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Találatok száma: 14 609
Kulturális antropológia, néprajz és folklór
Taylor, Mary N.; Movement of the People ? Hungarian Folk Dance, Populism, and Citizenship: Hungarian Folk Dance, Populism, and CitizenshipMH ? Indiana University Press, 2021Puhakötés 16 800 Ft |
Fry, Stephen; Heroes: The myths of the Ancient Greek heroes retoldPenguin, 2019Puhakötés 5 769 Ft |
Peterson, Jordan B.; We Who Wrestle With God: Perceptions of the DivineAllen Lane, 2024Keménykötés 15 750 Ft |
Murdoch, Lydia; Daily Life of Victorian WomenBloomsbury Academic, 2024Puhakötés 11 544 Ft |
Kaiser, Markus; Eurasia in the Making - Revival of the Silk Road: A Study on Cross-border Trade and Markets in Contemporary Uzbekistantranscript, 2025Puhakötés 12 171 Ft |
Rice, Charles E. The Winning Side: Why the Culture of Death Is DyingSt. Augustine's Press, 2025Puhakötés 9 878 Ft |
Lynch, Thomas; Ball, Alan; The Depositions ? New and Selected Essays on Being and Ceasing to BeW. W. Norton & Company, 2025Keménykötés 10 494 Ft |
Lynch, Thomas; Ball, Alan; The Depositions ? New and Selected Essays on Being and Ceasing to Be: New and Selected Essays on Being and Ceasing to BeW. W. Norton & Company, 2024Puhakötés 7 344 Ft |
Leineweber, Jonas; Seng, Eva-Maria; (ed.) Immaterielles Kulturerbe und Regionale Identität - Schützenwesen in Nordwestdeutschlandtranscript, 2024Puhakötés 19 561 Ft |
Cantú, Norma E.; Fiestas in Laredo Volume 30 ? Matachines, Quincea?eras, and George Washington`s Birthday: Matachines, Quinceańeras, and George Washington's Birthday Volume 30John Wiley & Sons, 2024Keménykötés 13 098 Ft |
Klausmann, Ulrike; Meinzerin, Marion; Women Pirates and the Politics of the Jolly Roger: The Politics of the Jolly RogerBlack Rose Books, 2025Puhakötés 9 975 Ft |
DuBois, Thomas A. Folklore in the Nordic WorldUniversity of Wisconsin Press, 2024Puhakötés 6 976 Ft |
Salick, Jan; Moseley, Robert; Khawa Karpo ? Tibetan Traditional Knowledge and Biodiversity Conservation: Tibetan Traditional Knowledge and Biodiversity ConservationUniversity of Chicago Press, 2024Keménykötés 17 325 Ft |
Präauer, Teresa; Driscoll, Kári; Becoming AnimalSeagull Books, 2024Keménykötés 8 394 Ft |
Velic, Medina; Politisierte Bilder: Repräsentationen ?der Muslimin? im deutschsprachigen Filmtranscript, 2024Puhakötés 23 908 Ft |
Lohman, Sarah; Endangered Eating ? America`s Vanishing Foods: America's Vanishing FoodsW. W. Norton & Company, 2025Puhakötés 8 394 Ft |
Huntman, Rebe My Mother in Havana: A Memoir of Magic & MiracleMonkfish Book Publishing, 2025Puhakötés 10 285 Ft |
Jaffe, Sarah; From the Ashes: Grief and Revolution in a World on FireBold Type Books, 2024Keménykötés 17 062 Ft |
Vlahos, Hadley; The In-Between: Unforgettable Encounters During Life's Final MomentsVintage, 2025Puhakötés 5 769 Ft |
Bartlett, Sarah; Myth: Stories from World MythologyGodsfield Press, 2025Keménykötés 6 819 Ft |
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