English-Medium Instruction Pedagogy in Disciplinary Classrooms - Qiu, Xuyan; Yuan, Rui; (szerk.) - Prospero Internetes Könyváruház

English-Medium Instruction Pedagogy in Disciplinary Classrooms: Voices from the Ground
A termék adatai:

Terjedelem:154 oldal
Méret:216x138 mm
Súly:440 g
Illusztrációk: 5 Illustrations, black & white; 5 Line drawings, black & white; 5 Tables, black & white

English-Medium Instruction Pedagogy in Disciplinary Classrooms

Voices from the Ground
Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: Routledge
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GBP 52.99
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27 819 Ft (26 495 Ft + 5% áfa)
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25 038 (23 846 Ft + 5% áfa )
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Rövid leírás:

Taking a socio-cultural perspective on teacher learning, this edited volume delves into cutting-edge research to generate both a holistic and an in-depth understanding of teachers? classroom teaching in the English-Medium Instruction (EMI) context in higher education.

Hosszú leírás:

This book addresses the challenges often encountered by English-medium instruction (EMI) teachers when teaching content subject knowledge in English, by exploring effective EMI teaching methods tailored to diverse classroom needs.

The eight chapters delve into EMI pedagogies across various disciplines, such as computing, design, history, applied linguistics, in different regions including Spain, Hong Kong, Macau, and Japan. By examining actual classroom practices and the perspectives of both teachers and students, these chapters offer practical strategies for building disciplinary knowledge in EMI classrooms. They also explore the benefits and rationale of using translanguaging practices, incorporating students? first language, and integrating technology into EMI teaching. Additionally, the book highlights the use of intercultural humour to enhance communication and learner engagement in multicultural classrooms. The authors not only provide insights into current practices but also discuss future research directions and recommendations for EMI teacher education. They emphasize the importance of considering specific disciplinary characteristics and learner needs, advocating for customized teacher training and development opportunities for EMI teachers. 

Written for scholars, education professionals, practitioners, and postgraduate students interested in EMI pedagogy in higher education, this volume is also relevant to courses pertaining to language policy, language education, and curriculum innovation in multicultural contexts.


1. Foreword 2. Exploring university EMI lecturers? perspectives and practices in teaching computing 3. Exploring the teaching challenges and pedagogical strategies of teachers in English-medium instruction in online modalities A case study of STEM teachers in Hong Kong universities 4. Best practices for incorporating pedagogy and technology into English-medium instruction in Hong Kong 5. Integrating intercultural humor in content teaching in EMI classrooms: A tale in a Macao classroom 6. Instructors? strategic use of L1 through a translanguaging perspective in a Chinese EMI university Opportunities and challenges 7. Principles for teaching content and EIL in higher education EMI: Experiential insights from Japan 8. English medium instruction pedagogy in disciplinary classrooms: Ways forward