A termék adatai:
ISBN13: | 9781446208502 |
ISBN10: | 1446208508 |
Kötéstípus: | Keménykötés |
Terjedelem: | 1680 oldal |
Méret: | 234x156 mm |
Nyelv: | angol |
0 |
Consumer Research Methods
SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods;
Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: SAGE Publications Ltd
Megjelenés dátuma: 2013. április 15.
Normál ár:
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GBP 710.00
GBP 710.00
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342 930 (326 600 Ft + 5% áfa )
Kedvezmény(ek): 8% (kb. 29 820 Ft)
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Rövid leírás:
This collection offers a comprehensive and illuminating overview of the main methods used in consumer research and outlines the main theoretical, conceptual and historical debates that are relevant to the area.
Hosszú leírás:
Ever since its conception some 40 years ago, consumer research has been the channel through which innovations in social science, social and cultural theory and the arts have entered the marketing discipline. With each transformation and interjection of new ideas, discourses and approaches, consumer research has also translated a whole tradition and variety of method into marketing theory and research practice.
This collection offers a comprehensive and illuminating overview of the main methods used in consumer research and outlines the main theoretical, conceptual and historical debates that are relevant to the area. It highlights the full range of methodological considerations, from questionnaire design through to analyzing qualitative data, as well as discussing the progression and development of the field from its initial conception as a relatively coherent and unified sub-discipline through to the diverse community of methods today.
A Brief History of Morris the Cat - Morris Holbrook
Roots of Marketing and Consumer Research at the University of Chicago - Sidney Levy
Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) - Eric Arnould and Craig Thompson
Twenty Years of Research
Remembering Motivation Research - Mark Tadajewski
Toward an Alternative Genealogy of Interpretive Consumer Research
Cultural Influences on Representations of the Consumer in Marketing Theory - Pauline MacLaran, Margaret Hogg and Alan Bradshaw
Consumer Psychology Annual Review of Psychology - Alice Tybout and Nancy Artz
Beyond Incommensurability? Empirical Expansion on Diversity in Research - Andrea Davies and James Fitchett
Grounded Theory, Ethnography and Phenomenology - Christina Goulding
A Comparative Analysis of Three Qualitative Strategies for Marketing Research
Consuming Morality - Richard Wilk
Positivism and Paradigm Dominance in Consumer Research - Shelby Hunt
Toward Critical Pluralism and Rapprochement
Truth in Marketing Theory and Research - George Zinkhan and Rudy Hirschheim
An Alternative Perspective
The Reconciliation of Humanism and Positivism in the Practice of Consumer Research - Timothy Heath
A View from the Trenches
Qualitative Research in Marketing - Evert Gummesson
Road Map for a Wilderness of Complexity and Unpredictability
Analysis and Interpretation of Qualitative Data in Consumer Research - Susan Spiggle
The Perils of N = 1 - William Wells
Experimentation in the 21st Century - Russell Winer
The Importance of External Validity
Rhetorical Issues in Writing Interpretivist Consumer Research - Margaret Hogg and Pauline Maclaran
Measuring the Quality of Relationships in Consumer Services - Keith Roberts, Sajeev Varki and Rod Brodie
An Empirical Study
An Updated Paradigm for Scale Development Incorporating Unidimensionality and Its Assessment - David Gerbing and James Anderson
Index Construction with Formative Indicators - Adamantios Diamantopoulos and Heidi Winklhofer
An Alternative to Scale Development
Status Consumption in Consumer Behavior - Jacqueline Eastman, Ronald Goldsmith and Leisa Reinecke Flynn
Scale Development and Validation
Consumer Perceived Value - Jillian Sweeney and Geoffrey Soutar
The Development of a Multiple-Item Scale
Combating Scale Proliferation - Gordon Bruner
Consumer Lifestyles - Rob Lawson and Sarah Todd
A Social Stratification Perspective
The Influence of Religion on Attitudes towards the Advertising of Controversial Products - Kim Shyan Fam, David Waller and B. Zafer Erdogan
The Influence of Culture on Consumer Impulsive Buying Behavior - Jacqueline Kacen and Julie Anne Lee
Do Intentions Really Predict Behavior? Self-Generated Validity Effects in Survey Research - Pierre Chandon, Vicki Morwitz and Werner Reinartz
Response Styles in Marketing Research - Hans Baumgartner and Jan-Benedict Steenkamp
A Cross-National Investigation
Quantitative Approaches to Consumer Field Research - Collin Payne and Brian Wansink
Applications of Structural Equation Modeling in Marketing and Consumer Research - Hans Baumgartner and Christian Homburg
A Review
Explaining Internet Banking Behavior - Shumaila Yousafza, Gordon Foxall and John Pallister
Theory of Reasoned Action, Theory of Planned Behavior or Technology Acceptance Model?
Predicting Unethical Behavior - Man Kit Chang
A Comparison of the Theory of Reasoned Action and the Theory of Planned Behavior
On Assuring Valid Measures for Theoretical Models Using Survey Data - Robert Ping Jr.
A Critical Review of Construct Indicators and Measurement Model Misspecification in Marketing and Consumer Research - Cheryl Burke Jarvis, Scott MacKenzie and Philip Podsakoff
Perspectives on Consumer Decision-Making - Torben Hansen
An Integrated Approach
The Safety of Objects - Aric Rindfleisch, James Burroughs and Nancy Wong
Materialism, Existential Insecurity and Brand Connection
Consumer Choice between Hedonic and Utilitarian Goods - Klaus Wertenbroch and Ravi Dhar
Perceived Value - Sanjeev Agarwal and R. Kenneth Teas
Mediating Role of Perceived Risk
Student Surrogates in Consumer Research Journal - Richard Beltramini
Escaping the Tyranny of Choice - Barbara Fasolo, Gary McClelland and Peter Todd
When Fewer Attributes Make Choice Easier
Convoking the Consumer in Person - Catherine Grandclément and Gérald Gaglio
The Focus Group Effect
Families, Food and Pester Power - David Marshall, Stephanie O'Donohoe and Stephen Kline
Beyond the Blame Game?
Focus Group Research Dynamics and Reporting - William McDonald
An Examination of Research Objectives and Moderator Influences
Personal Interviews in Cultural Consumer Research - Johanna Moisander, Anu Valtonen and Heidi Hirsto
Post?Structuralist Challenges
The Cult of Macintosh - Russell Belk and G lnur Tumbat
Consumers and Their Brands - Susan Fournier
Developing Relationship Theory in Consumer Research
The Spoken and the Unspoken - Craig Thompson, Howard Pollio and William Locander
An Hermeneutic Approach to Understanding the Cultural Viewpoints That Underlie Consumers' Expressed Meanings
The Body Consumed - S?ren Askegaard, Martine Cardel Gertsen and Roy Langer
Reflexivity and Cosmetic Surgery
Unpacking the Many Faces of Introspective Consciousness - Stephen Gould
A Meta-Cognitive-Post-Structuralist Exercise
Consumption Experience, Customer Value and Subjective Personal Introspection - Morris Holbrook
An Illustrative Photographic Essay
Giving Voice to the Gift - Mary Ann McGrath, John Sherry Jr. and Sidney Levy
The Use of Projective Techniques to Recover Lost Meanings
Advancing from Subjective to Confirmatory Personal Introspection in Consumer Research - Arch Woodside
The Evolution of the Empowered Consumer - Andrea Davies and Richard Elliott
Remembering Socialism - Breda Luthar
On Desire, Consumption and Surveillance
Between Mothers and Markets - Risto Moisio, Eric Arnould and Linda Price
Constructing Family Identity through Homemade Food
Consumer Survival during the Great Depression - Ronald Paul Hill, Elizabeth Hirschman and John Bauman
Reports from the Field
Working Weeks, Rave Weekends - Christina Goulding, Avi Shankar and Richard Elliott
Identity Fragmentation and the Emergence of New Communities
Just Doing It - Lisa Penaloza
A Visual Ethnographic Study of Spectacular Consumption Behavior at Nike Town
Tribal Aspects of Postmodern Consumption Research - Bernard Cova and Véronique Cova
The Case of French In?Line Roller Skaters
Youth Identities in the Global Cultural Economy - Dannie Kjeldgaard
Central and Peripheral Consumer Culture in Denmark and Greenland
Veiling in Style - Özlem Sandikci and G liz Ger
How Does a Stigmatized Practice Become Fashionable?
The Future Perfect Declined - Pauline Maclaran and Stephen Brown
Utopian Studies and Consumer Research
Ethno-Consumerism - Alladi Venkatesh
A New Paradigm to Study Cultural and Cross-Cultural Consumer Behavior
The Field behind the Screen - Robert Kozinets
Using Netnography for Marketing Research in Online Communities
Consumer Responses to Product Placement in Television Sitcoms - Barbara Stern and Cristel Russell
Genre, Sex and Consumption
Mirrors of Masculinity - Jonathan Schroeder and Detlev Zwick
Representation and Identity in Advertising Images
A Model of Product Discourse - Elizabeth C. Hirschman, Linda Scott and William B. Wells
Linking Consumer Practice to Cultural Texts
Marketing and Literature - Stephen Brown
The Anxiety of Academic Influence
Paradoxes of Consumer Independence - Robert Caruana, Andrew Crane and James Fitchett
A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Independent Traveller
A Brief History of Morris the Cat - Morris Holbrook
Roots of Marketing and Consumer Research at the University of Chicago - Sidney Levy
Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) - Eric Arnould and Craig Thompson
Twenty Years of Research
Remembering Motivation Research - Mark Tadajewski
Toward an Alternative Genealogy of Interpretive Consumer Research
Cultural Influences on Representations of the Consumer in Marketing Theory - Pauline MacLaran, Margaret Hogg and Alan Bradshaw
Consumer Psychology Annual Review of Psychology - Alice Tybout and Nancy Artz
Beyond Incommensurability? Empirical Expansion on Diversity in Research - Andrea Davies and James Fitchett
Grounded Theory, Ethnography and Phenomenology - Christina Goulding
A Comparative Analysis of Three Qualitative Strategies for Marketing Research
Consuming Morality - Richard Wilk
Positivism and Paradigm Dominance in Consumer Research - Shelby Hunt
Toward Critical Pluralism and Rapprochement
Truth in Marketing Theory and Research - George Zinkhan and Rudy Hirschheim
An Alternative Perspective
The Reconciliation of Humanism and Positivism in the Practice of Consumer Research - Timothy Heath
A View from the Trenches
Qualitative Research in Marketing - Evert Gummesson
Road Map for a Wilderness of Complexity and Unpredictability
Analysis and Interpretation of Qualitative Data in Consumer Research - Susan Spiggle
The Perils of N = 1 - William Wells
Experimentation in the 21st Century - Russell Winer
The Importance of External Validity
Rhetorical Issues in Writing Interpretivist Consumer Research - Margaret Hogg and Pauline Maclaran
Measuring the Quality of Relationships in Consumer Services - Keith Roberts, Sajeev Varki and Rod Brodie
An Empirical Study
An Updated Paradigm for Scale Development Incorporating Unidimensionality and Its Assessment - David Gerbing and James Anderson
Index Construction with Formative Indicators - Adamantios Diamantopoulos and Heidi Winklhofer
An Alternative to Scale Development
Status Consumption in Consumer Behavior - Jacqueline Eastman, Ronald Goldsmith and Leisa Reinecke Flynn
Scale Development and Validation
Consumer Perceived Value - Jillian Sweeney and Geoffrey Soutar
The Development of a Multiple-Item Scale
Combating Scale Proliferation - Gordon Bruner
Consumer Lifestyles - Rob Lawson and Sarah Todd
A Social Stratification Perspective
The Influence of Religion on Attitudes towards the Advertising of Controversial Products - Kim Shyan Fam, David Waller and B. Zafer Erdogan
The Influence of Culture on Consumer Impulsive Buying Behavior - Jacqueline Kacen and Julie Anne Lee
Do Intentions Really Predict Behavior? Self-Generated Validity Effects in Survey Research - Pierre Chandon, Vicki Morwitz and Werner Reinartz
Response Styles in Marketing Research - Hans Baumgartner and Jan-Benedict Steenkamp
A Cross-National Investigation
Quantitative Approaches to Consumer Field Research - Collin Payne and Brian Wansink
Applications of Structural Equation Modeling in Marketing and Consumer Research - Hans Baumgartner and Christian Homburg
A Review
Explaining Internet Banking Behavior - Shumaila Yousafza, Gordon Foxall and John Pallister
Theory of Reasoned Action, Theory of Planned Behavior or Technology Acceptance Model?
Predicting Unethical Behavior - Man Kit Chang
A Comparison of the Theory of Reasoned Action and the Theory of Planned Behavior
On Assuring Valid Measures for Theoretical Models Using Survey Data - Robert Ping Jr.
A Critical Review of Construct Indicators and Measurement Model Misspecification in Marketing and Consumer Research - Cheryl Burke Jarvis, Scott MacKenzie and Philip Podsakoff
Perspectives on Consumer Decision-Making - Torben Hansen
An Integrated Approach
The Safety of Objects - Aric Rindfleisch, James Burroughs and Nancy Wong
Materialism, Existential Insecurity and Brand Connection
Consumer Choice between Hedonic and Utilitarian Goods - Klaus Wertenbroch and Ravi Dhar
Perceived Value - Sanjeev Agarwal and R. Kenneth Teas
Mediating Role of Perceived Risk
Student Surrogates in Consumer Research Journal - Richard Beltramini
Escaping the Tyranny of Choice - Barbara Fasolo, Gary McClelland and Peter Todd
When Fewer Attributes Make Choice Easier
Convoking the Consumer in Person - Catherine Grandclément and Gérald Gaglio
The Focus Group Effect
Families, Food and Pester Power - David Marshall, Stephanie O'Donohoe and Stephen Kline
Beyond the Blame Game?
Focus Group Research Dynamics and Reporting - William McDonald
An Examination of Research Objectives and Moderator Influences
Personal Interviews in Cultural Consumer Research - Johanna Moisander, Anu Valtonen and Heidi Hirsto
Post?Structuralist Challenges
The Cult of Macintosh - Russell Belk and G lnur Tumbat
Consumers and Their Brands - Susan Fournier
Developing Relationship Theory in Consumer Research
The Spoken and the Unspoken - Craig Thompson, Howard Pollio and William Locander
An Hermeneutic Approach to Understanding the Cultural Viewpoints That Underlie Consumers' Expressed Meanings
The Body Consumed - S?ren Askegaard, Martine Cardel Gertsen and Roy Langer
Reflexivity and Cosmetic Surgery
Unpacking the Many Faces of Introspective Consciousness - Stephen Gould
A Meta-Cognitive-Post-Structuralist Exercise
Consumption Experience, Customer Value and Subjective Personal Introspection - Morris Holbrook
An Illustrative Photographic Essay
Giving Voice to the Gift - Mary Ann McGrath, John Sherry Jr. and Sidney Levy
The Use of Projective Techniques to Recover Lost Meanings
Advancing from Subjective to Confirmatory Personal Introspection in Consumer Research - Arch Woodside
The Evolution of the Empowered Consumer - Andrea Davies and Richard Elliott
Remembering Socialism - Breda Luthar
On Desire, Consumption and Surveillance
Between Mothers and Markets - Risto Moisio, Eric Arnould and Linda Price
Constructing Family Identity through Homemade Food
Consumer Survival during the Great Depression - Ronald Paul Hill, Elizabeth Hirschman and John Bauman
Reports from the Field
Working Weeks, Rave Weekends - Christina Goulding, Avi Shankar and Richard Elliott
Identity Fragmentation and the Emergence of New Communities
Just Doing It - Lisa Penaloza
A Visual Ethnographic Study of Spectacular Consumption Behavior at Nike Town
Tribal Aspects of Postmodern Consumption Research - Bernard Cova and Véronique Cova
The Case of French In?Line Roller Skaters
Youth Identities in the Global Cultural Economy - Dannie Kjeldgaard
Central and Peripheral Consumer Culture in Denmark and Greenland
Veiling in Style - Özlem Sandikci and G liz Ger
How Does a Stigmatized Practice Become Fashionable?
The Future Perfect Declined - Pauline Maclaran and Stephen Brown
Utopian Studies and Consumer Research
Ethno-Consumerism - Alladi Venkatesh
A New Paradigm to Study Cultural and Cross-Cultural Consumer Behavior
The Field behind the Screen - Robert Kozinets
Using Netnography for Marketing Research in Online Communities
Consumer Responses to Product Placement in Television Sitcoms - Barbara Stern and Cristel Russell
Genre, Sex and Consumption
Mirrors of Masculinity - Jonathan Schroeder and Detlev Zwick
Representation and Identity in Advertising Images
A Model of Product Discourse - Elizabeth C. Hirschman, Linda Scott and William B. Wells
Linking Consumer Practice to Cultural Texts
Marketing and Literature - Stephen Brown
The Anxiety of Academic Influence
Paradoxes of Consumer Independence - Robert Caruana, Andrew Crane and James Fitchett
A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Independent Traveller