Cell Physiology Source Book
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Cell Physiology Source Book

Kiadás sorszáma: 5
Kiadó: Academic Press
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EUR 170.00
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70 150 Ft (66 810 Ft + 5% áfa)
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Hosszú leírás:

Cell Physiology Source Book, Fifth Edition covers a broad range of topics in cell physiology. The book discusses research areas that have become active since the last edition (e.g., aquaporins, apicoplast and other organelles) and broadens its scope to include chronobiology, expansion of receptor/sensory physiology, endocrinology, and other topics such as quorum sensing and taxis. As methods or approaches on performing experiments appear to be very valuable parts of books to which readers tend to frequently refer, expansion of these types of chapters and/or appendices are included in this edition.

Applicable to scientists, researchers, postdocs and graduate students across physiological, biochemical, biological and biomedical backgrounds, cell physiology is important for understanding larger organisms and potential advances in biomedicine.


SECTION I. Biophysical Chemistry, Cell Structure and Function 1. Water, Solutions, and Colligative Properties, Simple Diffusion, Permeability2. Lipids Artificial Membranes, Ionophores, Lipid Rafts, Liposomes3. Nucleic Acids Nucleus, Nucleolus, DNA, Chromosomes, Mitotic Spindle, Plasmids, Organellar DNA, Telomeres, DNA and RNA Editing, also see chapter 8)4. Proteins Cytoskeleton, Enzymes, Carriers, Protein Folding, Protein Crystallography5. Carbohydrates Glycocalyx, VSG, Mucins (e.g., T. cruzi), Receptors (Immune System, Lectins)6. Cell Membranes Bilayer Model, Lateral Mobility (Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching)7. Prokayotic Cells (eubacteria, archaea)8. Protists kDNA, Self-splicing, telomeres, apicoplasts, hydrogenosomes, mitosomes9. Organelles SECTION II. Membrane Potentials, Transmembrane Translocation 10. Membrane Potentials and Membrane Transport Gibbs-Donnan Equilibrium, Ion Channels in Non-Excitable Membranes, (Mutations, Disease, Toxin- & Drug-Binding)11. Carrier-Mediated Transport/Facilitated Diffusion Overview Ions (Na+, K+, Cl-), Sugars, Amino Acids, Nutrients, Drugs12. Na+/K+ ATPases13. Ca2+ Transport and Signaling (Surface Membrane, Cytosolic, Nuclear)14. Proton-Motive Force Ion Gradients, Chemosmotic Energy Transduction, Bacterial Flagella, Mitochondrial/Chloroplast Membrane Potential and Energy Production SECTION III. Membrane Excitability, Regulation of Ion Channels 15. Cable Properties, Length Constant, Electrogenesis of Membrane Excitability, Propagation of Action Potentials, Inhibition16. Voltage and Current Clamp (e.g., Oocytes, BLM), Patch-Clamp, Single Channel Techniques17. Voltage-Gated Channels18. Regulation of Mechanosensitive Channels, GTP, Cyclic nucleotides, G-proteins19. Nuclear Envelope SECTION IV. Integration, Synaptic Transmission, Sensory Transduction 20. Ligand-Gated Ion Channels21. Synaptic Transmission, Gap and Tight Junctions22. Excitation-Secretion Coupling, Trophic Effects of Nerves on Muscles? (see Endocrine?)23. Photoreceptors: Vision, Eye spots, Ocelli, Compound Eyes, Color Vision24. Mechanoreceptors: Sound, Balance, Stretch Receptors Pacinian Corpuscle, Hearing25. Pressure Receptors: Posture, Acceleration, Fish Lateral Line26. Chemoreceptors: Smell, Taste27. Electroreceptors, Magnetoreceptors (Magnetosomes), Thermoreceptors28. Brain, Glia SECTION V. Contractile Systems, Cell Locomotion, Muscle 28. Microtubule + Dynein + ATPase, Eukaryote Cilia39. Proton-Motive Force, Bacterial Flagella31. Spasmin/centrin + Ca2+, Rubber?32. Actin +Myosin + ATPase, Amoeboid Movements, Lymphocytes33. Skeletal Muscle, Excitation-Contraction Coupling, Sarcoplasmic Reticulum, Mechano-Chemistry, Insect click flight muscle?34. Smooth Muscle35. Cardiac Muscle SECTION VI. Integration, Endocrine, Exocrine Systems, Chemical Messengers, Hormones 36. Pituitary/Hypothalamus37. Adrenals38. Reproductive Physiology39. Respiration, Gas Transport, Respiratory Pigments, Acid-Base Balance40. Osmoregulation, Volume Regulation, Aquaporin, Ice/Freezing, Counter- Current Systems, Counter-Current Multiplier (Active Transport) Systems SECTION VII. SPECIALIZDED PROCESSES 41. Bioluminescence42. Plant Cell Physiology, Plastids, Photosynthesis, Stomata Opening43. Cell Migration, Quorum Sensing, Taxis, Kinesis, Tropism44. Biological Clocks/Chronobiology, Diapause, Hibernation, Brown Fat SECTION VIII. Experimental Methods/Approaches Cell Biology - Microscopy, GFP, Specific Stains, In Situ Hybridization, Light, Phase-Contrast; Fluorescence Microscopy, Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET); Multi-Photon, Electron Microscopy, Confocal, Imaging, FISH, Atomic Force, STORM/Single Molecule Imaging, Photoactivated Localization Microscopy (PALM); Total Internal Reflection Microscopy (TIRF), Fluorescence Recovery After PhotobleachingMolecular Biology -Nucleotide Sequencing, Whole Genome Analysis, Mutagenesis, Recombinant DNA, PCR, SDS-PAGE, Western Blots, Expression Systems, Antibody Preparation. Biochemistry - Enzyme Kinetics; Gas-Liquid Chromatography, Mass Spectrometary, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Fourier Transforms, X-ray Scattering, Electron Spin Resonance SpectroscopyBiophysical - Optical Tweezers, Magnetic Resonance ImagingHigh Throughput - Bioinformatics, Genomics, Proteomics