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Anandamide in Health and Disease

Kiadó: Academic Press
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Kiadói listaár:
EUR 155.00
Becsült forint ár:
63 960 Ft (60 915 Ft + 5% áfa)
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51 169 (48 732 Ft + 5% áfa )
Kedvezmény(ek): 20% (kb. 12 792 Ft)
A kedvezmény érvényes eddig: 2024. június 30.
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Hosszú leírás:
Anandamide in Health and Disease, a volume in the Molecular Mediators in Health and Disease: How Cells Communicate series, is a complete reference on the roles of anandamide in health and disease states. Following the characteristics of the series, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the effects of the mediator on human health.

The book is divided into two parts, the first of which provides background information on biology, regulation, synthesis and degradation and modulation of anandamide. The second part is dedicated to covering the role of anandamide in various diseases. A comprehensive panel of authors cover several somatic and psychiatric disorders, such as anxiety disorders, mood disorders, psychosis and substance use disorders. Additionally, the role of anandamide across epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, and digestive conditions is explored.

Anandamide in Health and Disease is the perfect reference for bioscience researchers seeking to understand anandamide pharmacology, biochemistry, cellular, and molecular biology. Clinicians may also be interested in better understanding the wide-ranging health effects of the mediator.

  • Covers anandamide from a wide variety of specialties and systems.
  • Focuses on the cellular communication aspects of the mediator, and the wide range of effects on human health.
  • Emphasizes the integration of the various roles of anandamide mediated both centrally and peripherally.

PART I Introduction to anandamide CHAPTER 1 Regulation of the levels of anandamide and its bioactive congeners by biosynthesis and degradation Vincenzo Di Marzo and Cristoforo Silvestri CHAPTER 2 Imaging the endocannabinoid enzyme fatty acid amide hydrolase in the living human brain Claire Shyu, Shamantha Lora, Laura M. Best, Sheldon Bereznick and Isabelle Boileau CHAPTER 3 Anandamide: From modulation of neuronal excitation to antimicrobial activities--What is in common? Ronit Vogt Sionov and Doron Steinberg PART II Anandamide in diseases CHAPTER 4 Anandamide and mood disorders Jacklynn M. Fitzgerald and Cecilia J. Hillard CHAPTER 5 Anandamide and anxiety Sara Liane Kroll and Leah M. Mayo CHAPTER 6 Anandamide and disease. Role in stress, fear, and PTSD Luke J. Ney and Allison Matthews CHAPTER 7 Anandamide in disease: Role in psychosis M. Belen Blasco, Carlos A. Pretell Annan and Romina Mizrahi CHAPTER 8 Anandamide in personality disorders Nathan J. Kolla and Michelle De Pol CHAPTER 9 A brief review of anandamide in cannabis use and cannabis use disorder Raesham Mahmood, Claudia Poluga, Isabelle Boileau and Laura M. Best CHAPTER 10 Anandamide signaling dysfunction in the development of alcohol use disorders Balapal S. Basavarajappa CHAPTER 11 Role of Anandamide in Nicotine Addiction Bernard Le Foll CHAPTER 12 The role of anandamide in the sleep--wake cycle Monica Mendez Diaz, Yalitza Azucena Alvarado Ramirez, Aline Ostos Valverde, Oscar E. Prospero Garcia and Andrea M. Herrera Solis CHAPTER 13 Anandamide in disease: The good and bad in epilepsy Renaud Gom, Pasindu Wickramarachchi, Roberto Colangeli and G. Campbell Teskey CHAPTER 14 Role of anandamide in Alzheimer’s disease Dina Medina-Vera and Simone Tambaro CHAPTER 15 The role of anandamide in digestive and defensive functions of the gut Keith A. Sharkey and Derek K.L. Tsang CHAPTER 16 The role of anandamide and the endocannabinoids in the treatment and regulation of nausea and vomiting Erin M. Rock and Linda A. Parker