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Találatok száma: 33 922
Földrajz, földtudományok
Campbell, Peter G. C.; Hodson, Peter V.; Welbourn, Pamela M.; EcotoxicologyCambridge University Press, 2022Puhakötés 23 619 Ft |
Weinberg, Robert A.; The Biology of Cancer, ISE ? International Student Edition, 3rd EditionW. W. Norton & Company, 2023Puhakötés 37 800 Ft |
Castelló, José R.; Bovids of the World: Antelopes, Gazelles, Cattle, Goats, Sheep, and RelativesPrinceton University Press, 2016Puhakötés 15 750 Ft |
Castelló, José R.; Canids of the World: Wolves, Wild Dogs, Foxes, Jackals, Coyotes, and Their RelativesPrinceton University Press, 2018Puhakötés 13 125 Ft |
Cofta, Tomasz; Flight Identification of European Passerines and Select Landbirds: An Illustrated and Photographic GuidePrinceton University Press, 2021Puhakötés 19 950 Ft |
Higham, Tom; The World Before Us: How Science is Revealing a New Story of Our Human OriginsPenguin, 2022Puhakötés 5 769 Ft |
Murphy, Kenneth M.; Weaver, Casey; Berg, Leslie J.; Janeway?s ImmunobiologyW. W. Norton & Company, 2022Keménykötés 33 075 Ft |
Shukla, Manoj K.; Soil Physics: An Introduction, Second EditionCRC Press, 2023Keménykötés 60 375 Ft |
Attenborough, David; A Life on Our Planet: My Witness Statement and a Vision for the FutureEbury Press, 2022Puhakötés 6 819 Ft |
Ball, Philip; Patterns in Nature ? Why the Natural World Looks the Way It Does: Why the Natural World Looks the Way It DoesUniversity of Chicago Press, 2017Keménykötés 16 275 Ft |
Lin, Johnny Wei-Bing; Aizenman, Hannah; Manette Cartas Espinel, Erin; An Introduction to Python Programming for Scientists and EngineersCambridge University Press, 2022Puhakötés 28 869 Ft |
Bunyard, Britt A.; The Little Book of FungiPrinceton University Press, 2024Keménykötés 6 819 Ft |
Alberts, Bruce; Heald, Rebecca; Johnson, Alexander; Morgan, David; Raff, Martin; Roberts, Keith; Molecular Biology of the Cell ? International Student EditionW. W. Norton & Company, 2022Keménykötés 40 950 Ft |
Benton, MJ; Vertebrate PalaeontologyWiley?Blackwell, 2024Puhakötés 29 373 Ft |
Martin, William F.; Kleinermanns, Karl; The Geochemical Origin of MicrobesCRC Press, 2024Puhakötés 39 369 Ft |
Zech, Wolfgang; Schad, Peter; Hintermaier-Erhard, Gerd; Soils of the WorldSpringer, 2022Keménykötés 69 765 Ft |
Ball, Stuart; Morris, Roger; Hoverflies of Britain and Ireland: Third Edition, Fully Revised and UpdatedPrinceton University Press, 2024Puhakötés 13 125 Ft |
Schieb, Armin; The Ant Collective: Inside the World of an Ant ColonyPrinceton University Press, 2024Keménykötés 10 500 Ft |
Hamilton, Rachel; Gibson, Chris; Still, Robert; British and Irish Wild Flowers and Plants: A Pocket GuidePrinceton University Press, 2024Puhakötés 6 819 Ft |
Walker Leslie, Clare; How to Look at a Bird: Open Your Eyes to the Joy of Watching and Knowing BirdsStorey, 2024Puhakötés 7 869 Ft |
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