Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Lovaniensis - Schaffenrath, Florian; Sacré, Dirk; (szerk.) - Prospero Internetes Könyváruház

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Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Lovaniensis

Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies (Leuven 2022)
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In 2022, a conference of the International Association for Neo-Latin Studies took place in Leuven (?Half a Century of Neo-Latin Studies?). This volume publishes the event?s proceedings which deal with a broad range of fields, including literature, history, philology.

Hosszú leírás:
Every third year, the members of the International Association for Neo-Latin Studies (IANLS) assemble for a week-long conference. Over the years, this event has evolved into the largest single conference in the field of Neo-Latin studies. The papers presented at these conferences offer, then, a general overview of the current status of Neo-Latin research; its current trends, popular topics, and methodologies.

In 2022, the members of IANLS gathered for a conference in Leuven where 50 years ago the first of these congresses took place.This volume presents the conference?s papers which were submitted after the event and which have undergone a peer-review process.

The papers deal with a broad range of fields, including literature, history, philology, and religious studies.

XVIIIth International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies


Presidential Address

Marc Laureys

List of Illustrations

Part 1: Plenary Papers

1 Lowland Latin Lovers, or the Suitors of the Belgian Muses (1477?2007)

A Group Portrait with an All-Male Cast of Schoolmasters, Clergymen, Magistrates, and All That

Marcus de Schepper

2 Le projet Burgundia Humanistica?: l?exemple de Jean Girard d?Auxonne

Sylvie Laigneau-Fontaine

3 Cultura neolatina nel Mezzogiorno d?Italia: cinquant?anni di studi

Antonio Iurilli

4 In laudem praestantissimi triumphi a D. Alexandro Farnesio [?] de Traiectensibus apud Flandros habiti [?] Carmen de Juan Bautista de Aguilar

Un poema épico inédito sobre el asedio de Maastricht (1579)

José Carlos Miralles Maldonado

5 Zwischen Globalisierung und Mikrokultur. Zu einer Gattungspoetik des klassizistischen neulateinischen Lehrgedichts

Claudia Schindler

Part 2: Communications

6 Critical Notes on a Political Bestseller: Kaspar Schoppe?s Animadversiones in Justi Lipsii Politica (1629)

Gábor Almási

7 Defenestratio ex Deputatione iurisperiti Narcissi de Sancto Dionisio et acta pertinentia Latine scripta (1425?1428)

Daniel Álvarez Gómez

8 Les Vies de Zwingli par Myconius?: un humaniste vu par un humaniste

David Amherdt

9 Sugli Epigrammata di Girolamo Borgia

Alberto Maria Amoruso

10 The Bibliotheca Scriptorum Medii Recentisque Aevorum: Past and Present

Enikő Békés

11 Comment conclure un commentaire???: clôture exégétique et clôture littéraire chez Caspar von Barth

Valéry Berlincourt

12 Lorenzo de? Medici e la stampa a Firenze

Concetta Bianca

13 Valentin Löbers deutsche Übersetzungen der Epigrammata von John Owen

Veronika Brandis

14 Poetry, Inspirations, and Careers: Gregory of Sambor and His Ovidian Censtochova

Elwira Buszewicz

15 Ambrogio Traversari e Cosimo de? Medici

Matteo Ceccherini

16 L?Oratio in funere M. Antonii Mureti de Francesco Benci

Lucie Claire

17 Note sui carmina latina di Angelo Di Costanzo

Claudia Corfiati

18 ?Proles cunctarum sum:? La tumulazione del Milite Ignoto nella coeva poesia neolatina

Marco Cristini

19 The Biblical Lyric of Benito Arias Montano in Its European and Spanish Contexts

Maria Czepiel

20 Echoes of the Vates Reverberating: a New Reading of Luigi Illuminati?s Dux in the Context of the Eponymous Poetic Competition (1929?1930)

Paola D?Andrea

21 The Exchange of Latin allusiones between Karel Utenhove and Bonaventura Vulcanius

Eduardo del Pino

22 A Computer-Assisted Stylometric Exploration of Early Modern Latin Genres

Šime Demo

23 La subdivision de la fabula par Boccace

Stefan Feddern

24 Lorenz Rhodoman. Ein gräzistisches Projekt zum protestantischen Philhellenismus und seine Perspektiven

Thomas Gärtner

25 The Royal Law of Denmark: Roman Law and Danish Absolutism

Rasmus Gottschalck

26 Romeyn de Hooghe et le tacitisme?: Stratégies littéraires et visuelles de la propagande de Guillaume III d?Orange-Nassau

Esther Guillaume

27 A Case of Transnational Fascist Latinity? Hans Lis? Translation of Hitler?s Maifeld Address (28 September 1937)

Niklas Gutt

28 Neo-Latin Editorial Methodology: the Case of Bartolomeo Platina?s Lives of the Popes, Paul II

Thomas G. Hendrickson

29 ?Tacitus fuit in Germania.? Die Genese des Autopsie-Arguments in der Kommentarliteratur zur Germania des Tacitus

Ronny Kaiser

30 Pious Resolutions: Humanist Poetry, Commonplace Collecting, and Student Interaction at the University of Wittenberg in 1586

Farkas Gábor Kiss

31 Poliziano e l?elegia latina: il caso ?Tibullo?

Giulia Leidi

32 Carmina cabalistica in neulateinischer Dichtung

Walther Ludwig

33 The Boy Who Believed: Boys in Jesuit Plays as Role Models for College Students

Maria Maciejewska

34 Hydram secas?: Muret parémiographe

Eric MacPhail

35 Arsenali latini barocchi (Ottavio Ferrari, Francisco Macedo, Immanuel de Azevedo)

Guglielmo Monetti

36 L?ideale della res publica litterarum nell?insegnamento di Celio Secondo Curione

Maria Stefania Montecalvo

37 The Substratum of Doctrine and Theology in Daniel Heinsius?s Herodes Infanticida (1632)

Daniel Nodes

38 Neo-Latin Neologism of Geographical Names

Aiko Okamoto-MacPhail

39 Becoming a Neo-Latin Poet in Early Quattrocento: The Beginning of Maffeo Vegio?s Poetic Career

Iván Parga Ornelas

40 La poesía latina del humanista hispalense Gonzalo Ponce de León (ca. 1542?1593)

Joaquín Pascual-Barea

41 Ovide Moralisé versus Ovidius Moralizatus?: l?apport d?une source mythographique au Paysage avec Mercure et Argus de Lucas Gassel

Nikola Piperkov

42 Half a Century of Ficino Studies

Valery Rees

43 Exkurse und Etymologien in Pomponio Letos Commentarioli in Taciti Germaniam

Franz Römer

44 La Lettera di Aristea nel volgarizzamento di Bartolomeo Fonzio: Elementi per la storia compositiva del testo

Costanza Sandrini

45 Hacia un corpus de poesía liminar latina en escritos médicos humanísticos

María Teresa Santamaría Hernández

46 Cur vis ?????????? Über einen gescheiterten brieflichen Bekehrungsversuch im Jahre 1562

Clemens Schlip

47 Cristoforo Landino e le fonti greche: un cantiere aperto

Cecilia Sideri

48 Ioannes Dantiscus? Carmen de Iudaeis: Some New Insights on the Poem

Anna Skolimowska

49 Giorgio Pasquali fascista? Der Philologe und das Regime

Wolfgang Strobl

50 The Complete, the Critical, and the Online: Remarks on the New Nicolaus Olahus Correspondence Edition

Emőke Rita Szilágyi

51 ?Judging without Error? according to Joan Lluís Vives

Joan Tello Brugal

52 El Nuevo Testamento latino en Martin Seidel, Origo et fundamenta religionis Christianae

Pablo Toribio

53 Daniel Heinsius (1580?1655), the Most Prolific Contributor to alba amicorum in the Netherlands

Gilbert Tournoy

54 The amicitia elysea Motif in Carlo Marsuppini?s Elegia de morte Leonardi Aretini and the Building of the Humanists? Position in Florence

Grażyna Urban-Godziek

55 Libertas e res publica litterarum nella Napoli rinascimentale: l?elegia di Girolamo Carbone ad Agostino Nifo

Sebastiano Valerio

56 Improving Humanist Latin in the Periphery of North-Eastern Europe

Kristi Viiding

57 Izui Hisanosuke (1905?1983): Linguist, Ethnologist, Occasional Neo-Latinist, and Founding Member of the Academia Latinitati Fovendae

Akihiko Watanabe

58 Failing at Failure and Ubertino Posculo?s Constantinopolis

Bryan Whitchurch

59 Seneca iurista optimus. Seneca der Jüngere als Rechtsgelehrter in der juristischen Literatur der Frühen Neuzeit

Stefan Zathammer
