Amphibians of Ecuador - Coloma, Luis A.; Duellman, William E.; - Prospero Internetes Könyváruház

Amphibians of Ecuador: Pipidae, Telmatobiidae, Microhylidae, Dendrobatidae, Ranidae, Bufonidae, and Hylidae, Volume II
A termék adatai:

Terjedelem:700 oldal
Méret:280x210 mm
Illusztrációk: 80 Illustrations, black & white; 803 Illustrations, color; 26 Halftones, black & white; 728 Halftones, color; 54 Line drawings, black & white; 75 Line drawings, color; 5 Tables, black & white

Amphibians of Ecuador

Pipidae, Telmatobiidae, Microhylidae, Dendrobatidae, Ranidae, Bufonidae, and Hylidae, Volume II
Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: CRC Press
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Kiadói listaár:
GBP 150.00
Becsült forint ár:
78 750 Ft (75 000 Ft + 5% áfa)
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70 875 (67 500 Ft + 5% áfa )
Kedvezmény(ek): 10% (kb. 7 875 Ft)
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Rövid leírás:

Amphibians of Ecuador: Pipidae Telmatobiidae Microhylidae Dendrobatidae Ranidae Bufonidae Hylidae, Volume II is the second of four volumes which are comprehensive, well-illustrated and authoritative works invaluable to biologists, conservationists, and others.

Hosszú leírás:

This book is the second of four volumes, which are comprehensive, well-illustrated, and authoritative works invaluable to biologists, conservationists, and others. It explores, in comprehensive detail, the rich amphibian diversity of Ecuador, providing a thorough review of biogeography, amphibian declines, and conservation. This volume covers Pipidae, Telmatobiidae, Microhylidae, Dendrobatidae, Ranidae, Bufonidae, and Hylidae. Characteristics of each species are listed, defined, and compared to similar other species. Reproductive behavior, where known, is described, as are data on vocalizations, larvae, and ontogenetic changes. Amphibian distributions are illustrated with physiographic maps with dots. Each volume addresses the declines, extinctions, and conservation status of each species and provides notations of their occurrence in reserves.


  • Provides detailed and authoritative accounts for each species in seven families: Pipidae, Telmatobiidae, Microhylidae, Dendrobatidae, Ranidae, Bufonidae, and Hylidae

  • New data are incorporated for many species

  • Describes with full-color maps the distribution of all known taxa

  • Includes information on the ecology, reproduction, and behavior of all taxa


About the Authors. Contributors. Foreword. Preface. Acknowledgments. Organization and Content of Accounts. Order Anura. Chapter 1 Family Pipidae (Pipa Frogs). Chapter 2 Family Telmatobiidae (Kaylas). Chapter 3 Family Microhylidae (Snouted Frogs). Chapter 4 Family Dendrobatidae (Poison Frogs, Nurse Frogs, and Rocket Frogs). Chapter 5 Family Ranidae (True Frogs). Chapter 6 Family Bufonidae (Toads, Toadlets, Froglets, and Harlequin Frogs). Chapter 7 Family Hylidae (Treefrogs, Swampfrogs, Stream Treefrogs, Agile Frogs, Green Frogs, Sticky Frogs, Bone-Headed Treefrogs, Tepui Treefrogs, Gladiator Frogs, and Smiliscas). Appendix: Vocalizations of Ecuadorian Anurans: Microhylidae, Dendrobatidae, Bufonidae, Hylidae. References. Index.