A termék adatai:
ISBN13: | 9781847879523 |
ISBN10: | 1847879527 |
Kötéstípus: | Keménykötés |
Terjedelem: | 1664 oldal |
Méret: | 234x156 mm |
Nyelv: | angol |
0 |
Digital Qualitative Research Methods
SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods;
Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: SAGE Publications Ltd
Megjelenés dátuma: 2011. december 15.
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GBP 675.00
GBP 675.00
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Kedvezmény(ek): 8% (kb. 28 350 Ft)
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Collecting together the most important and influential articles that have been published in this area, this set enables the reader to understand the implications of digital technology for all aspects and phases of qualitative research design and dissemination.
Hosszú leírás:
The field of digital methods for qualitative research is a rapidly developing one. More and more researchers are researching the social, cultural, political, anthropological and other dimensions of computer-mediated communication (CMC), or using CMC as a means of generating and analysing research data. There is now a proliferating diversity of terms, including digital methods, online methods, virtual ethnography, hypermedia methods, and so forth, that requires clarification and classification. This four-volume set brings together the most important and influential articles that have been published in this area and which enable the reader to understand the implications of digital technology for all aspects and phases of qualitative research design and dissemination.
There are eight main sections to the volumes, two in each volume:
Volume One: Mapping the Field of Digital Qualitative Research Methods
1.Online Research Methods
2.Researching Online Communication
Volume Two: Multimedia and Hypermedia
3.Hypertext and Hypermedia Applications
4.Multimedia and Multimodality
Volume Three: Data Analysis in Digital Applications
5.Computer-Aided Qualitative Data Analysis
6.Data Analysis in Sound, Vision and Multimedia
Volume Four: Collaboration, Sharing and Ethics in Digital Research
7.Data Sharing and Collaboration
8.Research Ethics in the Digital Age
Section 1: Researching Online Communication
Overviews of methodological developments and directions in online research
Internet Research and the Sociology of Cyber-social Scientific Knowledge - C. Hine
Papers Discussing the Medium-specific Differences between Online and Offline Communication
Interpersonal Effects in Computer-mediated Interaction - J. B. Walther
Interpersonal Life Online - N. Baym
Papers Discussing the Socially-specific Differences between Online and Offline Interaction
Getting the Seats of our Pants Dirty: Strategies for Ethnographic Research on Virtual Communities - L. Paccagnella
Mobile Phone Communication: Extending Goffman to Mediated Interaction - R. Rettie
Papers Discussing the Concept of Community and Social Solidarity/Support
Beyond the Diluted Community Concept: A Symbolic Interactionist Perspective on Online Social Relations - J. Fernback
Papers on how to Interpret Online Communication
Identity as an Analytic Problem: Who's Who in `Pro-Ana' Websites? - M. Hammersley and P. Treseder
Entering the Blogosphere: Some Strategies for using Blogs in Social Research - Hookway
Papers Addressing the 'Mundane Embeddedness' of CMC in Daily Life
The Social Affordances Of The Internet For Networked Individualism - Barry Wellman et al
New Media, Networking and Phatic Culture - V. Miller
Methods for Capturing Mundane Embeddedness
Connective Ethnography for the Exploration of E-science - C. Hine
Tracing the Everyday 'Sitings' of Adolescents on the Internet: A Strategic Adaptation of Ethnography Across Online and Offline Spaces - K. M. Leander and K. K. McKim
Network Ethnography and the Hypermedia Organisation: New Organisations, New Media, New Methods - P. Howard
Multi-user Graphical Virtual Environments e.g. Second Life
Avatar-watching: Participant Observation in Graphical Online Environments - M. Williams
The Experience of Embodied Space in Virtual Worlds: An Ethnography of a Second Life Community - S. Bardzell and W. Odom
Section 2: Online Research Methods
Electronic Interviewing, Participant Observation and Focus Groups
Realtime Interviewing Using the World Wide Web - P. Chen and S. M. Hinton
In the Flesh or Online? Exploring Qualitative Research Methodologies - W. S. Seymour
Characteristics of the Discussion in Online and Face-to-Face Focus Groups - S. Schneider et al
The Internet as Research Context - A. N. Markham
How to Conceptualise the Internet as an Object of Research
The Web as an Object of Study - S. M. Schenider and K.A. Foot
Section 1: Multimedia and Multimodality
Papers Discussing the Importance of Multi-sensory and Multimedia in Contemporary Environments
Visual and Sensory Cultures - Delamont, Atkinson and Housley
There are no Visual Media - W. J. T. Mitchell
Remediation and the Desire for Immediacy - J. D. Bolter
Interactionist/Ethnomethodological Perspectives
The Neglected Situation - E. Goffman
Action and Embodiment within Situated Human Interaction - C. Goodwin
Analysing Interaction: Video, Ethnography and Situated Conduct - S. Heath and Hindmarsh
Papers on Sensory Ethnography
An Urban Tour: The Sensory Sociality of Ethnographic Place-making - S. Pink
Papers on multimodality
Multimodal Discourse - G. Kress and T. Van Leeuwen
Multimodal Ethnography - B. Dicks, B. Soyinka and A. Coffey
Papers Examining Specific Modes and how to Work with them in Qualitative Research
Sound and the Everyday - T. Hall, B. Lashua and A. Coffey
Anthropological Visions: Some Notes on Visual and Textual Authority - K. Hastrup
Framing Photographic Ethnography - D. Harper
Escaping Reality: Digital Imagery and the Resources of Photography - B. E. Savedoff
Using Video to Investigate Preschool Classroom Interaction: Educational Research Assumptions and Methodological Assumptions - R. Flewitt
Creative Visual Methods in Media Research: Possibilities, Problems and Proposals - D. Buckingham
Ethnography Bytes Back: Digitalizing Visual Anthropology - G. Murdock and S. Pink
Papers on Hypertext and Hypermedia
Beyond Ethnographic Film: Hypermedia and Scholarship - P. Biella
Going Beyond the Code: The Production of Hypermedia Ethnography - B. Dicks and B. Mason
Social Impacts of Computing: Revolutionary for Whom? - J. Yellow-Lees Douglas
Section 1: Data Analysis in Sound, Vision and Multimedia
Papers on Multimodal Analysis
Analysing Multimodal Interaction - S. Norris
The Implication of Visual Research for Discourse Analysis: Transcription beyond Language - N. Norris
Multimodality, Resemiotization: Extending the Analysis of Discourse as Multi-semiotic Practice - R. Iedema
What are Multimodal Data and Transcription? - R. Flewitt et al
Papers on Analysing Web-based Data
Time to get Wired: Using Web-based Corpora in Critical Discourse Analysis - G. Mautner
Travels in Hypermodality - J. Lemke
Papers on Hypermedia and Analysis
Hypermedia and Ethnography: Reflections on the Construction of a Research Approach - B. Dicks and B. Mason
Papers on Analysis of Sound Data
The Digital Revolution in Qualitative Research: Working with Digital Audio Data Through Atlas - W. Gibson et al
Structuring Audio Data with a "C-TOC". An Example for Analysing Raw Data - Stefan Hauptmann
Papers on Visual Analysis
Visual Sociology Reframed: An Analytical Synthesis and Discussion of Visual Methods in Social and Cultural Research - L. Pauwels
Going Digital: Using New Technologies in Visual Sociology - P. Parmeggiani
Using Video for a Sequential and Multimodal Analysis of Social Interaction: Videotaping Institutional Telephone Calls - L. Mondada
Papers on Qualitative GIS
Theorizing with GIS: A Tool for Critical Geographies? - M. Pavlovskaya
Section 1: CAQDAS: Approaches and Debates
Papers Discussing the Intellectual and Methodological Traditions Underpinning CAQDAS
Qualitative Data Analysis: Technologies and Representations - A. Coffey, B. Holbrook and P. Atkinson
Qualitative Data Analysis: Representations of a Technology: A Comment on Coffey, Holbrook and Atkinson - R. M. Lee and N. Fielding
Qualitative Computing - A Methods Revolution? - L. Richards
The Wow Factor: Preconceptions and Expectations for Data Analysis Software in Qualitative Research - K. MacMillan and T. Koenig
Papers Discussing Particular QDA Software Programs
Software and Method: Reflections on Teaching and Using QSR NVivo in Doctoral Research - L. Johnston
Narrative Research with Audiovisual Data: Video Intervention/Prevention Assessment (VIA) and NVivo - M. Rich and J. Patashnick
Testing Hypotheses on Qualitative Data: The Use of Hyper Research Computer-Assisted Software - S. Hesse-Biber and P. Dupuis
Making Thinking Visible with Atlas.ti: Computer Assisted Qualitative Analysis as Textual Practices - Z. Konopásek
Section 1: Archiving Qualitative Data
Papers Covering Debates on Secondary Analysis
The Data are out there or are they? Implications for Archiving and Revisiting Qualitative Data - Parry Mathner and Backett-Milburn
Whose Data are they Anyway: Practical, Legal and Ethical Issues in Archiving Qualitative Research Data - O. Parry and N. Mauthner
(Re)using Qualitative Data? - N. Moore
Can We Re-Use Qualitative Data Via Secondary Analysis? Notes on Some Terminological and Substantive Issues - M. Hammersley
Ethnography and Data Reuse: Issues of Context and Hypertext - B. Dicks et al
Papers on Ethics of Archiving in Internet Age
From Data Archive to Ethical Labyrinth - Annamaria Carusi and Marina Jirotka
Recycling the Evidence: Different Approaches to the Reanalysis of Gerontological Data - Joanna Bornat
Section 2: Ethics in Digital Qualitative Research
Ethical Research in the Information Age: Beginning the Dialog - L. Schrum
Informed Consent in Chat-rooms
"Go Away": Participant Objections to Being Studied and the Ethics of Chatroom Research - J. M. Hudson and A. Bruckman
Ethical Dilemmas in Research on Internet Communities - Sarah Flicker, Dave Haans and Harvey Skinner
Internet as Human Subjects or Cultural Representations?
Representations or People? - M. White
Ethics in Visual Digital Media
The Ethnographer's Tale - Bill Nichols
Taking and Using: Ethical Issues of Photographs for Research Purposes - Luc Pauwels
IVSA Code of Research Ethics and Guidelines - Diana Papademas
Section 3: Collaborating and Disseminating Digital Qualitative Research
Papers Discussing use of the Grid for Collaboration and Sharing
Grid Computing and Qualitative Social Research - N. Fielding
Sociological Engagements with Computing: the Advent of E-Science and Some Implications for the Qualitative Research Community - S. M. Hodgspm and T. Clark
Virtual Research Environments in Scholarly Work and Communications - A. Voss and R. Procter
Papers on Disseminating Multimedia Qualitative Research
Recording Culture: Audio Documentary and the Ethnographic Experience - D. Makagon and M. Neumann
Spatial Montage and Multimedia Ethnography: Using Computers to Visualise Aspects of Migration and Social Division Among a Displaced Community - Judith Aston
Colour as a Visual Signifier in Screen Typography: Less Means More - Jan Baetens
Section 1: Researching Online Communication
Overviews of methodological developments and directions in online research
Internet Research and the Sociology of Cyber-social Scientific Knowledge - C. Hine
Papers Discussing the Medium-specific Differences between Online and Offline Communication
Interpersonal Effects in Computer-mediated Interaction - J. B. Walther
Interpersonal Life Online - N. Baym
Papers Discussing the Socially-specific Differences between Online and Offline Interaction
Getting the Seats of our Pants Dirty: Strategies for Ethnographic Research on Virtual Communities - L. Paccagnella
Mobile Phone Communication: Extending Goffman to Mediated Interaction - R. Rettie
Papers Discussing the Concept of Community and Social Solidarity/Support
Beyond the Diluted Community Concept: A Symbolic Interactionist Perspective on Online Social Relations - J. Fernback
Papers on how to Interpret Online Communication
Identity as an Analytic Problem: Who's Who in `Pro-Ana' Websites? - M. Hammersley and P. Treseder
Entering the Blogosphere: Some Strategies for using Blogs in Social Research - Hookway
Papers Addressing the 'Mundane Embeddedness' of CMC in Daily Life
The Social Affordances Of The Internet For Networked Individualism - Barry Wellman et al
New Media, Networking and Phatic Culture - V. Miller
Methods for Capturing Mundane Embeddedness
Connective Ethnography for the Exploration of E-science - C. Hine
Tracing the Everyday 'Sitings' of Adolescents on the Internet: A Strategic Adaptation of Ethnography Across Online and Offline Spaces - K. M. Leander and K. K. McKim
Network Ethnography and the Hypermedia Organisation: New Organisations, New Media, New Methods - P. Howard
Multi-user Graphical Virtual Environments e.g. Second Life
Avatar-watching: Participant Observation in Graphical Online Environments - M. Williams
The Experience of Embodied Space in Virtual Worlds: An Ethnography of a Second Life Community - S. Bardzell and W. Odom
Section 2: Online Research Methods
Electronic Interviewing, Participant Observation and Focus Groups
Realtime Interviewing Using the World Wide Web - P. Chen and S. M. Hinton
In the Flesh or Online? Exploring Qualitative Research Methodologies - W. S. Seymour
Characteristics of the Discussion in Online and Face-to-Face Focus Groups - S. Schneider et al
The Internet as Research Context - A. N. Markham
How to Conceptualise the Internet as an Object of Research
The Web as an Object of Study - S. M. Schenider and K.A. Foot
Section 1: Multimedia and Multimodality
Papers Discussing the Importance of Multi-sensory and Multimedia in Contemporary Environments
Visual and Sensory Cultures - Delamont, Atkinson and Housley
There are no Visual Media - W. J. T. Mitchell
Remediation and the Desire for Immediacy - J. D. Bolter
Interactionist/Ethnomethodological Perspectives
The Neglected Situation - E. Goffman
Action and Embodiment within Situated Human Interaction - C. Goodwin
Analysing Interaction: Video, Ethnography and Situated Conduct - S. Heath and Hindmarsh
Papers on Sensory Ethnography
An Urban Tour: The Sensory Sociality of Ethnographic Place-making - S. Pink
Papers on multimodality
Multimodal Discourse - G. Kress and T. Van Leeuwen
Multimodal Ethnography - B. Dicks, B. Soyinka and A. Coffey
Papers Examining Specific Modes and how to Work with them in Qualitative Research
Sound and the Everyday - T. Hall, B. Lashua and A. Coffey
Anthropological Visions: Some Notes on Visual and Textual Authority - K. Hastrup
Framing Photographic Ethnography - D. Harper
Escaping Reality: Digital Imagery and the Resources of Photography - B. E. Savedoff
Using Video to Investigate Preschool Classroom Interaction: Educational Research Assumptions and Methodological Assumptions - R. Flewitt
Creative Visual Methods in Media Research: Possibilities, Problems and Proposals - D. Buckingham
Ethnography Bytes Back: Digitalizing Visual Anthropology - G. Murdock and S. Pink
Papers on Hypertext and Hypermedia
Beyond Ethnographic Film: Hypermedia and Scholarship - P. Biella
Going Beyond the Code: The Production of Hypermedia Ethnography - B. Dicks and B. Mason
Social Impacts of Computing: Revolutionary for Whom? - J. Yellow-Lees Douglas
Section 1: Data Analysis in Sound, Vision and Multimedia
Papers on Multimodal Analysis
Analysing Multimodal Interaction - S. Norris
The Implication of Visual Research for Discourse Analysis: Transcription beyond Language - N. Norris
Multimodality, Resemiotization: Extending the Analysis of Discourse as Multi-semiotic Practice - R. Iedema
What are Multimodal Data and Transcription? - R. Flewitt et al
Papers on Analysing Web-based Data
Time to get Wired: Using Web-based Corpora in Critical Discourse Analysis - G. Mautner
Travels in Hypermodality - J. Lemke
Papers on Hypermedia and Analysis
Hypermedia and Ethnography: Reflections on the Construction of a Research Approach - B. Dicks and B. Mason
Papers on Analysis of Sound Data
The Digital Revolution in Qualitative Research: Working with Digital Audio Data Through Atlas - W. Gibson et al
Structuring Audio Data with a "C-TOC". An Example for Analysing Raw Data - Stefan Hauptmann
Papers on Visual Analysis
Visual Sociology Reframed: An Analytical Synthesis and Discussion of Visual Methods in Social and Cultural Research - L. Pauwels
Going Digital: Using New Technologies in Visual Sociology - P. Parmeggiani
Using Video for a Sequential and Multimodal Analysis of Social Interaction: Videotaping Institutional Telephone Calls - L. Mondada
Papers on Qualitative GIS
Theorizing with GIS: A Tool for Critical Geographies? - M. Pavlovskaya
Section 1: CAQDAS: Approaches and Debates
Papers Discussing the Intellectual and Methodological Traditions Underpinning CAQDAS
Qualitative Data Analysis: Technologies and Representations - A. Coffey, B. Holbrook and P. Atkinson
Qualitative Data Analysis: Representations of a Technology: A Comment on Coffey, Holbrook and Atkinson - R. M. Lee and N. Fielding
Qualitative Computing - A Methods Revolution? - L. Richards
The Wow Factor: Preconceptions and Expectations for Data Analysis Software in Qualitative Research - K. MacMillan and T. Koenig
Papers Discussing Particular QDA Software Programs
Software and Method: Reflections on Teaching and Using QSR NVivo in Doctoral Research - L. Johnston
Narrative Research with Audiovisual Data: Video Intervention/Prevention Assessment (VIA) and NVivo - M. Rich and J. Patashnick
Testing Hypotheses on Qualitative Data: The Use of Hyper Research Computer-Assisted Software - S. Hesse-Biber and P. Dupuis
Making Thinking Visible with Atlas.ti: Computer Assisted Qualitative Analysis as Textual Practices - Z. Konopásek
Section 1: Archiving Qualitative Data
Papers Covering Debates on Secondary Analysis
The Data are out there or are they? Implications for Archiving and Revisiting Qualitative Data - Parry Mathner and Backett-Milburn
Whose Data are they Anyway: Practical, Legal and Ethical Issues in Archiving Qualitative Research Data - O. Parry and N. Mauthner
(Re)using Qualitative Data? - N. Moore
Can We Re-Use Qualitative Data Via Secondary Analysis? Notes on Some Terminological and Substantive Issues - M. Hammersley
Ethnography and Data Reuse: Issues of Context and Hypertext - B. Dicks et al
Papers on Ethics of Archiving in Internet Age
From Data Archive to Ethical Labyrinth - Annamaria Carusi and Marina Jirotka
Recycling the Evidence: Different Approaches to the Reanalysis of Gerontological Data - Joanna Bornat
Section 2: Ethics in Digital Qualitative Research
Ethical Research in the Information Age: Beginning the Dialog - L. Schrum
Informed Consent in Chat-rooms
"Go Away": Participant Objections to Being Studied and the Ethics of Chatroom Research - J. M. Hudson and A. Bruckman
Ethical Dilemmas in Research on Internet Communities - Sarah Flicker, Dave Haans and Harvey Skinner
Internet as Human Subjects or Cultural Representations?
Representations or People? - M. White
Ethics in Visual Digital Media
The Ethnographer's Tale - Bill Nichols
Taking and Using: Ethical Issues of Photographs for Research Purposes - Luc Pauwels
IVSA Code of Research Ethics and Guidelines - Diana Papademas
Section 3: Collaborating and Disseminating Digital Qualitative Research
Papers Discussing use of the Grid for Collaboration and Sharing
Grid Computing and Qualitative Social Research - N. Fielding
Sociological Engagements with Computing: the Advent of E-Science and Some Implications for the Qualitative Research Community - S. M. Hodgspm and T. Clark
Virtual Research Environments in Scholarly Work and Communications - A. Voss and R. Procter
Papers on Disseminating Multimedia Qualitative Research
Recording Culture: Audio Documentary and the Ethnographic Experience - D. Makagon and M. Neumann
Spatial Montage and Multimedia Ethnography: Using Computers to Visualise Aspects of Migration and Social Division Among a Displaced Community - Judith Aston
Colour as a Visual Signifier in Screen Typography: Less Means More - Jan Baetens