classification, and Accuracies

CRC Press, 2015
Keménykötés 110 250 Ft

Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing Thenkabail, Ph.D. Prasad S.; (ed.)

Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing

CRC Press, 2015
Keménykötés 115 500 Ft

Remote Sensing of Water Resources, Disasters, and Urban Studies: Remote Sensing of Water Resources, Disasters, and Urban Studies Thenkabail, Ph.D. Prasad S.; (ed.)

Remote Sensing of Water Resources, Disasters, and Urban Studies: Remote Sensing of Water Resources, Disasters, and Urban Studies

CRC Press, 2015
Keménykötés 115 500 Ft

Remote Sensing Handbook - Three Volume Set Thenkabail, Prasad; (ed.)

Remote Sensing Handbook - Three Volume Set

CRC Press, 2015
Keménykötés 328 125 Ft

Fluvial Hydrodynamics: Hydrodynamic and Sediment Transport Phenomena Dey, Subhasish;

Fluvial Hydrodynamics: Hydrodynamic and Sediment Transport Phenomena

Springer, 2014
Keménykötés 69 765 Ft

Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing Thenkabail, Ph.D. Prasad S.; (ed.)

Land Resources Monitoring, Modeling, and Mapping with Remote Sensing

CRC Press, 2019
Puhakötés 44 619 Ft

Remote Sensing of Water Resources, Disasters, and Urban Studies: Remote Sensing of Water Resources, Disasters, and Urban Studies Thenkabail, Ph.D. Prasad S.; (ed.)

Remote Sensing of Water Resources, Disasters, and Urban Studies: Remote Sensing of Water Resources, Disasters, and Urban Studies

CRC Press, 2019
Puhakötés 44 619 Ft

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