Beginners? Italian - Bowles, Vittoria; - Prospero Internetes Könyváruház

Beginners? Italian: Learn faster. Remember more.
A termék adatai:

Terjedelem:240 oldal
Méret:198x128x16 mm
Súly:280 g
Illusztrációk: 4 colour

Beginners? Italian

Learn faster. Remember more.
Kiadó: Teach Yourself
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GBP 9.99
Becsült forint ár:
5 244 Ft (4 995 Ft + 5% áfa)
Miért becsült?
Az Ön ára:

4 458 (4 246 Ft + 5% áfa )
Kedvezmény(ek): 15% (kb. 787 Ft)
A kedvezmény csak az 'Értesítés a kedvenc témákról' hírlevelünk címzettjeinek rendeléseire érvényes.
Kattintson ide a feliratkozáshoz

Becsült beszerzési idő: A Prosperónál jelenleg nincsen raktáron, de a kiadónál igen. Beszerzés kb. 3-5 hét..
A Prosperónál jelenleg nincsen raktáron.
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Hosszú leírás:

'Perfect for anyone starting out on their Italian journey, or if you want a few extra words on your next trip to Italy.'

&&&11088;&&&11088;&&&11088;&&&11088;&&&11088; Review

Perfect for:

  • Absolute beginners or anyone who wants to refresh their knowledge of Italian

  • Anyone looking for clear and simple explanations, or who wants to supplement their study independently

  • Culture and travel lovers who want to explore more confidently

  • Learners who are looking for accessible resources with free audio

  • Visual learners who like having illustrations, tools and trackers to support their study

  • Polyglots who want to challenge themselves with another language

  • Access the audio for this course for free by downloading it to the Teach Yourself Library app or streaming it on
    Continue learning with Teach Yourself Complete Italian and Enjoy Italian. Have some fun with our Short Stories in Italian for Beginners by Olly Richards or 50 Italian Coffee Breaks.
    Rely on Teach Yourself, trusted by language learners for over 85 years.