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Találatok száma: 2 833
Művészettörténet, művészeti irányzatok
Hollingsworth, Mary; Princes of the RenaissanceApollo, 2023Puhakötés 7 869 Ft |
Cruz, Anne J.; Stampino, Maria Galli; (ed.) Early Modern Habsburg Women: Transnational Contexts, Cultural Conflicts, Dynastic ContinuitiesRoutledge, 2024Puhakötés 20 994 Ft |
Barone, Juliana; Avery?quash, Susanna; Leonardo in Britain ? Collections and Historical Reception: Collections and Historical ReceptionYale University Press, 2025Puhakötés 31 500 Ft |
Da Vinci, Leonardo Da VinciEdiciones Polígrafa S.A., 2025Puhakötés 4 918 Ft |
Holberton, Paul; A History of Arcadia in Art and Literature: Volu ? Later Renaissance, Baroque and Neoclassicism: Later Renaissance, Baroque and NeoclassicismYale University Press, 2025Keménykötés 26 250 Ft |
Holberton, Paul; A History of Arcadia in Art and Literature: Volu ? Earlier Renaissance: Earlier RenaissanceYale University Press, 2025Keménykötés 26 250 Ft |
Hope, Charles; Titian: Sources and DocumentsYale University Press, 2025Keménykötés 262 500 Ft |
Gottardo, Ketty; Rebecchini, Guido; The Art of Experiment ? Parmigianino at The Courtauld: Parmigianino at the CourtauldYale University Press, 2025Puhakötés 15 750 Ft |
Sani, Elisa P.; Italian Maiolica and Other Early Modern Ceramics in the Courtauld GalleryYale University Press, 2025Keménykötés 26 250 Ft |
Flavin, Susan; Heard, Karen; Pratt, Stephanie; West Country to World`s End ? The South West in the Tudor Age: The South West in the Tudor AgeYale University Press, 2025Puhakötés 10 500 Ft |
Savage, Elizabeth; Early Colour Printing ? German Renaissance Woodcuts at the British Museum: German Renaissance Woodcuts at the British MuseumYale University Press, 2025Keménykötés 26 250 Ft |
Silver, Nathaniel; Titian`s "Rape of Europa"Yale University Press, 2025Puhakötés 9 423 Ft |
Eze, Anne?marie; Hayes, Matthew; Kennedy, Ian; Titian, the Della Rovere Dynasty & His Portrait of Guidobaldo II and his SonYale University Press, 2025Keménykötés 10 500 Ft |
Silver, Nathaniel; Rowland, Ingrid; Raphael and the Pope?s LibrarianYale University Press, 2025Puhakötés 8 400 Ft |
Buck, Stephanie; Freedberg, David; Porras, Stephanie; The Young Durer ? Drawing the Figure: Drawing the FigureYale University Press, 2025Keménykötés 21 000 Ft |
Garrett, Rosamund; Reeves, Matthew; Late?Medieval and Renaissance TextilesYale University Press, 2025Puhakötés 18 375 Ft |
Marciari, John J.; Drawing in Tintoretto?s VeniceYale University Press, 2025Keménykötés 18 375 Ft |
Campbell, Caroline; Love and Marriage in Renaissance Florence ? The Courtauld Wedding Chests: The Courtauld Wedding ChestsYale University Press, 2025Puhakötés 13 125 Ft |
Buck, Stephanie; Michelangelo`s DreamYale University Press, 2025Keménykötés 21 000 Ft |
Mazzotta, Antonio; Giovanni Bellini`s Dudley MadonnaYale University Press, 2025Puhakötés 10 500 Ft |
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