Albert of Aachen's History of the Journey to Jerusalem

Two volume PB set
Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: Routledge
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Kötetek száma: 2 pieces,
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GBP 37.99
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18 349 Ft (17 475 Ft + 5% áfa)
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16 514 (15 728 Ft + 5% áfa )
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Rövid leírás:

Albert of Aachen?s History of the Journey to Jerusalem presents the story of the First Crusade (1095-1099) and the early history of the crusader states (1099-1119) in a two-volume set. Volume 1, The First Crusade, is a long and richly detailed account of events well known from the reports of participants, told from a strikingly different perspective. Volume 2, The Early History of the Latin States, provides a surprising level of detail about the reign of King Baldwin I (1100-1119), especially its earlier years and the crusading expeditions of 1101. Susan B. Edgington?s English translation has been widely praised, following its first publication in the Oxford Medieval Texts series, and is here presented with a new introduction and updated notes and bibliography.

Hosszú leírás:
Albert of Aachen?s History of the Journey to Jerusalem presents the story of the First Crusade (1095-1099) and the early history of the crusader states (1099-1119). Volume 1, The First Crusade, is a long and richly detailed account of events well known from the reports of participants, such as Fulcher of Chartres, Raymond of Aguilers and the anonymous author of the Gesta Francorum, but told from a strikingly different perspective. Albert did not go on crusade himself, but gathered reports and anecdotes from those who did, and wove them into narrative that foregrounds the activities of Peter the Hermit, Godfrey of Bouillon, Baldwin of Boulogne, and their followers. His History therefore offers a counter-balance, and sometimes a corrective, to the established view. Volume 2, The Early History of the Latin States, provides a surprising level of detail about the reign of King Baldwin I (1100-1119), especially its earlier years and the crusading expeditions of 1101. It offers much more detail than the only other substantial Latin account of the same events, by Fulcher of Chartres, and where it can be tested against other narratives, including Arabic and Greek sources, it proves to be worthy of both trust and respect. Susan B. Edgington?s English translation has been widely praised, following its first publication in the Oxford Medieval Texts series, and is here presented as a two-volume set, with a new introduction and updated notes and bibliography.

'The English translation is clear and highly readable, the notes modest and helpful. The division into two volumes is an admirable idea ... We are much in debt to Edgington, not only for the original edition/translation, but now also for this handy and very useful two-volume English version. It should have wide and very satisfactory use both in and out of classrooms.' Speculum ?This is an excellent work. Susan Edgington has taken particular trouble to make the book accessible to students through the notes, the running comparisons with other sources and the explanatory elements in the index.? Malcolm Barber Reviews of the previous edition: ?Susan B. Edgington?s translation of Albert of Aachen?s Historia represents a major contribution to crusade studies and to medieval historiography generally.? Jay Rubenstein, Journal of Ecclesiastical History ?[T]he translation [is] unfussy and accurate; the notes, both literary and historical, are useful and concise.? Christopher Tyerman, English Historical Review ?[T]he translation is very good essential tool that all students of the Crusades and the Latin East must now have or have access to. Rarely can it be said that a work consigns everything else produced in the past in its genre to oblivion, but this does. Dr Edgington deserves the highest accolades.? John Pryor, The Journal of Religious History
Contents: Volume I: Preface; Introduction; Books 1-6; Appendices; Bibliography; Index. Volume II: Preface; Introduction; Books 7-12; Appendices; Bibliography; Cumulative index.