Basics of CRISPR/Cas Mediated Plant Genome Editing
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Terjedelem:256 oldal
Méret:234x156 mm
Súly:630 g
Illusztrációk: 17 Illustrations, color; 17 Tables, black & white

Basics of CRISPR/Cas Mediated Plant Genome Editing

Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: CRC Press
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Rövid leírás:

CRISPR/Cas endonuclease has emerged, as a powerful genetic engineering tool. It is simple yet highly affordable and robust. This book provides a basic introduction to the mechanism and architecture of the CRISPR/Cas.

Hosszú leírás:

CRISPR/Cas has emerged, as a powerful genetic engineering tool. It is simple yet highly affordable and robust. This book provides a basic introduction to the mechanism and architecture of the CRISPR/Cas. It enlightens the readers about the new advancements such as gene insertion, transcriptional activation, suppression, gene tagging, multiplexing, base editing, prime editing, and tissue culture free editing which makes it easier for crop improvement. With such technologies, application of genome editing has opened new paths for crop improvements and sustainable agriculture. The current book will be useful for beginners to understand these tools and how to use them in a better and more efficient way.


Preface. Introduction to Genome Editing Tool in Plants. The Mechanism of CRISPR and Its Classification. Classification of the CRISPR/Cas System. Emergence of CRISPR Technology Bringing Revolution in Plant Biotechnology. CRISPR/Cas Delivery Methods in Plants. Bioinformatics Approaches to Guide RNA Designing and Off-target Prediction. Importance of Tissue Culture in Genome Editing. Multiplex Genome Editing Approaches for the Plant Genetic Manipulations. Transcriptional Activation and Suppression using CRISPR/Cas9: A Plant?s Outlook. CRISPR/Cas-Based Genome Editing for Soybean Improvement. Application of CRISPR Technology in Plant Salt Tolerance and Membrane Proteins. Index.