Design Technology and Digital Production: An Architecture Anthology
A termék adatai:

Terjedelem:238 oldal
Méret:254x178 mm
Súly:598 g
Illusztrációk: 120 Illustrations, color; 120 Halftones, color

Design Technology and Digital Production

An Architecture Anthology
Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: Routledge
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Kiadói listaár:
GBP 135.00
Becsült forint ár:
65 205 Ft (62 100 Ft + 5% áfa)
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58 685 (55 890 Ft + 5% áfa )
Kedvezmény(ek): 10% (kb. 6 521 Ft)
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Becsült beszerzési idő: A Prosperónál jelenleg nincsen raktáron, de a kiadónál igen. Beszerzés kb. 3-5 hét..
A Prosperónál jelenleg nincsen raktáron.
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Rövid leírás:

This book is a rigorous account of architecture?s theoretical and technological concerns over the last decade. The anthology presents projects and essays produced at the end of the first digital turn and the start of the second digital turn, engaging a variety of discourses, topics, criteria, pedagogies, and technologies.

Hosszú leírás:

This book is a rigorous account of architecture?s theoretical and technological concerns over the last decade. The anthology presents projects and essays produced at the end of the first digital turn and the start of the second digital turn. This anthology engages and deploys a variety of discourses, topics, criteria, pedagogies, and technologies, including some of today?s most influential architects, practitioners, academics, and critics. It is an unflinchingly rigorous and unapologetic account of architecture?s disciplinary concerns in the last decade. This is a story that has not been told; in recent years everything has been refracted through the prism of the post-digital generation.

Design Technology and Digital Production illustrates the shift to an architectural world where we can learn with and from each other, develop a community of new technologies and embrace a design ecology that is inclusive, open, and visionary. This collection fosters a sense of shared experience and common purpose, along with a collective responsibility for the well-being of the discipline of architecture as a whole.


Chapter 1. Speculations  1.1. Interview with Hernan Diaz Alonso  1.2. New Orders by Elena Manferdini and Jasmine Benyamin  1.3. Use Your Illusion, and Other Advice by Dora Epstein Jones  1.4. Phase Precession and Quantum Foam by Stephen Caffey  Chapter 2. Hybrid Assemblies  2.1. Making Friends by Joseph Choma  2.2. In-And Architecture of Gaps and Overlaps by Kory Bieg  2.3. Borboletta: Co-optable Modules for Other Forms of Life by Eric Goldemberg  2.4. No More Room ? An Incomplete View. Kristy Baillet and Kelly Bair  Chapter 3. Software and Social Interaction  3.1. Discrete: An Architecture in Large Numbers by Gilles Retsin  3.2. Programmed Ruination: Hyper Artifacts by Daniela Atencio  3.3. Mediated by Scarcity. Video game simulations at the intersection between systems and narrative by José Sánchez  3.4 Mereologies or Designing with Parts by Daniel Koehler  Chapter 4. Agency and Artificial Intelligence  4.1. Liminal Platforms by Casey Rehm  4.2. Things, Facts, and the Ontology of Neural Architecture and Artificial Intelligence by Matias Del Campo  4.3. A Multifarious, Anisotropic, Material Agency: Speculations on Additive Manufactured Architecture by Robert Stuart-Smith  4.4 Architecture through the formal Lens of the Machine Learning Apparutus by Benjamin Ennemoser  Chapter 5. Offset Mediums  5.1. This Must Be the Place by Courtney Coffman  5.2. Deep Vista. Viola Ago  5.3. Triptych, Domes and Still Lives by Perry Kulper  5.4 Irradiated Histories, Irradiated Futures. Uncovering Subperceptual Exposures in the Borderland by Ersela Kripa and Stephen Mueller  Chapter 6. Objects, Aesthetics, and Reality  6.1. Architecture and our Aesthetic Future by Graham Harman  6.2. The Young Adolescent?s Primer on Architectural Reality by Mark Foster Gage  6.3. Miniature Architecture for a Miniature World by Ferda Kolatan  6.4. Decadence Transition and Coexistence. Niccolo Casas  6.5. Background Concerns by Michael Young  Chapter 7. Questioning Nature  7.1. Wilderness Ontology. Interview with Levi Bryant  7.2. Ecocentrism & New Ancientness by Barry Wark  7.3. Natural?s Not In It by Nate Hume  7.4. Representations of and In the American Purlieu by Clark Thenhaus.  Chapter 8. Open Hypothesis  8.1. Openness and Fragments. Opaque-productive Space by Gonzalo Vaillo.  8.2. Synesthesia by Joris Putteneers  8.3. Anotherness. One Hypothesis and Four Keywords for a Poli-Plural Hospitality by Jordi Vivaldi  8.4. Architecture as Worldmaking by Denise Luna and Alex Santander  Chapter 9. Multiple Practices  9.1. Ateljé Sotamaa. Interview with Kivi Sotamaa  9.2. Tom Wiscombe Architecture. Interview with Tom Wiscombe  9.3. P-A-T-T-E-R-N-S. Interview with Marcelo Spina and Georgina Huljich  9.4. Oyler-Wu Collaborative. Interview with Dwayne Oyler and Jenny Wu