Early American Children?s Clothing and Textiles

Clothing a Child 1600-1800
Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: Focal Press
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GBP 135.00
Becsült forint ár:
65 205 Ft (62 100 Ft + 5% áfa)
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58 685 (55 890 Ft + 5% áfa )
Kedvezmény(ek): 10% (kb. 6 521 Ft)
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Rövid leírás:

Early American Children?s Clothing and Textiles: Clothing a Child 1600 to 1800 explores the life experiences of Indigenous, Anglo-European, African, and mixed-race children in colonial America, their connections to textile production, the process of textile production, the textiles created, and the clothing they wore.

Hosszú leírás:

Early American Children?s Clothing and Textiles: Clothing a Child 1600?1800 explores the life experiences of Indigenous, Anglo-European, African, and mixed-race children in colonial America, their connections to textile production, the process of textile production, the textiles created, and the clothing they wore.

The book examines the communities and social structure of early America, the progression of the colonial textile industry, and the politics surrounding textile production beginning in the 1600's, with particular focus on the tasks children were given in the development of the American textile industry. The book discusses the concept of childhood in society during this time, together with documented stories of individual children. The discussion of early American childhood and textile production is followed by extant clothing samples for both boys and girls, ranging from Upper-class children's wear to children's wear of those with more humble means. With over 180 illustrations, the book includes images of textile production tools, inventions, and practices, extant textile samples, period portraits of children, and handmade extant clothing items worn by children during this time period.

Early American Children?s Clothing and Textiles: Clothing a Child 1600?1800 will be of interest to working costume designers and technicians looking for primary historical and visual information for Early American productions, costume design historians, early American historians, students of costume design, and historical re-enactment costume designers, technicians, and hobbyists.


1. 1600-1660  2. 1660-1700  3. 1700-1758  4. 1760-1800