Essential Paediatrics in Primary Care - El-Radhi, A Sahib; Pipan, Sasa; - Prospero Internetes Könyváruház

A termék adatai:

Terjedelem:352 oldal
Méret:246x174 mm
Illusztrációk: 13 Illustrations, black & white; 4 Illustrations, color; 1 Halftones, black & white; 2 Halftones, color; 12 Line drawings, black & white; 2 Line drawings, color; 120 Tables, black & white

Essential Paediatrics in Primary Care

Kiadás sorszáma: 2
Kiadó: CRC Press
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GBP 41.99
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Rövid leírás:

Essential Paediatrics in Primary Care covers the breadth of paediatric practice, written by with frontline experience of the challenges  faced in diagnosing and treating children. The practical text offers evidence-based guidance about managing children in primary care, and has been fully revised and updated in this second edition.

Hosszú leírás:

Essential Paediatrics in Primary Care covers the breadth of paediatric practice, written by with frontline experience of the challenges and dilemmas faced in diagnosing and treating children in primary care. The practical text continues to offer clear, evidence-based guidance about managing children in primary care, including when referral to hospital is appropriate, and has been fully revised and updated in this second edition. The concise, list-based format facilitates a confident and knowledgeable diagnosis to be reached in the short time available in general practice.

Key Features:

?       General practice specific ? allows for rapid diagnosis in the short time available to busy GPs during the consultation and includes explanations for investigations relevant to primary care

?       Clear, practical and concise guidance in a quick reference format, making extensive use of tables and lists throughout and featuring red flags, key points and 'top tips' to ensure knowledge is effectively retained and prioritized

?       Written by highly qualified authors blending extensive clinical and teaching expertise in both general practice and paediatrics with current experience as a GP trainee undertaking qualifying examinations

This book is invaluable for general practitioners and GP trainees wanting to keep abreast of recent progress in paediatric care and in preparation for MRCGP and similar qualifying specialist examinations, is an ideal aide memoire for nurse practitioners and health visitors and a useful guide medical students and junior doctors considering a career in general practice.

From the Foreword to the First Edition:

'Anyone practising generalist paediatrics should have the material within these chapters either hard-wired in, or at the fingertips. This book is ideal for the primary care bookshelf...The authors have ensured that clinicians' paediatric knowledge and skills can only grow with familiarity of their material.'

John Spicer, GP and Medical Educator, London


1      Newborn                                                                                         

2      Growth, development and disability                                              

3      Behavioural problems and mental health                                       

4      Fever & common febrile infectious diseases                                 

5      Allergy                                                                                            

6      Haematology and immunology                                                      

7      Malignancy                                                                                     

8      Gastrointestinal diseases                                                                

9      Respiratory diseases                                                                       

10    Cardiology                                                                                      

11    Urogenital                                                                                       

12    Throat, Ear, Nose                                                                           

13    Ophthalmology                                                                               

14    Neurology                                                                                       

15    Endocrinology                                                                                

16    Musculoskeletal diseases                                                               

17    Dermatology                                                                                   

18    Safeguarding children                                                                    
