Domestic Violence and Abuse as a Shadow Pandemic - V. Seemungal, Florence; (szerk.) - Prospero Internetes Könyváruház

Domestic Violence and Abuse as a Shadow Pandemic

An International and Interdisciplinary View
Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: Routledge
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GBP 145.00
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76 125 Ft (72 500 Ft + 5% áfa)
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68 513 (65 250 Ft + 5% áfa )
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Rövid leírás:

Domestic Violence and Abuse as a Shadow Pandemic investigates, analyses and presents statistics to assess the claim by UN WOMEN that domestic violence constituted a ?shadow? pandemic to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hosszú leírás:

Domestic Violence and Abuse as a Shadow Pandemic investigates, analyses and presents statistics to assess the claim by UN WOMEN that domestic violence constituted a ?shadow? pandemic to the COVID-19 pandemic. The drivers of violence, mitigation strategies, and State and agency responses are discussed with data from more than 80 countries, covering North and South America, the Caribbean, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Australasia.


Contributors to the book include judges and magistrates who preside in the Family Courts as well as academics and stakeholders from international agencies who publish in the field of domestic violence and who produce policy reports to mitigate and eradicate domestic abuse and gender-based violence. Their coverage includes the examination of the following themes: (1) The disproportionate impact of domestic abuse and violence on marginalised communities including indigenous groups, forced migrants and undocumented workers, persons of colour, rural residents, those with physical or mental disabilities and the sexually differentiated. (2) The degree of inclusiveness and adequacy of local anti-domestic violence legislation for protecting victims and deterring offenders. (3) The role of the UN system, its international conventions and monitoring reports on the text of national domestic violence Statutes and on State services for victims, in each country reviewed. (4) Access to justice and legal relief for adult and child victims of domestic abuse and violence. (5) The crafting of suitable interventions and policies to eliminate domestic violence and abuse. (6) Benefits of the pandemic that support victims of violence.


Written in non-technical language, and international and interdisciplinary in scope, this book will appeal to a wide ranging readership, including scholars and students of Criminology, Sociology, Social Work, Law, Psychology, and International Politics, as well as practitioners working in the field of domestic violence and policymakers.



1.     Goni?xot?e: Stories of Fear, Silence, and Suffering

Pertice Moffitt, Rosa Mantla, Rebecca Nash and Onyx Walker

2.     Home was never safe: Intimate Partner Violence and the Pandemic in the Arab Region

Lina AbiRafeh and Rebecca O?Keeffe

3.     Intimate Partner Relationships before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Anant Kumar, Pooja and Sonali Layek

4.     The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Teen Relationship Abuse: Adolescent

Development as Vulnerability and Resource

Sarah Bekaert

5.     IPV-Related Information Seeking in Italy:  Lessons from Online Surveys

Ebru Şanl?türk , Selin Köksal , Luca Maria Pesando  and Valentina Rotondi


 6.       A Situational Analysis of Domestic Abuse and Domestic Violence before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the OECS and Barbados

Florence V. Seemungal

7.       Lessons from Línea 137 in Buenos Aires

Perez-Vincent, Santiago M. ; Carreras Enrique


Celia Davies, Andrew Pel and Chris Simmonds

9.       Domestic violence and the pandemic in Guyana

Audrey Benn

10.   An Overview of Domestic Violence (DV) in South Africa

C Bezuidenhout and M Moen

11.   New Zealand?s family violence policy and practice during Covid Lockdown: 'If that bubble is unsafe you leave'

Penny Ehrhardt

12.   The COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts on Domestic Violence in Malaysia

Mariny Abdul Ghani

13.   India?s Shadow Pandemic: Domestic Violence During COVID-19

 Mitali Nikore, Sonakshi Chaudhry


14.   Nigerian Workers and the Shadow Pandemic in Lebanon

Marissa Quie

15.   The Impact of COVID-19 on Survivors of Gender-Based Violence and Service: Providers in Miami-Dade County A Case Study

Caroline Bettinger-Lopez and R. Denisse Córdova Montes

16.   Violence against Women and DV in the region of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) during the COVID-19 Pandemic: contextual analysis, lessons learned and promising practices

Graziella Pavone

17.   Violence Against Women in Pakistan

Mirza Altamish Muhammad Baig, Sajjad Ali, Numra Altaf Tunio and Dr. Naila Baig




18.   México: Towards a Life Free of Violence

Judge Norma Sandra Barrones Castillo

19.   Addressing Domestic Abuse before, during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Perspective from within the Criminal Justice System of England and Wales

HHJ Emma Nott

20.   Fighting Domestic Violence in France and Russia: A Comparative Overview

Charlotte Gunka and Ekaterina Tyagay

21.   Addressing the Impact of Covid 19 on Gender-Based Violence in Uganda

Magistrate Caroline Kabugho Byakutaga


