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Találatok száma: 2 984
Csillagászat, űrkutatás, asztronautika
Huterer, Dragan; A Course in Cosmology: From Theory to PracticeCambridge University Press, 2023Keménykötés 26 244 Ft |
Baumann, Daniel; CosmologyCambridge University Press, 2022Keménykötés 26 244 Ft |
Plebanski, Jerzy; Krasinski, Andrzej; An Introduction to General Relativity and CosmologyCambridge University Press, 2024Keménykötés 36 744 Ft |
Harper, Caroline; Unseen Universe: New Secrets of the Cosmos Revealed by the James Webb Space TelescopeGreenfinch, 2024Keménykötés 15 750 Ft |
Hertog, Thomas; On the Origin of Time: The instant Sunday Times bestsellerPenguin, 2024Puhakötés 5 769 Ft |
Giudice, Gian Francesco; Vor dem Big BangSpringer, 2025Puhakötés 14 340 Ft |
Consolmagno, Guy A Jesuit's Guide to the Stars: Exploring Wonder, Beauty, and ScienceLoyola Press, 2025Puhakötés 10 285 Ft |
Trefil, James Supermassive: Black Holes at the Beginning and End of the UniverseSmithsonian Books, 2025Keménykötés 12 327 Ft |
Imara, Nia; Painting the Cosmos: How Art and Science Intersect to Reveal the Secrets of the UniverseBenbella Books, 2025Puhakötés 12 069 Ft |
Mathews, Grant; Tang, Guobao; Introduction to Particle Physics and CosmologyCRC Press, 2025Keménykötés 97 125 Ft |
Mathews, Grant; Tang, Guobao; Introduction to Particle Physics and CosmologyCRC Press, 2025Puhakötés 34 119 Ft |
Arthur, Wallace; Parallel Worlds: Evolution Of Life Across The CosmosWorld Scientific, 2025Keménykötés 36 750 Ft |
Hernandez Ibinarriaga, Desiree; Decolonising and Indigenising Design: Theory, Methodologies, Storytelling, and Creative PracticeRoutledge, 2025Keménykötés 76 125 Ft |
Cirkovic, Elena; The Law of Complex Earth and Outer Space Systems: The Cosmolegal ProposalRoutledge, 2025Keménykötés 76 125 Ft |
Dover, Paul M.; (ed.) Engaging with the Past and Present: The Relationship between Past and Present across the DisciplinesRoutledge, 2025Puhakötés 23 094 Ft |
Mullan, Dermott J.; Physics of the Sun: A First CourseCRC Press, 2025Puhakötés 24 144 Ft |
Kitchin, C.R.; Habitable Exoplanets for Extra-TerrestrialsCRC Press, 2024Keménykötés 27 819 Ft |
Prins, Jacomien; Thomas, Edmund; (ed.) The Legacy of Plato's Timaeus: Cosmology, Music, Medicine, and Architecture from Antiquity to the Seventeenth CenturyBRILL, 2024Keménykötés 66 943 Ft |
Vimercati, Emmanuele; (ed.) The Reception of John Philoponus? Natural Philosophy: Aristotelian Science From Late Antiquity to the RenaissanceBloomsbury Academic, 2024Keménykötés 44 625 Ft |
Panek, Richard; Pillars of Creation: How the James Webb Telescope Unlocked the Secrets of the CosmosLittle, Brown US, 2024Keménykötés 15 225 Ft |
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