Advances in Photonic Crystals and Devices - Kumar, Narendra; Suthar, Bhuvneshwer; - Prospero Internetes Könyváruház

Advances in Photonic Crystals and Devices
A termék adatai:

Terjedelem:376 oldal
Méret:254x178 mm
Súly:830 g
Illusztrációk: 231 Illustrations, black & white; 30 Tables, black & white

Advances in Photonic Crystals and Devices

Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: CRC Press
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GBP 180.00
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94 500 Ft (90 000 Ft + 5% áfa)
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85 050 (81 000 Ft + 5% áfa )
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Becsült beszerzési idő: A Prosperónál jelenleg nincsen raktáron, de a kiadónál igen. Beszerzés kb. 3-5 hét..
A Prosperónál jelenleg nincsen raktáron.
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Rövid leírás:

This book devoted to photonics deals with the recent developments in photonic materials, devices and their applications. Written by international leading experts, this book caters to the needs of graduate students and researchers in the field.

Hosszú leírás:

In recent decades, there has been a phenomenal growth in the field of photonic crystal research and has emerged as an interdisciplinary area. Photonic crystals are usually nanostructured electromagnetic media consisting of periodic variation of dielectric constant, which prohibit certain electromagnetic wave frequency ranges called photonic bandgaps to propagate through them. Photonic crystals elicited numerous interesting features by unprecedented control of light and their exploitation is a promising tool in nanophotonics and designing optical components. The book ?Advances in Photonic Crystals and Devices? is designed with 15 chapters with introductory as well as research and application based contents. It covers the following highlighted features:

    • Basics of photonic crystals and photonic crystal fibers

    • Different theoretical as well as experimental approaches

    • Current research advances from around the globe

    • Nonlinear optics and super-continuum generation in photonic crystal fibers

    • Magnetized cold plasma photonic crystals

    • Liquid crystal defect embedded with graphene layers

    • Biophysics and biomedical applications as optical sensors

    • Two-dimensional photonic crystal demultiplexer

    • Optical logic gates using photonic crystals

    • A large number of references

The goal of this book is to draw the background in understanding, fabrication and characterization of photonic crystals using a variety of materials and their applications in design of several optical devices. Though the book is useful as a reference for the researchers working in the area of photonics, optical computing and fabrication of nanophotonic devices, it is intended for the beginners like students pursuing their masters? degree in photonics.



Foreword ....................................................................................................................................... vii

Preface ..............................................................................................................................................ix

Editors ..............................................................................................................................................xi

Contributors ................................................................................................................................. xiii

List of Abbreviations ................................................................................................................. xvii

1. An Introduction to Photonic Crystal Fiber: Modal and Structural Parameters ........1

Dimpi Paul and Rajib Biswas

2. Transmission Properties of One-Dimensional Photonic Crystal ............................... 17

Laxmi Shiveshwari

3. Introduction to Photonic Crystal Fibers ..........................................................................45

Mohit Sharma and S. Konar

4. Nonlinear Optics and Supercontinuum Generation in Photonic

Crystal Fibers .............................................................................................................. 65

Mohit Sharma and S. Konar

5. Effects of Various Parameters on Band Structure of Extrinsic Magnetized

Cold Plasma Photonic Crystal ...........................................................................................79

Narendra Kumar and Bhuvneshwer Suthar

6. Broadband Fiber-Optic Parametric Amplifier Based on Near-Zero Ultraflat

Dispersion Photonic Crystal Fiber ....................................................................................95

Partha Sona Maji

7. Properties of Electromagnetic Density of Mode in Acoustically Perturbed

Photonic Crystal.................................................................................................................. 109

Ayush Aman, Yogesh Sharma, Surendra Prasad, and Vivek Singh

8. Embedded Liquid Crystal Defect with Graphene Layers in Asymmetric

One-Dimensional Photonic Crystal as Sensor Application ...................................... 121

Pawan Singh, Krishan Pal, Khem B. Thapa, Narinder Kumar, and Devesh Kumar

9. Tunable Broadband Reflector Using a One-Dimensional Photonic Crystal

Containing Metamaterial with Symmetrically Introduced Magnetized Cold

Plasma Defect ...................................................................................................................... 143

Asish Kumar, Khem B. Thapa, Narendra Kumar, and Anil K. Yadav

10. Photonic Crystal-Based Sensors for Biosensing Applications .................................. 161

R. Rajasekar, G. Thavasi Raja, and Robinson Savarimuthu

11. 2D Photonic Crystal-Based Demultiplexer: A Review ............................................... 211

Venkatachalam Kannaiyan, Robinson Savarimuthu, and Sriram Kumar Dhamodharan

12. Photonic Crystal-Based Logic Gates ............................................................................... 251

Nirmala Maria D?souza and Vincent Mathew

13. Designing Devices Using One-Dimensional Ternary Photonic Bandgap

Material Structures ............................................................................................................ 267

Anirudh Banerjee

14. Interference-Based All-Optical Photonic Crystal Logic Gates .................................283

Enaul Haq Shaik and Nakkeeran Rangaswamy

15. Photonics for Biomedical Sensing .................................................................................. 313

K. P. Swain, G. Palai, and P. Sarkar

Index .............................................................................................................................................349