Advanced Practice Palliative Nursing 2nd Edition - Dahlin, Constance; Coyne, Patrick; - Prospero Internetes Könyváruház

Advanced Practice Palliative Nursing 2nd Edition
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Advanced Practice Palliative Nursing 2nd Edition

Kiadás sorszáma: 2
Kiadó: OUP USA
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GBP 97.00
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Rövid leírás:

This new revised edition is a seminal textbook for advanced practice nursing care of the seriously ill and dying. This comprehensive work addresses all aspects of palliative care, bringing to the forefront current issues of health equity, managing through crisis, and meeting the needs of diverse populations. Each chapter contains case examples and a strong evidence base to support the highest quality of care. The text is written by leaders in the field and includes authors who have pioneered the role of the advanced practice nurse in palliative care. This volume offers advanced practice content and practical resources for clinical practice across all settings of care and encompassing all ages, from pediatrics to geriatrics.

Hosszú leírás:
Like the first edition, this is a seminal textbook for the advanced practice nursing care of the seriously ill and dying. This comprehensive work addresses all aspects of palliative care including physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs. It brings to the forefront current issues of health equity, managing through crisis, and meeting the needs of diverse populations. Each chapter contains case examples and a strong evidence base to support the highest quality of care. The text is written by leaders in the field and includes authors who have pioneered the role of the advanced practice nurse in palliative care. This volume offers advanced practice content and practical resources for clinical practice across all settings of care and encompassing all ages, from pediatrics to geriatrics.
This newly revised edition has been reorganized to meet the needs of the APRN according to role delineation and practice issues. It offers foundation information on leadership, practice, and the various roles of the APRN as an administrator, educator, policy advocate, and researcher. The various settings of APRN work includes acute care settings (clinical care unit, intensive care unit, and emergency department), clinic (specialty care, primary care, and palliative care), community, rehabilitation, residential facilities, and telehealth. This edition also gives particular attention to special populations, including chapters on health disparities, economic disadvantages for urban dwellers, members of the LGBTQ+ community, Veterans, and Survivorship. There are sections wholly devoted to pediatric care, end of life communication, and the ethics APRNs have to navigate on a daily basis. Written by current APRNs for fellow APRNs, this text provides practical resources for clinical practice across a variety of topics.
List of Contributors
Section I The Palliative APRN
1 Palliative APRN Practice and Leadership: Past, Present, and Future
Constance Dahlin and Patrick J. Coyne
2 Fundamental Skills and Education for the Generalist and Specialist Palliative APRN
Dorothy Wholihan, Charles Tilley, and Adrienne Rudden
3 Credentialing, Certification, and Scope of Practice Issues for the Palliative APRN
Kerstin Lea Lappen, Matthew McGraw, and Kate Meyer
Section II Palliative APRN Roles
4 The Palliative APRN in Administration
Karen Mulvihill
5 The Palliative APRN in Nursing Education
Carrie L. Cormack and Kathleen O. Lindell
6 The Palliative APRN in Policy and Payment Models
Marian Grant
7 The Palliative APRN in Research and Evidence-Based Practice
Janice Linton and Joan G. Carpenter
Section III Clinical Settings of Palliative APRNs
8 The Palliative APRN in the Medical, Surgical, and Geriatrics Patient Care Unit
Phyllis B. Whitehead and Carolyn White
9 The Palliative APRN in the Intensive Care Setting
Clareen Wiencek
10 The Palliative APRN in the Emergency Department
Sarah Loschiavo and Angela Starkweather
11 The Palliative APRN in the Palliative Care Clinic
Brooke Smith and Lisa A. Stephens
12 The Palliative APRN in Primary Care
Rosemary Gorman, Dorothy Wholihan, and Sarah Bender
13 The Palliative APRN in Specialty Cardiology
Beth Fahlberg, Ann Laramee, and Erin Donaho
14 The Palliative APRN in the Community Setting
Nicole DePace
15 The Palliative and Hospice APRN in Hospice and Home Health Programs
Rikki N. Hooper, Chari Price, and Jamie Lee Rouse
16 The Palliative APRN in Rehabilitation
Lorie Resendes Trainor
17 The Palliative APRN in Telehealth
Katherine Kyle and Constance Dahlin
18 The Palliative APRN in the Rural Community
Traci Sickich
19 The Palliative APRN in Residential Facilities
Melissa McClean and Victoria Nalls
Section IV Populations at Risk
20 Health Disparities in Palliative Care and Social Determinants of Health
Alma Y. Dixon and Cecilia R. Motschenbacher
21 Economically Disadvantaged Urban Dwellers
Natasha Curry
22 Inclusive Palliative Care within the LGBTQ+ Community
Jessica Nymeyer
23 Care of Veterans with Palliative Care Needs
Alice C. Foy, Robert David Rice, and Joseph Albert Melocoton
24 Recurrent Disease and Long-Term Survivorship
Denice Economou and Brittany Bradford
Section V Pediatric Palliative Care
25 The Pediatric Palliative APRN
Cheryl Ann Thaxton and Nicole Sartor
26 The Pediatric Palliative APRN in the Acute Care Setting
Faith Kinnear and Gina Santucci
27 The Pediatric Palliative APRN in Perinatal and Neonatal Palliative Care
Maggie C. Root and Mallory Fossa
28 The Pediatric Palliative APRN in the Clinic
Alice Bass and Vanessa Battista
29 The Pediatric Palliative APRN in Oncology
Amy Corey Haskamp and Joanne M. Greene
30 The Pediatric Palliative APRN in the Community
Joan "Jody" Chrastek and Jaime Hensel
31 Communication in Pediatric Palliative Care
Mallory Fossa, Julia McBee, and Rachel Rusch
Section VI Communication in Palliative Care
32 Advance Care Planning: Advance Directives, Medical Order Sets, and Surrogate Decision-Making
Hannah N. Farfour
33 Family Meetings
Jennifer Gentry, Kerrith McDowell, and Paula McKinzie
34 Communication at the End of Life
Marlene E. McHugh, Penelope R. Buschman, and Susan M. Delisle
Section VII Psychosocial, Cultural, and Spiritual Aspects of Care
35 Culturally Respectful Palliative Care
Helen Foley and Polly Mazanec
36 Ensuring Quality Spiritual Care
Betty Ferrell
37 Life Review
Jamil Davis, Mimi Jenko, and James C. Pace
38 Grief and Bereavement
Katharine Adelstein and Elizabeth Archer-Nanda
Section VIII Symptoms
39 Anorexia and Cachexia
Robert Smeltz and Renata Shabin
40 Bowel Symptoms
Kimberly Chow and Lauren Koranteng
41 Fatigue
Shila Pandey
42 Nausea and Vomiting
Katherine E. DeMarco
43 Pain
Judith A. Paice
44 Respiratory Symptoms
Ember S. Moore and Kathleen Broglio
45 Cognitive Impairment
Abraham A. Brody and Donna E. McCabe
46 Serious Mental Illness
Kristyn Pellecchia and Ryan Murphy
47 Patients with Substance Use Disorders and Dual Diagnoses
Jeannine M. Brant and Tonya Edwards
48 Anxiety
Kira Stalhandske
49 Delirium
Bonnie D. Evans and Erica J. Hickey
50 Depression and Suicide
John Chovan
51 Palliative Emergencies
Ann Quinn Syrett, Marcia J. Buckley, and Beth Carlson
52 Challenging Symptoms: Pruritus, Hiccups, Dry Mouth, Fevers, and Sleep Disorders
Barton T. Bobb and Devon S. Wojcikewych
Section IX Ethical Considerations
53 Navigating Ethical Dilemmas
Nessa Coyle and Timothy W. Kirk
54 Discontinuation of Cardiac Therapies
Patricia Maani Fogelman and Janine A. Gerringer
55 Discontinuation of Respiratory Therapies
Brenna Winn
56 Discontinuation of Other Life-Sustaining Therapies
Kathy Plakovic and Jennifer Donoghue
57 Palliative Sedation
David Collett and Kelly Baxter
Appendix I Palliative APRN Billing and Coding
Constance Dahlin
Appendix II Perinatal and Pediatric Pain and Symptom Tables
Constance Dahlin, Amy Corey Haskamp, Joanne Greene, Maggie Root, Mallory Fossa, Faith Kinnear, Alice Bass, Nicole Sarter, Gina Santucci, Cheryl Thaxton, Jaime Hensel, Jody Chrastek, and Vanessa Battista