Electrospinning and Electrospraying Encapsulation of Food Bioactive Compounds - Rostamabadi, Hadis; Falsafi, Seid Reza; Luo, Yangchao; (szerk.) - Prospero Internetes Könyváruház

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Méret:229x152 mm

Electrospinning and Electrospraying Encapsulation of Food Bioactive Compounds

Kiadó: Academic Press
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EUR 142.00
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61 727 Ft (58 788 Ft + 5% áfa)
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55 555 (52 909 Ft + 5% áfa )
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Hosszú leírás:

Electrospinning and Electrospraying Encapsulation of Food Bioactive Compounds provides comprehensive approaches utilized to fabricate structured polymer fibers and particles for designing bioactive delivery systems through electrospinning and electrospraying. Divided into four parts, the chapters review practical applications, scale-up/industrialization. challenges and new opportunities.

This book examines electrospinning and electrospraying encapsulation, characterization approaches of bioactive-loaded electrospun fibers/electrospraying particles, and application of bioactive-loaded electrospun fibers/electrosprayed particles. Edited by experts in the field, this book will be of great interest to researchers, practitioners, and those who work in the various fields of encapsulation, nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, and food ingredients.

  • Provides a blueprint to arrange novel experiments for precise characterization of developed nanostructures
  • Offers information on how to attain highly tunable electrospun fibers/ electrosprayed particles
  • Includes information on how to fabricate structured polymer fibers through electrospinning/electrospraying
  • Serves as a compendium of recent advancements in the design and engineering of electrospun fibers/electrospraying particles
Part I: An overview on electrospinning/electrospraying encapsulation of food bioactive compounds
1. Introduction to bioactive compounds; definition, advantages, and limitations
2. Electrospinning and electrospraying; setups and mechanisms
3. Food grade synthetic and natural polymers for electrospinning/ electrospraying encapsulation of bioactive compounds
4. Scale up and industrialization of electrospinning/electrospraying encapsulation approaches: current state, challenges, limitations and future trendsPart II: Electrospinning encapsulation
5. Designing electrospun fibers for encapsulation of polyphenols
6. Engineering electrospun fibers for encapsulation of essential oils and essential fatty acids
7. Electrospun fiber-based delivery of vitamins, flavours and minerals
8. Electrospun fiber-based delivery of carotenoids

Part II: Electrospraying encapsulation
9. Electrosprayed particles for encapsulation of phenolic components
10. Electrosprayed particles for improved delivery of carotenoids, vitamins, and minerals
11. Rationally designed electrosprayed particles for encapsulation of essential oils, flavors, essential fatty acids, and anti-bacterials

Part III: Characterization approaches of bioactive-loaded electrospun fibers/electrospraying particles
12. Modern analytical tools for evaluating structural and morphological features of bioactive-loaded electrospun fibers /electrosprayed particles
13. Release profile and In vitro/in vivo studies on bioengineered bioactive-loaded electrospun fibers and electrosprayed particles

Part IV: Food applications of bioactive-loaded electrospun fibers/electrosprayed particles
14. Engineered electrospun/electrosprayed bioactive loaded structures as interesting platforms for food packaging applications: active and intelligent systems
15. Application of Electrospun/electrosprayed bioactive loaded structures in films and coatings.
16. 3D-printing of bioactive loaded electrospun/electrosprayed structures.
17. Safety issues and health risks associated with the use of electrospun/ electrosprayed bioactive loaded structures in food applications.