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Találatok száma: 137 674
Allen, Michael; Swain, Scott R.; (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Reformed TheologyOUP Oxford, 2020Keménykötés 74 812 Ft |
Stackhouse Jr., John G.; Evangelicalism: A Very Short IntroductionOUP USA, 2023Puhakötés 4 719 Ft |
Müller, Sabrina; Suhner, Jasmine; , Müller, Sabrina; Bils, Sandra; Dietz, Thorsten;(ed.) Transformative Homiletik - Jenseits der Kanzel: (M)achtsam predigen in einer sich verändernden WeltNeukirchener Aussaat, 2023Keménykötés 12 171 Ft |
Chadwick, Henry; Augustine: A Very Short IntroductionOUP Oxford, 2001Puhakötés 4 719 Ft |
McNutt, Jennifer Powell; Selderhuis, Herman J.; (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of the Bible and the ReformationOUP Oxford, 2024Keménykötés 76 650 Ft |
Achenbach, Reinhard; Die Komposition der Tora im Buch ExodusMohr Siebeck, 2024Keménykötés 66 943 Ft |
Häner, Tobias; Ironie und Ambiguität im IjobbuchMohr Siebeck, 2024Keménykötés 69 117 Ft |
Neijenhuis, Elisabeth; (ed.) Sonne und Schild 2025: Evangelischer Tageskalender 2025Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2024Puhakötés 6 955 Ft |
Schneider, Bishop Athanasius Flee from Heresy: A Catholic Guide to Ancient and Modern ErrorsSophia Institute Press, 2024Keménykötés 10 269 Ft |
Fishbane, Michael; Jewish Biblical Interpretation: Medieval and Modern: Collected Essays IIMohr Siebeck, 2024Keménykötés 76 072 Ft |
Kast, Christopher; Märtl, Claudia; (ed.) Papstreisen im Mittelalter: Organisation, Zeremoniell, RezeptionHerder, Freiburg, 2024Keménykötés 25 212 Ft |
Carr, David M.; From Sources to Scrolls and Beyond: Essays on the Study of the PentateuchMohr Siebeck, 2024Keménykötés 65 205 Ft |
Gunjevic, Boris; (ed.) Luther and Philosophies of the ReformationBloomsbury Academic, 2024Puhakötés 15 219 Ft |
Hollinger, David A.; Christianity's American Fate: How Religion Became More Conservative and Society More SecularPrinceton University Press, 2024Puhakötés 8 394 Ft |
Owen, John; Leslie, Andrew M.; Gatiss, Lee; Wright, Shawn D.; The Church, the Scriptures, and the Sacraments (Volume 28)SPCK ? Crossway, 2024Keménykötés 17 319 Ft |
Lorenzen, S?ren; Wolfs, Rebecca; , Dietrich, Jan; Grund-Wittenberg, Alexandra; Janowski, Bernd;(ed.) Handbuch Alttestamentliche AnthropologieMohr Siebeck, 2024Puhakötés 34 341 Ft |
Long, Stephen Arden; Dynamics of Charity and Reciprocity in the Book of SirachMohr Siebeck, 2024Puhakötés 43 035 Ft |
Price, Richard; Price, Richard; Montinaro, Federico; The Acts of the Council of Constantinople of 869-70Liverpool University Press, 2024Puhakötés 20 994 Ft |
Old, Hughes Oliphant The Patristic Roots of Reformed WorshipWipf & Stock Publishers, 2023Puhakötés 20 168 Ft |
Winroth, Anders; Wei, John C.; (ed.) The Cambridge History of Medieval Canon LawCambridge University Press, 2022Keménykötés 77 175 Ft |
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